The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
lol. lmao.

I have also seen adverts for chords linking your wireless earphones.

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It was a matter of time before the went full circle. Eventually the television channels will become the new cable providers and will charge obscene costs while the cable companies (might?) fade into oblivion. All we've done is re-arrange the deck chairs.
Cancelled my Disney+ cause of this. 2nd increase in a year with no content to justify that. Was going to go to Hulu but not with it also increasing.

Guess I’m “stuck” with my cable.
I don't know what to do. I've had Comcast for a few years now but I barely watch anything on it. I basically watch Cartoon Network, ESPN, HBO, Smithsonian Channel, Science Channel, and the locals but usually only for severe weather outbreaks. The main reason I've kept Comcast is to get access to ESPN streaming. When I get home from work it's after 6pm so I go back and watch PTI, Around The Horn, and ESPN FC. Plus during election years watching Sports Center and other programming through the smart tv app avoids the Conservative political adds that pollute ESPN on Comcast.

I've got Disney+ and ESPN+ through my Verizon account. Hulu is bundled with them but it has ads so I continue on with paying for Hulu without ads. Peacock used to be complimentary with my Comcast but now it's stand alone but I still want it for IMSA, Premier League and Tour de France coverage. I also have Netflix and Youtube Premium.

I pay just over $200 a month for Comcast and would love to dump them now that I have two smart tv's and can stream everything if I could figure out how to still get the things I want.
Heh, I’m 70% ultra-conservative too. Does my blue tick and mental illness commence automatically, or do I need to drink a certain amount of hand sanitizer first?
Heh, I’m 70% ultra-conservative too. Does my blue tick and mental illness commence automatically, or do I need to drink a certain amount of hand sanitizer first?
Only if you follow it up with an ivermectin chaser.
A couple of months ago on a bike ride of a particular route I often take I ride past a sex shop.

This particular Saturday morning about 1km down the road on what could be described as a scenic view overlooking the bay I came across an empty dildo blister pack proudly displaying the content was named The Patriot :lol:.
Obviously the new proud owner couldn't wait until they got home, it did however give me giggle for the rest of my ride.

By the looks of the empty pack it was quite an impressive unit.

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