Its sad when you really have to think hard on this one...
Who would win...
race'emhardIt's the automotive equivalent of the devil (all hybrids are actually). The TC version needs a proper gearbox. I painted mine beige purely for lulz.
But is it a match for this?
But is it a match for this?
Its sad when you really have to think hard on this one...
Who would win...
Not to mention that those who hate it probably haven't even been inside one, let alone driven one.It's far from the worst car, people who describe it as such rely far too much on hyperbole.
1241PenguinNot to mention that those who hate it probably haven't even been inside one, let alone driven one.
Kart. It's a flyweight purpose built race car, the Prius isIts sad when you really have to think hard on this one...
Who would win...
This car gets premium but Bugatti Veryon dosnt? :'(
JawehawkThat's because the Prius isn't nearly as pathetic, useless and ugly as the Veyron.
SlashfanBoth of them are ugly as ****.
So on real life you would rather a prius that a Buggati Veryon? Nice!
for driving? Yes. Granted i don't particularly like the prius, it's still more manly than the veyron. Still, i'd choose the veyron so i could sell it for a nice profit. Or maybe i could blow it up into a thousand pieces. 💡.
it's still more manly than the veyron.
Enough said.
Indeed. Atop Mt. Smug, in the Temple of Self-Righteousness, sits a Toyota Prius. It's guarded by hipsters talking on iPhones, listening to music on iPods, and browsing the web on iPads. While eating granola bars. Enough said.
Stereotype much? You've obviously never driven one. Only an uneducated and under-experienced dolt would generalize anything in this way. Sorry for the ad hominem attack, but it's a small car, not a BMW, not a Ferrari, and not really like many other cars, which is the real reason why it sells. That, and getting HOV lane privileges in some locales is a justification enough for some folks.
Sure, it's an overpriced Corolla (dimensionally, that is...since it's technically not the same platform), but the automotive market has also shown that there's a buyer who will pay a $5,000-50,000 premium for anything one vehicle will do over another, whether having another 40 horsepower, have bigger wheels, an incrementally longer wheelbase, a trick suspension, something that shaves another second off a zero-to-sixty time.
Arguing whether you get your money back on gaining another 10mpg is as moot a point as whether most people gain any additional satisfaction for a track-inspired upgrade for their car, which is used four times a year, and since it's a street car, likely not for a competition that pays back any significant (if any) cash rewards: Bragging rights only.
Although, discussing real-world merit in terms of a video game really means squat-all nothing.