The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Trump Carter worst president.jpg
Oh is that what attorney client privileged means? That nobody else can disclose it? I had no idea. I thought attorney-client privilege was to prevent attorneys from having to divulge what their clients tell them in court. That way someone need not fear that what they tell their attorney can be compelled by the court in testimony against them. I had no idea that it meant that if a publication gets ahold of that document that the publication is legally bound to not publish it. [/s]
The sad reality is that Rudy's fart sponge figures (and has good reason to figure) that the Trump base doesn't know the first thing about said privilege and those who are familiar with said privilege are either not a part of said base or just don't care and are in lock focus on her beating that tribal drum. Politico is "leftist" to their "normal," anyway.
The sad reality is that Rudy's fart sponge figures (and has good reason to figure) that the Trump base doesn't know the first thing about said privilege and those who are familiar with said privilege are either not a part of said base or just don't care and are in lock focus on her beating that tribal drum. Politico is "leftist" to their "normal," anyway.
I don't know what's more infuriating. The people who so desperately want to be mislead, or the liars that manipulate them.
Can't speak for the other places listed by whoever that guy is. But the state of New South Wales, where I am. Must not have gotten the memo.

A number of changes come into effect today for people in NSW, regardless of vaccination status.

From today there is no limit to the number of people allowed in your home, at outdoor public gatherings and at hospitality venues.

Masks, while still strongly encouraged where social distancing isn't possible, have been dropped as a requirement in most indoor settings including in shops.
Those who have not been vaccinated have been living under strict COVID rules while the rest of the state enjoyed greater freedoms since October.

Unvaccinated people will now have the same freedoms as vaccinated people.

She looks like a flight attendant just confiscated her gin.
She looks like a drunk who attacked the flight attendant that just confiscated her gin. All that's missing is the duct tape.
I think Trump is just the first president we know of that was elected without the help of a foreign power. The sexual allegations probably don't hold up too well either since plenty of presidents were womanizers, it just wasn't accepted for women to do something about it. The same goes for ex-wives as well.

Those all pale in comparison to the whole domestic terrorism, impeachment, and trying to stage a coup though.

Those all pale in comparison to the whole domestic terrorism, impeachment, and trying to stage a coup though.
Honestly, I don't think impeachment itself a bad president makes. It's political maneuvering. It was justified, of course, and the justification is what makes him ****ing trash.

Most presidential impeachments have been justified. The exception is the aforementioned Johnson. Johnson was also ****ing trash, mind, but even if he was deserving of impeachment (I'd argue he was), the process itself was an actual sham. Johnson was expected to replace Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (who'd been chosen for that office during the Lincoln administration), and so Congress (both houses of which Republicans had a significant majority) passed the Tenure of Office Act which would prohibit him doing so. The Tenure of Office Act would later be deemed unconstitutional because it limited a president's control over cabinet positions.

I've done the mask one a few times, always for good reasons. Anyway, it strikes me as:

Conservatives: Sure sex is great, but have you tried going into crowded public spaces without a mask?
I've driven on my own with a mask on. Gave a lift to a friend who isn't in my 'shielded family' group. Kept mask on after dropping them off whilst the wound-down windows expelled any potential virus particles.

I get to an extent why some people are anti-vax. I don't always agree with their reasoning, but i get it. But anti-masks? Why. It clearly helps everyone just get on with their lives with the minimum of inconvenience. If people had been better at basic virus avoidance methods, vaccines probably wouldn't have been pushed as hard as they have been.
What if you only have one mask but have to go to multiple shops and can't be arsed to take it off between stops? It doesn't really affect anyone else.

Still, any opportunity to get one over on vaxxers in one's own mind is a victory, amirite?
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