The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Offence warning: we all know what traditionally happens next after the threshold.

Italy/Spain, Hungary/Germany, etc. None of these countries accept the fact that some of them wants/ doesn't want to adopt migrants.

But is that so true? And if so is that fair. It's a dream migrants will stop coming. So not being willing to accept them and then fairly redistribute them over the eu is just closing your eyes to an allready existing issue.
People will keep trying to get in wheter we want it or not so why is it so ok for hungary to say we don't want part in this. They are in fact part of the eu so it comes with the package.

I can see why italy as a response to hungary and a few others kot being willing to share the burdon has had enough. On the other hand letting these people die at see is hardly an admirable choice and probably will eventually go down as a bad choice from italy on a humanitarian point of view.
Spain is also not telling italy how to handle migrants. Spain is saying that according to international law italy should have opened a port to save these people, they didn't say italy should in the long run take carr of this situation.

And that's when we get back to Orban, the guy made it seem as germany wanted the asylumseekers when he forced western europe to act. When western europe deceided to do so they said they need a new treaty to the dublin treaty, which was screwing hungary. Now that the balkanroute dried out and hungary doesn't have an more they're like: 'thanks germany for helping us out but we don't see an issue so take care of your own ****. Hungary imo is just being unreasonable making this entire crisis a lot worse then it actuallt is. (And it would still be a crisis)

So in all fairness it's not saying what an.other country should do it's trying to come up with a solution that be8ng actively blocked by a few nations.
Acting as if the problem would just go away is a bit farfetched and not helping people who are dying imo is inhumane.