The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

Rioting is pretty much punching yourself in the face in the hopes something changes.


The people victimized the most by rioting are the ones that need the most help.

30 years and the system is as broken as ever.

What point are you trying to make? Rioting and destroying businesses and low-income housing isn't getting your point across, it's just making you look like a bunch of people who want to take advantage to smash things. The protestors could have easily walked to the capitol building and made their point loud and clear. But nope, we need to destroy businesses and low income housing in the community so people lose their job and homes while having nothing to do with the murder of a suspect by an officer.
What point are you trying to make? Rioting and destroying businesses and low-income housing isn't getting your point across, it's just making you look like a bunch of people who want to take advantage to smash things. The protestors could have easily walked to the capitol building and made their point loud and clear. But nope, we need to destroy businesses and low income housing in the community so people lose their job and homes while having nothing to do with the murder of a suspect by an officer.
The last 3 decades have been mostly peaceful and the system is still broken. BLM has been 99% non violent and the system is still broken.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."

That's historical fact and you know what they say about people who forget history.
The last 3 decades have been mostly peaceful and the system is still broken. BLM has been 99% non violent and the system is still broken.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."

That's historical fact and you know what they say about people who forget history.

You're not going to change the system by rioting and destroying businesses and homes of people that had nothing to do with the incident. How many blacks worked at those businesses and now no longer have a source of income? How many blacks lived in those low-income houses and lost not only their place to live but all their possession in the process? If you feel like you need to destroy something to get your message across, why not direct it at the source of the issue? Why not riot on and raid police stations, destroy cop cars, etc?

To think you should be destroying and looting a Target to get your message across then you've lost the message.
Person A: "Cop killed a black guy! This has been going on for decades! Let's riot!"

Person B: "Was Target involved?"

Person A: "Not at all, but I need a new food processor and I don't want to pay for it!"
You're not going to change the system by rioting and destroying businesses and homes of people that had nothing to do with the incident. How many blacks worked at those businesses and now no longer have a source of income? How many blacks lived in those low-income houses and lost not only their place to live but all their possession in the process? If you feel like you need to destroy something to get your message across, why not direct it at the source of the issue? Why not riot on and raid police stations, destroy cop cars, etc?

To think you should be destroying and looting a Target to get your message across then you've lost the message.
And you've lost any semblance of reality if you think systematic oppression will leave victims rational and calm.
And you've lost any semblance of reality if you think systematic oppression will leave victims rational and calm.

I've lost reality because I think it's asinine for people to destroy businesses and homes of people that had nothing to do with the murder of someone? Really? I legit can't wrap my head around that line of thinking.

Again, home many of those people who worked at those businesses and no longer have an income, or who lived in those homes and no longer have a place to live or any of their stuff are black? I'd wager a majority of them are. How are their lives any better now that they are jobless, homeless, and possessionless? My guess is, at this very moment, they couldn't give two cares about how society is. They probably are wondering what they're going to do for money, food, and shelter during one of the worst economic downturns in recent history.
I've lost reality because I think it's asinine for people to destroy businesses and homes of people that had nothing to do with the murder of someone? Really? I legit can't wrap my head around that line of thinking.

Again, home many of those people who worked at those businesses and no longer have an income, or who lived in those homes and no longer have a place to live or any of their stuff are black? I'd wager a majority of them are. How are their lives any better now that they are jobless, homeless, and possessionless? My guess is, at this very moment, they couldn't give two cares about how society is. They probably are wondering what they're going to do for money, food, and shelter during one of the worst economic downturns in recent history.
Very rational thinking. Which does not apply to people who have suffered continuous oppression and so are no longer thinking rationally.
You haven't shown you know anything about victimology at all.
Very rational thinking. Which does not apply to people who have suffered continuous oppression and so are no longer thinking rationally.
You haven't shown you know anything about victimology at all.
Deflection and obfuscation.
Exactly. Ignore victims long enough and the outcomes present themselves. It's the difference between being reactionary and proactive.
Yeah, no. That which I responded to was a blatant dodge of that which you responded to.

Violence against the innocent is not the way you protest violence against the innocent, especially when they're very likely the exact same innocent.

Because acknowledging this doesn't support your preferred narrative, you deflect and obfuscate.
Yeah, no. That which I responded to was a blatant dodge of that which you responded to.

Violence against the innocent is not the way you protest violence against the innocent, especially when they're very likely the exact same innocent.

Because acknowledging this doesn't support your preferred narrative, you deflect and obfuscate.
No. You're looking at this from a really narrow point of view focused on the latest sensational headline. These riots and looting have been generations in the making. A culmination of systemic failure.

And you're also trying to rationalize irrational acts, ignoring victimology.
No. You're looking at this from a really narrow point of view focused on the latest sensational headline. These riots and looting have been generations in the making. A culmination of systemic failure.

And you're also trying to rationalize irrational acts, ignoring victimology.
Deflection and obfuscation.

Violence against the innocent is not the way you protest violence against the innocent, especially when they're very likely the exact same innocent.
Deflection and obfuscation.

Violence against the innocent is not the way you protest violence against the innocent, especially when they're very likely the exact same innocent.
Yes, that's very rational thinking. Which is why you can't apply it to the irrational. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

And if you want to call it obfuscation because I am not ignoring everything but the current headline, then I'm not the one selecting narratives.
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And whining on GTPlanet is the best way to get back at Twitter for being mean to Trump.

Oh I am not whining, they can either be a platform, or a publisher. They can not be both. Publishers are held responsible for what they allow to be published. Platforms are not.
Oh I am not whining, they can either be a platform, or a publisher. They can not be both. Publishers are held responsible for what they allow to be published. Platforms are not.

And why couldn’t a platform be allowed to curate its content?

What implications would this have for GTPlanet? Is Jordan now going be held responsible for what is being posted here unless all moderation ends?

I guess GTPlanet is fundamentally unamerican.
Yes, that's very rational thinking. Which is why you can't apply it to the irrational. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

And if you want to call it obfuscation because I am not ignoring everything but the current headline, then I'm not the one selecting narratives.

So you're saying blacks are irrational?


Why aren't you answering @Joey D's question about how many blacks are victims of these riots?