The Project CARS Photo Pron Thread

  • Thread starter Wardez
Can someone post that retro picture again. Some user was talking about downsampling Pcars highres footage to have it look like back in the days. Thank you.

Is there a search function on gtplanet forum?! Or I'm a blind?!
@PRO_TOO -- It's pretty simple to make one; all I do was take one of the screenshots from this thread, resize it to a vertical height of 240, then stretch the resulting image to a vertical height of 480. :)

View attachment 351343


Grey banner on top of the page, to the right, text field with the phrase "Search..".
I'm on mobile most of the time. There is "only" the magnifier icon. I thought this is for the main page first. It was too obvious. :D
Great stunning photos Guys 👍 Is there going to be separate sub forums where you post PS4, Xbox, PC etc so they can be compared at a glance or all in one. Looking forward to taking some great photos on the PS4 :gtpflag:
Great stunning photos Guys 👍 Is there going to be separate sub forums where you post PS4, Xbox, PC etc so they can be compared at a glance or all in one. Looking forward to taking some great photos on the PS4 :gtpflag:

I hope we all still post to the single photo forum. I reckon the more sub forums mean less people bothering to drill down to the lower levels. Certainly that's what I do.
These photos look amazing:drool:. When I get the game I'm going to do theme for every and week or so and put together a video. Like I'm going to take bunch of picture that week dealing with that theme and then put a video together and then share it here.... Or the video thread. Like for example the week theme would be Rain pics and I just put together a bunch pictures of cars in the rain and make it into a video.:)