The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
You suggest that the person running is (at a minimum partially) to blame for their own shooting.
I can't with y'all... I'm done...
The way y'all try to find ways to defend a known wanted criminal who FOUGHT with and assaulted police is hysterical...
I didn't know he has already passed, do you have an article on this?

Fascinating response. Are you aware that the 8th amendment of the constitution results in this being considered a worse punishment if he were to not die from those shots? So funny that you'd pick "it's not a death sentence" in response to someone being shot 7 times.

I can't with y'all... I'm done...
The way y'all try to find ways to defend a known wanted criminal who FOUGHT with and assaulted police is hysterical...

He should not have been shot 50 times, or 7 times. He should have been arrested.

You think I'm defending him because I wouldn't sentence him to death for having a warrant?
I can't with y'all... I'm done...
The way y'all try to find ways to defend a known wanted criminal who FOUGHT with and assaulted police is hysterical...

Actually, if anything you're the one defending him in a roundabout way. Because of the scenario he will likely be set for life financially and any prosecutor that is stupid enough to press on with the charges will find it pretty much impossible to find a jury willing to convict. Had the police done their jobs correctly he would currently be in a holding cell or out on bail until his court date.
Fascinating response. Are you aware that the 8th amendment of the constitution result in this being considered a worse punishment if he were to die from those shots? So funny that you'd pick "it's not a death sentence" in response to someone being shot 7 times.
Fascinating conversation we have here indeed that now quoting from the Constitution is a hip thing to do now, but not from Wisconsin state law. I guess you've completely skipped over the part of him already being tasered and still resisting arrest. You can continue to keep the conversation going though, as I'd like to see what your next idea would be as how police should've apprehended J.B.? Cut his hamstrings, sit on his neck maybe? Maybe just let him go was their best option...
I didn't know he has already passed, do you have an article on this?

That if one follows directions of higher authority, that they are expected to, there wouldn't have been a situation that unfolded to what has been.

That isn't the point. Nobody is saying he shouldn't have followed authority. People are not defending his actions. People are saying his actions did not warrant being shot 7 times. It is a criticism of the enforcement - not condoning his actions/behavior. This is an important distinction.

It seems to me that people both here and outside of GTPL assumed that this was another innocent black man who was just trying to carry out his day where police intervention resulted in a violent encounter, rather than to see he had a warrant for arrest for felony sexual assault, domestic violence and trespassing (of which the homeowner called the police to have him removed from the same premises where he is legally not allowed to be at), while also resisting arrest. Make your own understanding of J.B. on that information of whether he would be one to willfully comply or continue to be a violent citizen.

Ok, he's a bad guy. Has anyone disputed that? Justice is not, or at least should not be, "shoot first, ask questions later".

Your position is that he "deserved to be shot because he behaved badly". No? I can't speak for everyone, but I think the counterpoint is that "he deserves not to be shot because our justice system aspires to be better than that". You can hold the position that he's a bad dude and also think he didn't deserve to be shot in the back. If we don't have a dispassionate justice system then what separates us from the Philippines, for example, where police just round up an execute alleged drug dealers?
Fascinating conversation we have here indeed that now quoting from the Constitution is a hip thing to do now, but not from Wisconsin state law. I guess you've completely skipped over the part of him already being tasered and still resisting arrest. You can continue to keep the conversation going though, as I'd like to see what your next idea would be as how police should've apprehended J.B.? Cut his hamstrings, sit on his neck maybe? Maybe just let him go was their best option...

It is their job (not mine btw). Are you arguing that there was no way for the police... the police... to bring in someone who was resisting arrest without using a gun? if so, we've got a dysfunctional police system that de facto assumes that the penalty for resisting arrest is... you guessed it.... death.
Fascinating conversation we have here indeed that now quoting from the Constitution is a hip thing to do now, but not from Wisconsin state law. I guess you've completely skipped over the part of him already being tasered and still resisting arrest. You can continue to keep the conversation going though, as I'd like to see what your next idea would be as how police should've apprehended J.B.? Cut his hamstrings, sit on his neck maybe? Maybe just let him go was their best option...
How about shooting once in the leg so he can't escape?
I don't think they should use their guns unless it's the last resort and in that scenario they shouldn't go for a kill shot like center mass. A simple shot in the lower leg or arm would be enough to incapacitate someone with minimal damage. I know it sounds awful but I'm only talking last resort here. The Jacob Blake incident was not last resort scenario
I don't think they should use their guns unless it's the last resort and in that scenario they shouldn't go for a kill shot like center mass. A simple shot in the lower leg or arm would be enough to incapacitate someone with minimal damage. I know it sounds awful but I'm only talking last resort here.

From my experience, it's hard enough to hit a stationary target the size of a chest out beyond 5-10 yards with a handgun. Clearly, I'm no expert marksman, but trying to hit moving legs? Recipe for unintended consequences.

