The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
There was this one, which somebody posted on here before. But I think the Georgia one was posted on Twitter first, so possibly another parody??

It's still not over and Trump could be the first president in history to be re-elected via Senate runoff write-in.


(I know there's no such thing as a runoff write-in and it's difficult at the best of times to distinguished unhinged partisan ranting from Internet satire, besides which something about this font looks off but anyway...)

It's still not over and Trump could be the first president in history to be re-elected via Senate runoff write-in.

View attachment 973347
(I know there's no such thing as a runoff write-in and it's difficult at the best of times to distinguished unhinged partisan ranting from Internet satire, besides which something about this font looks off but anyway...)
That’s way funnier than the calls for Trump supporters to abstain from participating in the run offs.
Picture reminds me of that old story where the farm animals take over from the human, and the pigs take charge promising prosperity but ultimately become indistinguishable from the oppressive humans.

That would be Orwell's Animal Farm, although the story of the CIA-funded cartoon production of the book is an interesting propaganda study in its own right. I think this cartoon is more about le Coq Gaulois (an unofficial symbol of France) being turned into the symbol of a foe that France has a deeply troubled history with.
I'm kind of glad they're trying to introduce the word "authoritarianism" into the public debate.

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That would be Orwell's Animal Farm, although the story of the CIA-funded cartoon production of the book is an interesting propaganda study in its own right. I think this cartoon is more about le Coq Gaulois (an unofficial symbol of France) being turned into the symbol of a foe that France has a deeply troubled history with.
Ahh, Orwell.

The man that the Alt-right love to embrace, as they are almost all utterly unaware that he was a lifelong Democratic Socialist and one of the original Antifa (wanting to do a lot more than punch a fascist).

I do love it when the muppet that is Paul Joseph Watson gets owned, no matter how many time it happens, he just keeps on coming back.
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Ahh, Orwell.

The man that the Alt-right love to embrace, as they are almost all utterly unaware that he was a lifelong Democratic Socialist and one of the original Antifa (wanting to do a lot more than punch a fascist).

I do love it when the muppet that is Paul Joseph Watson gets owned, no matter how many time it happens, he just keeps on coming back.
The comments underneath that article are pure poison. Guess PJ's buddies don't like it when someone tries to take one of their fetish idols away from them.
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Wishful thinking there! :lol:
Oh, man, I only switched predictive text on for less than twelve hours and it's already ruining my life.

That was supposed to read "retweet" in case you hadn't already guessed.

Wait are they talking about the server raid that apparently happened in Germany, but turned out to be a nothing burger with cheese? Or I guess since it was Germany, a nothing schnitzel?

You know you can absolutely, definitely, 100% positively trust a website with a name like "" without question.

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Ahh, Orwell.

The man that the Alt-right love to embrace, as they are almost all utterly unaware that he was a lifelong Democratic Socialist and one of the original Antifa (wanting to do a lot more than punch a fascist).

I do love it when the muppet that is Paul Joseph Watson gets owned, no matter how many time it happens, he just keeps on coming back.
He's familiar with the old adage about repeating lies often enough.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: @ Trump winning California

edit: I should note that registered independents (AKA no party preference) are on the verge of overtaking registered republicans in CA. Democrats outnumber Republicans by nearly 2:1 ... in a state of 39 million people.

You want to see what Trump is doing to the GOP, long term, I'd bet that California is a good indicator. (the increase in independents has come entirely at the expense of the GOP, Democratic registration is actually up from 2016)
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"10-ply-super-soft bitch"





"why are people such idiots?"



Don't siphon gas with your mouth, folks. I know you're hard up for cash and that's why you cut your neighbor's hose and jimmied his fuel door, but the pumps are super cheap. You can't spare the brain cells.
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