The Racers & Chasers Club [Moved to FH4]

  • Thread starter Ameer67
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I've been wanting to host a lobby the past few weekends, but work is not making that possible. Really sorry. :(
I wanna get my Xbox back this weekend I hope I do. My brother wants to play as well so you'll have 4 people. I'll let you know if I get my stuff back or not.
Going by the number of likes I got on my post regarding a lobby on Saturday, looks like we've been given the green light!
Now we'll just have to decide on a class and a location. 👍
Looks like we're officially green-lit for a lobby then. We've got the minimum 5 players, and I'm sure more will join as time passes.
Good lobby tonight guys.:gtpflag:

Some decent chases happened & many laughs were had.

Thanks to @ZDUPH for hosting.

Wasn't paying much attention in the last chase due to having Heartburn from my Tindaloo curry.:ouch::ouch::ouch:

Hopefully we can get another lobby going tomorrow.
Great lobby guys! I had a blast.
Unfortunately due to events happening today, the lobby might be delayed to 2PM or even 3PM EDT. Apologies in advance. :(
Lobby is now up! I know we only have 3 people attending according to the Likes, but I do recall some others in yesterday's lobby saying they'd make it as well.

Edit: Looks like I was wrong. Lobby closed.
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If my power didn't go out last week I would've joined but sadly it didn't come on until 4pm on Sunday.
I can probably join once I've been out with my dog and when my latest video is uploaded.
Now that my video has uploaded, I'm ready to roll if we're still going ahead with a lobby tonight.
I have good news, for not only will I be active this weekend, I will also be sticking around long enough to be at my XBox next weekend as well.
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