The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Its a bit apalling though how virtually none of those youtube channel amateur reviewers bother to check a bit on what the state of the game actually is that they are presenting (Alan/VVV being a positive exception). If he would have bothered to check at WMD, he would have found out how to change cam (free cam even), that tires are not grippy from the start because they take time to hear up and that the AI crashes at Donington currently because the track has been updated in those corners and the AI corridor hasnt been updated accordingly since, etc

Oh well, at least he is kinda funny and not a sarcastic douche that thinks he is funny, like some of the others.
^ Yeah he seemed genuinely amused... It was shown in the worst possible light there, which isn't a problem when everything is in flux and the sim is not supposed to be "playable" as a game ATM (that's going to change soon, as the gameplay features are being put in towards the end of development). Choose a car/track combo that is currently in a good state, and you can have some very good racing already :)
Even though he hit the bugland jackpot there, this is what i picked up from this video:

- Good damage model! :lol:
- Track selection that makes you drool.
- The possibilities to setup your races are endless
- Formation lap if you want to
- I saw the rear view mirror tremble separately from the chassis, because of the wind 👍
- The physics look very good, the way the car behaved when he overdid those kerbs or went offroad looked promising. Also he said it took a long time to learn how to properly control the cars, and seeing he's not a very good racer that probably means it's realism :D
- 38! cars on track if you want.
- Menu looks good (simple but effective), and career mode structure already looks addictive.
- Racing quotes on the loading screens like in Shift 2, hope they are not as cheesy though this time.

Can't wait to get my hands on it later this year, when it's completed and all bugs are ironed out.
I'm part of his community and he said that he may do some more videos, maybe I could suggest some better combinations for him to showcase?

Oulton and Brands are both laser scanned and have freshly setup AI corridors, so they are probably the most interesting tracks right now to race on. Also Heusden (Zolder), Badenring (Hockenheim), Eifelwald (Nürburgring), Dubai (which is a real track thats really called Dubai Autodrome, by the way... you might wanna tell him :D ), California (Willow Springs), Connecticut (Watkins Glen), Lakeville (Sonoma).

Besos (Catalunya) is entirely redone and updated for tomorrows build, the loft has slightly changed though, so that might mean AI carnage again temporarily there, too. Same might be true for Brands where one corner was a faulty export that was just fixed today, so it might be that the AI corridor has to be modified again, too.

And you can swap through different camera groups (cockpit/showoff angles around the car/external like hood etc) by holding the camera cycle button, along with editing the respective cameras in the camera submenu of the options.
I never liked driving formula cars or GT/LMP racers in games like Gran Turismo or Forza, and I haven't played an F1 game since F1 2002. This game has the right mix of cars/tracks, and seems to have the right "feeling" in terms of a motorsports experience, such that I imagine I could end up enjoying all of the classes/types of cars. 👍
I think I like pCARS best. Tyre squeal galore in GT6 and they put in a vacuum cleaner it seems. AC is too dampened as I believe the cockpit is not entirely sound proof like that. Trying to remember a Chris Harris video...
I never liked driving formula cars or GT/LMP racers in games like Gran Turismo or Forza, and I haven't played an F1 game since F1 2002. This game has the right mix of cars/tracks, and seems to have the right "feeling" in terms of a motorsports experience, such that I imagine I could end up enjoying all of the classes/types of cars. 👍

This game makes me dream about proper multiclass racing in Le Mans. It's something that I want in a videogame for ages.
On top of that, the dynamic racing line has been introduced, which is visual and physical; it affects the level of grip on the dry and wet circuit; when it's dry, the rubber increases grip, when it's wet, it decreases grip. It also builds up over the course of the whole weekend, and if it rains it will wash away the rubber.
The clouds seem to speed up when the car is traveling in the same direction as them?

The wet track looks awesome .

The day sequence is sped up it looks like that is why, even when the car corners the clouds are moving in the same direction they were when on the straight.
When the car turns a corners, the cloud speed seems slower. It kind of looks like the cloud speed relates to the car as a stationary object, as opposed to the track. If that makes sense.

I see what you're trying to say but that just isn't happening even when the car is revving in neutral before going the cloud speed is already quick and doesn't change pace because the car did. In the first left hander you can also see them still moving at a constant speed, but when the right turn comes up the pitch of the car (which is what you're actually following) is moving so quickly that you can no longer tell the clouds direction or if they're moving at all. Your motion being different overall and the main focus your eyes are stuck on thus you think they've stopped or slowed.

It's much easier to tell the clouds or moving when going in the same direction as them, obviously.
I see what you're trying to say but that just isn't happening even when the car is revving in neutral before going the cloud speed is already quick and doesn't change pace because the car did. .

That's sort of it, the clouds should appear to slow down in relation to the car as it accelerates in the same direction as them. I would say a car going 100kph + would actually be catching up to them. Would be interesting to see it from cockpit view.
That's sort of it, the clouds should appear to slow down in relation to the car as it accelerates. Would be interesting to see it from cockpit view.

I already explained why they haven't though and are at a constant speed, it's a sped up time sequence to show driving interval
I already explained why they haven't though and are at a constant speed, it's a sped up time sequence to show driving interval

Fair enough. We actually get storm cells that move/change that quickly where I live. I have been driving when a months worth of rain drops in about 2 minutes.