Twin Towers
I remember exactly where I was, on that fateful day
when United 93 crashed, and the towers got blown away.
when a 70 degree day got turned into night,
and objects were falling out of the sky, left and right.
The teachers were too quiet; we knew something was wrong--
but we didnt know what until we got home.
and everyone was still trying to convince themselves it was just a movie
but the footage showed over and over on ABC.
The images kept playing over and over on TV,
nonstop, just the same scene for 3 weeks,
And after 6 years, the aftershock is still here.
Even though the cloud of dust over Manhattan has finally disappeared.
back in 3rd grade, i was still too young to understand.
i thought 'how could such a little bit of dust kill a man?'
and that night, my daddy didn't come home.
we thought he was lost, he thought he was gone.
my mama thought that the World Trade Center had claimed his life
But that night, he called and said 'everythings going to be all right'
and we looked to Manhattan, where the lights were all out,
and a cloud of dust blotted half the skyline out,
That's when I understood what was really going down,
and why the all the bridges and train lines were down.
and realized how many real people drowned,
that morning, when the twin towers came down.
and then i thought... of the police and firefighters.
the men who risked their lives every day, and today who died from it.
i thought of the pressure and pain,
heavy steel and stone rain,
i thought of all of our people who were slain.
The next time i watched the footage, i realized,
i couldnt imagine looking through those people's eyes
couldnt imagine so many city blocks obliterated
and that was before i even when to the city regularly.
so this song is in tribute to 2 of New York's soldiers--
Who saved lives every day, like Army soldiers.
They knew the high risks involved in their jobs,
but disregarded the fire and bullets that might lose them their jobs,
forever, and put them in eternal sleep,
so i hope that they sleep, in eternal peace.
This song is dedicated to those brothers, the twin towers,
Who, on 9/11, met the end of their hours...
John and Joseph Vigiano, NYPD and NY Fire Department..
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EDIT Stupid Autoformatting...
And that is for Lang. Arts class. I wrote that in about 15 minutes, having a lot to write because my home is New York City. I think the teacher put that video on just cause she hates me--no other class watched it. The video was about John and Joe, 2 NYPD and FDNY officers who died in the towers.
Many more to come, including one called 'Black' which is finished but I don't have right now.