The game looks incredible from what has been shown and I have a huge amount of respect for the many people who put their time into the design of the game. With that said, I have a very big concern that I will get catfished when I actually play the game on my PS4. It would be foolish to expect the game to look as great as a well built PC, but the fact that the game releases in a month with no good gameplay/opinions on the consoles is very suspicious. The low budget is part of what makes the game incredible, but also scares me. It seems like in a lot of areas corners needed to be cut due to money reasons. It feels like the game was made/tested/meant for PC, but will just be ported to the consoles after being downgraded by a lot without being properly tweaked/tested for the consoles. I could be very wrong, but as a person on the outside looking in that's what it seems like. I think I will just wait until after the release.