Breonna Taylor may or may not have been remotely worried about being killed by the police, but she likely wasn't a "****ing criminal" and she likely wasn't "going around, committing ****ing crimes."
Also, as an EMT, she likely did interact with the police, but likely not by fighting cops or resisting arrest "like a ****ing moron." As an EMT, she likely responded to scenes previously responded to by police or was already performing duties of an EMT when police responded to the scene.
Had Breonna Taylor not been engaging in the "****ed up, ****** behavior" that being at home, asking who is pounding at the door is, she may not have been killed by police. The "dumb, stupidass mother****er."
Breonna Taylor's boyfriend may or may not have been worried about getting killed by the police, he may or may not have been a "****ing criminal" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," but he was in possession of a registered firearm that he was licensed to carry and fired on intruders who he may well have been worried would kill him and who ended up being police officers who didn't announce themselves.
Not surprisingly, Trumpkins are using this idiot's video to deflect from the actual issue of cops using excessive force and killing people, an indeterminate number of whom are or are not black and who are or are not "****ing criminals" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," and the number of such incidents isn't known because these incidents tend to be covered up and the perpetrators tend to not be held accountable.
I'm also compelled to point out that that video was posted to TikTok before Trumpkin BIGDAVE posted it on Twitter. TikTok, which Trumpkins are supposed to hate, totally because it's a data-mining app based in China and totally not because kids who use it embarrassed Trump by reserving seats to a Trump rally that they didn't intend to attend, but which Herman Cain attended, maskless, having touted that masks wouldn't be required, before dying of COVID-19.
Trumpism, man.
Edit: Because I just know someone's going to misrepresent this remark, I should probably make it clear that I called the guy in the video an idiot because he's an idiot, and not because he's black. I couldn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass that he's black. I don't care about others' race, skin color, nationality, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation. I bet the Trumpkins just love that he's black, though. I bet they think his being black bolsters their narrative.