The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Then the bar owner had to close the bar because the bar now has a bad reputation and could no longer pay for them bills. The bar owner is now very depressed and commits suicide.

Not only that, but the landlord, the owner of the property, can no longer afford to put his daughter through college. His daughter was destined to be a doctor. She subsequently found herself falling in with a group of local drop-outs and she's now a crack whore instead. Ad infinitum.
So I guess the moral of the story is, let Rand Paul into your establishment at your own peril.
Not only that, but the landlord, the owner of the property, can no longer afford to put his daughter through college. His daughter was destined to be a doctor. She subsequently found herself falling in with a group of local drop-outs and she's now a crack whore instead. Ad infinitum.
This gets by but my thread gets shut down? I'm done with y'all.
Can you join the dots for me on how these two things are in any way linked?
Well last I checked the subject of joking about someone dying is frowned upon here...much less calling someone's hypothetical daughter a crack whore. We're not supposed to talk about moderation but I got 5 points for a year for calling someone what they called themselves and didn't avoid your sware filter but this is ok?
Then you from my POV go mess with Granturnismo about his thread.
I'd continue in our DM about my thread but you never got back to me...
Seems like a good reason to shut down this thread.
But I really don't care, the echo chamber here echoes well, I'll just sit back and laugh when everyone here loses it when Trump wins again.

And don't expect a ryznos random act of Premium this year, I did it to help the site but hey...
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Well last I checked the subject of joking about someone dying is frowned upon here...
That rather depends on the context, but generally speaking the line is hoping for or celebrating someone's death.
...much less calling someone's hypothetical daughter a crack whore.
In this case it's a hypothetical someone's hypothetical daughter. The daughter, who doesn't exist, of a bar owner, who also doesn't exist, is a construct from a joke about a bartender... who doesn't exist.

I don't see how this connects to your thread about outrage in any way.

I got 5 points for a year for calling someone what they called themselves and didn't avoid your sware filter but this is ok?
Or to this. Deliberately evading the swear filter is an offence, imagining the career path of a third generation fictional construct is... not.
Then you from my POV go mess with Granturnismo about his thread.
And what does this have to do with... anything at all here?

Join the dots for me. How does a gag about a fictional daughter of a fictional bar owner in which a fictional bartender connect to your "outrage" thread being locked after becoming a dumping ground for general crap?
your "outrage" thread being locked after becoming a dumping ground for general crap?
Cause maybe people are outraged about it, even though the "majority" don't want to talk about it?
My thread was created over a subject that deserves outrage to this day.
A criminal who fought the police and was in the wrong gets all the attention.
Hence where's the outrage...

Seriously if I fought the police I wouldn't expect people to worship me, I'd expect them to sit back and be like "that idiot..."

I'd quote someone here who explained way better than I can of why we feel some subject is lacking outrage regardless of it's on 3 news sites yet no one knows.

It was a legitimate thread, instead of saying hey y'all, don't post that and deleting said post, let's just silence everyone. Y'all know why and the fact I was pissed off when I created the thread.
And don't get me started on creating the thread for 3 initial pages of criticism for doing what was asked!

I give up!
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Well last I checked the subject of joking about someone dying is frowned upon here...much less calling someone's hypothetical daughter a crack whore. We're not supposed to talk about moderation but I got 5 points for a year for calling someone what they called themselves and didn't avoid your sware filter but this is ok?
Then you from my POV go mess with Granturnismo about his thread.
I'd continue in our DM about my thread but you never got back to me...
Seems like a good reason to shut down this thread.
But I really don't care, the echo chamber here echoes well, I'll just sit back and laugh when everyone here loses it when Trump wins again.

And don't expect a ryznos random act of Premium this year, I did it to help the site but hey...

I think it's more like this....

@TheCracker posts a political cartoon/meme which is basically poking fun at libertarian ideals in an ironic way. Ayn died > 30 years ago and not from tainted alcohol. Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are both alive and well.

Not to be outdone, @VolkswagenX pushes his "the cure is worse than the disease" agenda every chance he gets and make an attempt at humor.

@TheCracker (I'm guessing with rolling eyes) continues the joke and sort of "pokes the joke" by lightly tinkling over it.

Noting Rand Paul's propensity for pissing off neighbors and potentially, disdainfully, infecting his entire gym community while waiting for the results of his Covid-19 test, I made an equally bad pun about the "luck" of having Paul around.

Somehow you took umbrage with all of this, all more or less done in the spirit of the thread, and saw it as an affront that you weren't being treated fairly compared to points received for past transgressions vs what went down in your own thread. And you're gleefully waiting for the day that the Rich, NY billionaire who's looked down on common folk his ENTIRE life, is going to win the next election to....I don't know...sort of teach us a lesson. I guess put that under under general displays of unconnected schadenfreude.

How am I doing?
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I guess put that under under general displays of unconnected schadenfreude.
I have no idea what that means...
Regardless I'm not voting for him and I will sit back and laugh anyways. I'll sit back and laugh too if Biden wins...
Then you presumably understand that they revolve around the potential for an event that has been decided upon in advance to occur, with each occurrence instigating consumption of more alcohol, and the state of inebriation that may be reached if said event occurs frequently enough in a period of time.

Stay thirsty my friend. ;)
Am I to take this to mean you've acknowledged your propensity to make the sort of sweeping declaration I've highlighted and that you're going to make an effort to stop? Because that would be fantastic.

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