Seriously? My personal car had seatbelts, and they don't work, technically the passenger side works... Anyways it's also exempt.

I've been driving for almost 20 years, drove trucks for 7, no seatbelts...
I'm still here...
They can be uncomfortable especially the ones you can't adjust.
It's not mandatory for a person in the rear seat, it's not mandatory for someone sitting in the bed of the truck, maybe we should all wear helmets like motorcycle riders? I'd die from the heat,(no AC either) unless I could run some kind of elaborate cooling system for said helmet...but I don't think my poor Honda could take it, poor things transmission gave out. Thankfully it's only electrical, that said he called my car an "electrical nightmare".
People are spoiled by all these new cars, they're supposed to make driving safer but IMO all they are doing is making the drivers lazy and more reliant on the computer.
I don't have TC, ABS, Airbags... I have to drive it right, and I don't have a false sense of security. Hell my girl has a 2017 Camaro, you can still make it slide with TC on full, wrap your brain around all the money you waste on "safety features".
Now before someone starts with the you don't like masks either, I've changed my stance after posting about how the Corona is changing. Me wearing a seatbelt though has ZERO affects on the drivers around me. I'll wait for someone to say, "but it does"!
As for the CNN line...I'm moving on to the next subject.