...I like how simply having money is considered a problem these days.
My God that's such a tired strawman you used. The Left isn't against people like Bezos, the Koch brothers, and many other billionaires/multi-millionaires simply because they're wealthy, and even you know that. The problem is how they earned their money. It's beyond naive to just say, "welp, they just worked hard and innovated and people buy their stuff so that's why their so rich". While that's not necessarily untrue, their corruption/deception, tax-avoidance, exploitation of workers, and once-illegal questionable practices like stock buybacks also contribute greatly. Even under an ideal Bernie Sanders economy where taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans are significantly increased (as well as the "loopholes" being closed), company boards are required to have workers part of them, stock buybacks are banned, menial workers get higher wages as well as sick leave and vacation time, etc, someone likeJeff Bezos would still be a ridiculously wealthy dude. As long as he's accrued that wealth ethically and legally and is accountable, I have no problem with him being filthy rich off a popular service he created.
That's effectively communism (and this is not hyperbole).
Yet another strawman. Since when have either myself or Sander advocated for communism? Raising taxes on the uber-rich, and even wealth distribution isn't inherently communistic. You sound like the generic right-winger who calls anyone or anything left-of-center that they don't like "communism". Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with being wealthy. I don't think that a classless society with a fully-planned economy is the way to go by a long shot. It's telling that you haven't actually addressed the alarming, and growing wealth inequality in this nation (which is unsustainable by all metrics) and how it could be alleviated, and how poor people are supposed to just make do with soaring healthcare, rent, and utility costs with stagnant low wages, yet productivity is continuing to increase. Let me guess, the free market will solve it right?