The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
The drone strike makes sense and is obviously satire. But the creation of a fake narrative about someone burning their shoes and ending up in the hospital as a result goes beyond the traditional level of exaggeration one might find in satire and crosses over to just a blatant falsehood IMO. Posting a real picture of a burn victim's feet is something most people wouldn't find funny...or at least I don't think so. Just thought I'd point it out since some people will surely believe it's real and someone was really injured.
:lol: I'm not sure this post isn't satire in itself. :lol:

"No protesters over protesters were harmed in the making of this video."
That was America saying that, but hey :)

It was supposed to be read along with and in response to the caption. Not so much as a serious response but in the same vein as the image. To get what I mean, pretend Seth Meyers said it. (I gather this was SNL)

Some members of the alt-right (certainly not all) are indeed in favour of expunging Jews and idolise Hitler and his attempts to do so. Fortunately they don't seem to have the same means at their disposal.

We have a lot of crazy people here (most of them live in Florida).
LDPR as imagined by the foreigners vs. reality. :lol:


Is that an incorrect assessment of their position? Extremely socially conservative, pro-Russo-imperialist, nationalist (no historical connections intended) and isolationist... seems accurate to me. Which bit did you disagree with?
Is that an incorrect assessment of their position? Extremely socially conservative, pro-Russo-imperialist, nationalist (no historical connections intended) and isolationist... seems accurate to me. Which bit did you disagree with?
It’s all correct.
The point is, when you hear “liberal democratic”, you normally imagine something different from what you noted. ;)