The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Let me ask you then, was Breonna Taylor killed because she was black?
I don't know. There are no facts to support such an assertion, so I've opted to not make it.

Why have you disregarded my actual remarks and responded as though I did make such an assertion?
I don't know. There are no facts to support such an assertion, so I've opted to not make it.
Then why even bring her up? Much less go on and on and on about her.

Liberalism, man.

Why have you disregarded my actual remarks and responded as though I did make such an assertion?
I don't know what this means.
Then why even bring her up?

Jesus Henry Christ. Because what happened to her completely undercuts the guy in the video you posted, who, according to you, “gets it.”

Seriously, this isn’t rocket surgery.

As an aside, this has got to be one of the lamest attempts I’ve ever seen to twist someone’s words into something they absolutely were not saying.
Then why even bring her up?
She was black. She wasn't a criminal. She was killed by police.

Rewatch the video you posted. The foul-mouthed individual therein asserts, using himself as an example, that black people who aren't criminals needn't worry about being killed by police.
The death of Breonna Taylor, a black woman who wasn't a criminal, at the hands of police, who acted inappropriately in a situation of their making, points to flawed logic here.

Much less go on and on and on about her.
The circumstances of her death are relevant to the discussion and you repeatedly failed to acknowledge it.

Liberalism, man.


I'll take it.

I find it humorous that you presumably think it an insult, but then a conservative would.

I don't know what this means.

I never said that she was killed by police because she was black. You responded to what I actually said, repeatedly, which is that she was black and she was killed by police, as though I said the former. I maintain that this attempt to undermine my position is deceitful, and I'd be interested in an explanation from you as to why you opted to do so.
Breonna Taylor's case should have been a completely avoidable mistake to begin with judging by some of the info shared.

From my understanding, they issued a no-knock warrant (meaning they don't have to announce anything) because of the how the suspected drug trafficker they believe was still in contact with Taylor, operated.
In his affidavit, Louisville detective Joshua Jaynes wrote that a no-knock warrant was necessary “due to the nature of how these drug traffickers operate," according to ABC News.

"These drug traffickers have a history of attempting to destroy evidence, have cameras on the location that compromise Detectives once an approach to the dwelling is made, and a have history of fleeing from law enforcement,” Jaynes continued.
But yet:
The investigation found no drugs at Taylor’s apartment. Neither Taylor nor Walker had criminal records. In a separate incident, Glover was arrested that night for trafficking and firearm offenses. The case remains pending.

Further more:
Officers claim that when they arrived at Taylor’s apartment the night of March 13, they knocked multiple times and identified themselves as police; Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, says no identifying calls were made.
Tony Gooden, a Louisville-based U.S. postal inspector, concluded in January that Taylor’s home was not receiving any “packages of interest,” including potentially illicit drugs, the inspector told WDRB News.
The underlined part is also confusing. If they were concerned the suspect they were after in that apartment would destroy evidence or flee from law enforcement (hence that specific warrant requested in the first place), why then claim that they announced their presence before entering?

You say we "deal with it and move on", but we apparently don't.
Democrats love them some spray paint.
How are they at exposing themselves in front of little kids and assaulting defenceless women like Schock did?
Do a Google image search for naked protesters. I'd be willing to bet none of them are Republicans
All I can find on the first two pages of my search is the Naked Athena protestor. She didn't seem very violent to me and there were no kids about. Not sure if this is a Democrat trend as you imply.

Also why just hit a woman with your fist, when you can use two by fours.
Those are violent assholes who should be in jail. Not sure if this is a Democrat trend as you imply.

I said the boyfriend was justified in shooting, but so were the cops. Being black had nothing to do with it.
Why were they at her house in the first place? Why was the report sheet blank if they IDed themselves as police? Those cops didn't do everything by the book so their justification is scant.

But I know you don't like people to go on and on and on about it because you've decided it was justified. Rather than because it undercuts your argument that if black people aren't criminals then they have nothing to fear from the police.
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I said the boyfriend was justified in shooting, but so were the cops. Being black had nothing to do with it.
It was an accident, to say it was more is idiotic. Show me some evidence that this was racially motivated.

Democratism man.
I think you're fighting a losing battle here tbh.

The statements made in the video you posted are, factually, incorrect.

Yes being black may not have been a factor in that case, but she was black and not a criminal - and your video implies that she should have been safe from being killed by a cop.
As an aside, this has got to be one of the lamest attempts I’ve ever seen to twist someone’s words into something they absolutely were not saying.
I agree. It's possible for one's thoughts and actions to not be influenced by the race, skin color, nationality, religious belief, gender and/or sexual orientation of others while still being able to acknowledge such characteristics when they are relevant to the discussion.

Another Trump supporter (or "Trumpkin" as I'm given to refer to them due to the apparent kinship with Trump that they convey when responding to perceived attacks on their bronze daddy) very recently made a better attempt (and by better I mean less lame and, I'd argue, more deceitful; indeed very Trumpy) by deliberately misrepresenting my very clear reference to specific, highlighted black people engaging in specific, highlighted irrational behavior as a blanket assertion that black people are irrational.

Much of what he's spewing (and indeed spews) is garbage, but the thrust of this particular garbage is that the irrational behavior exhibited by these black people is the result of "systemic oppression" which has recently [again] reached a tipping point after a supposed wrongful death [again] at the hands (er, knee) of one of those supposed oppressors.
So you're saying that yes they are irrational but here's why.

the irrational behavior exhibited by these black people
Incidentally if Trump had said the exact same thing everyone would be all over him for his racist comment.
Trumpism, man.
Another Trump supporter (or "Trumpkin" as I'm given to refer to them due to the apparent kinship with Trump that they convey when responding to perceived attacks on their bronze daddy) very recently made a better attempt (and by better I mean less lame and, I'd argue, more deceitful; indeed very Trumpy) by deliberately misrepresenting my very clear reference to specific, highlighted black people engaging in specific, highlighted irrational behavior as a blanket assertion that black people are irrational.
You could always try saying "irrational behavior exhibited by people who happen to be black". Not promising it'll help though.

Diversity is your Saturday morning cereal commercial having a boy with a blue shirt and glasses, a black boy or girl, and an Asian girl. It was so easy to pick up on as a kid. Hell, look at the Power Rangers.
What a mean-spirited comeback.

(Not sure whether the above constitutes some kind of fallacy or not but I'm-a keep shooting for that Ignore List achievement.)
...Whenever I see this "MSM" pop up, my first response is always "why M&M, though?"

I mean, c'mon, they look kinda similar.
...Whenever I see this "MSM" pop up, my first response is always "why M&M, though?"

I mean, c'mon, they look kinda similar.
Only the brown ones.

I thought he was talking about MSG.

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