The desire for some sort of deus ex machina is strong on all sides - maybe there is some magic trick or technology that will solve this problem. The reality is we have a difficult problem with no easy solution. Cops are scared & trigger happy because everyone has a gun, and people are afraid of cops so they carry guns or otherwise attempt to flee because they are scared to die. It's a self-reinforcing problem.
I don't think they should use their guns unless it's the last resort and in that scenario they shouldn't go for a kill shot like center mass. A simple shot in the lower leg or arm would be enough to incapacitate someone with minimal damage. I know it sounds awful but I'm only talking last resort here. The Jacob Blake incident was not last resort scenario
IThe extremely iffy justification by cops over what "last resort" is is definitely a real problem; but if it actually truly is last resort then telling cops to shoot someone outside of center mass is legitimately a good way to get cops killed while also going against basic firearms training. Even if they do manage to hit someone in the legs.

Plus you shouldn't give officers another out for drawing their weapon when the situation doesn't call for it. "I meant to hit him in the leg, not kill him" would just be an additional go-to defense along with "I was scared for my life."
I don't think they should use their guns unless it's the last resort and in that scenario they shouldn't go for a kill shot like center mass. A simple shot in the lower leg or arm would be enough to incapacitate someone with minimal damage. I know it sounds awful but I'm only talking last resort here. The Jacob Blake incident was not last resort scenario
How was it not a last resort? Both officers couldn’t tackle and the taser failed to subdue him. That would be the definition of last resort.
Uh... I think he meant last resort when it comes to their own lives or the lives of others being threatened. Not the last resort for immediate apprehension.
Nice job of completing the circle. Like I said, do they just let him go then. “He’s too big for us and our taser didn’t work. Guess that’s all we can do before bringing in the national guard!”
I don't think they should use their guns unless it's the last resort and in that scenario they shouldn't go for a kill shot like center mass. A simple shot in the lower leg or arm would be enough to incapacitate someone with minimal damage. I know it sounds awful but I'm only talking last resort here. The Jacob Blake incident was not last resort scenario

I'm not defending the kid at all but any more than 2 minutes of firearm instruction or training will ingrain in you to hit center mass. There are other scenarios like if you are out of range or have an enemy who has good cover and that's called suppression but it doesn't mean spray and pray. It means finding known, likely, or suspected target positions and trying to put rounds either through them (if capable of actually penetrating) or just around them, so a hidden enemy has the crap scared out of them instead of taking fire that clearly isn't landing anywhere near them. Suppression is a psychological event. Center mass is a pretty good size target while extremities are a much harder target to acquire and hit and also doesn't guarantee elimination of a threat. Most decisions are made very quickly and under stress or duress where you likely aren't even seeing clearly because of rapid heart rate/tunnel vision/adrenaline etc. Extremity shots are fairy tale shots.
Nice job of completing the circle. Like I said, do they just let him go then. “He’s too big for us and our taser didn’t work. Guess that’s all we can do before bringing in the national guard!”


Just explaining what "last resort" was. You completed that circle on your own.
Nice job of completing the circle. Like I said, do they just let him go then. “He’s too big for us and our taser didn’t work. Guess that’s all we can do before bringing in the national guard!”
I can't believe multiple cops would just stand there and let him drive off into the sunset because they didn't shoot him full of holes. Don't they have vehicles of their own? Or was lethal force the only option in this case?
I'd like to see what your next idea would be as how police should've apprehended J.B.?

I'm assuming you've seen the video? Notice how the officer that shoots him reaches out and grabs Blake as he's opening the door? Pause right there. It doesn't seem to me that Blake has had time to reach in and grab anything yet, but even if he had, he has not yet begun to turn around. His back is still completely facing the officer, there's already one hand on him, and he has nowhere to run. Had the officer not had his weapon drawn, he would have had a second hand available to subdue and restrain him, something officers are trained to do every day.
Why aren't you banned yet?
Because the moderators don't feel he deserves a ban Doh. And I suppose you wonder why there is talk about the "intolerant left"?

I just checked the GT Planet AUP & it clearly states, "You will not post any political opinions or memes that are in opposition to or criticize Social Justice™ ideology or left-wing orthodoxy." So, I guess I'm in real trouble now! ;)

SJW Fragility.jpg


Cancel Culture.jpg

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I wonder if you realize the member you're quoting just tagged a moderator for not disciplining other members b/c of an altercation he had with said moderator 4 years ago.
I just checked the GT Planet AUP & it clearly states, "You will not post any political opinions or memes that are in opposition to or criticize Social Justice™ ideology or left-wing orthodoxy." So, I guess I'm in real trouble now! ;)

Could you bemoan social justice ideology a little more please? I feel like we're not getting your true voice.

Idealizing a virtual mob of dangerous people, demanding for atrocities because of politics and race, to deflect/justify his support and satisfaction for atrocities committed in real life in the name of politics and racism.


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