The Racers & Chasers Club

  • Thread starter jwesson1
Well then I guess I will. I’ll make a new party. Username is HuskySlushii I’ll try and inv people or you guys can just join.

Let me restart my Xbox first.

It’s having a fit ffs hold on.
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After 5 centuries, I actually made an account that I won't forget the password of. However ut appears I'm extremely late, and I apologize sincerely for that.
After 5 centuries, I actually made an account that I won't forget the password of. However ut appears I'm extremely late, and I apologize sincerely for that.
Lobby didn't happen, so you're good.

EDIT: I don't know if I'll be available tomorrow.
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Mode: Open Patrol
Class: A
Map: Edinburgh North or Broadway
Date/time: Sunday, January 13 at 2 PM EST.

LIKE this post if you can make it!
@JR98 and @CVPI93 you guys too?
Yes. After the past few sessions, this is not a club that I want to be a part of anymore. I know that there are others that feel my sentiments as well. This club went from being fun to just being outright hostile and unorganized, and there's only so much one person can take before they have had enough. Peace.
Yes. After the past few sessions, this is not a club that I want to be a part of anymore. I know that there are others that feel my sentiments as well. This club went from being fun to just being outright hostile and unorganized, and there's only so much one person can take before they have had enough. Peace.
I blame myself for the unorganized part. I didn't/don't have the motivation right now to keep the club in shape or even play the game recently. Though I don't know where the hostile part is coming from.
I blame myself for the unorganized part. I didn't/don't have the motivation right now to keep the club in shape or even play the game recently. Though I don't know where the hostile part is coming from.

The smartarse comments/remarks, the laughing at others in a very put-down/bullying way, and the overall aggression in pursuits. My 2nd pursuit last week was BS, and I know you saw it because you were in the drone telling others that I was circling your car, yet apparently didn't see me get punted into a wall during a PRIORITY 3 chase.

And yes, I left right after that because I was heated. It was absolutely ridiculous how aggressive that chase was, and it only lasted 25 seconds. And I heard from someone who'll remain anonymous that you guys were laughing at me, which is fine. All fun and games until it happens to you.

What really drives my whole point home is just how ignorant people are of the rules. It's been mentioned time and time again that only rhinos were able to Ram head-on, yet I witnessed someone deliberately ram @jwesson1 head-on in a regular car.

I'm done. This club was so much more fun on Horizon 3, and I know I'm not alone when I say that.
The smartarse comments/remarks, the laughing at others in a very put-down/bullying way
From me? I know I say snarky things sometimes but I definitely don't say those things to put anyone down. It's not worth it to actually make fun of/bully anyone because I know it's a game, not real life. I don't hate anyone because of the things they do on an Xbox game.
and I know you saw it because you were in the drone telling others that I was circling your car, yet apparently didn't see me get punted into a wall during a PRIORITY 3 chase.
I stepped out nearly right after I informed the cops of you circling my car.

And I heard from someone who'll remain anonymous that you guys were laughing at me, which is fine.
Laughing? As far as I recall, no one really talked about your chase other than we thought you had raged-quit and Jason's internet broke. We moved on after that.

What really drives my whole point home is just how ignorant people are of the rules. It's been mentioned time and time again that only rhinos were able to Ram head-on, yet I witnessed someone deliberately ram @jwesson1 head-on in a regular car.
It happens on accident sometimes as you know, but if no one says who is doing it, how would I ever know unless I was in the chase? People need to say something. If it's a BS hit someone's gotta call it. There was this one Broadway chase as @jwesson1 as the racer and I think @EnkiTehWuff was a cop. Enki did a head-on ram (not in a rhino) and took out Panda. Panda called BS and I saw it too, so we let Panda go again and Enki apologized. Everything was fine from there.

EDIT: Obviously I can't force you nor Silver nor anyone else to stay. So if you do not wish to continue discussing it's fine.
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#MakeRacersAndChasersGreatAgain #StopFakeNews
Haha you need me for this club to survive. Good luck with the trainwreck.
Seriously Zach, if you leave at least do it without bringing in Kevin all of a sudden and his random gifs. I don't have anything against you or Kevin, but at least do your actions in a somewhat reasonable manner.
Seriously Zach, if you leave at least do it without bringing in Kevin all of a sudden and his random gifs. I don't have anything against you or Kevin, but at least do your actions in a somewhat reasonable manner.

He seriously didn't "bring me in", I decided to come in here on my own since he was discussing the matter with me. Do you work for CNN spewing out fake news like that?
Seriously Zach, if you leave at least do it without bringing in Kevin all of a sudden and his random gifs. I don't have anything against you or Kevin, but at least do your actions in a somewhat reasonable manner.
It's not a matter of 'if'. There is no 'if'. I told you that I'm out. Heck, I wasn't even going to mention it at first because I knew it would escalate out of control.

Honestly do you really think I actually wanted to leave this club? No, I didn't. But there comes a time when a ship is sinking and you have no choice but to jump. I tried to stick it out, but last week completely broke me. It's to the point now where I legit can't stand half the people in this club. Apart from a select few, I pretty much removed all of you because I was dead-set on quitting.

And I saw that you asked Kevin to have me re-enable private chat. I don't know why you want to talk to me so badly.
It's not a matter of 'if'. There is no 'if'. I told you that I'm out.
"If you leave" was the wrong phrase since you stated you quit, my bad.

Honestly do you really think I actually wanted to leave this club? No, I didn't. But there comes a time when a ship is sinking and you have no choice but to jump. I tried to stick it out, but last week completely broke me. It's to the point now where I legit can't stand half the people in this club. Apart from a select few, I pretty much removed all of you because I was dead-set on quitting.

And I saw that you asked Kevin to have me re-enable private chat. I don't know why you want to talk to me so badly.
I wanted to ask if you had told Kevin to post these things and try to leave the thread in a mess.
I know I'm not qualified to say this as I wasn't there for the past few sessions, but whatever happened in those sessions, remember that its just a game @CVPI93. I know what members you are referring to and I'm sure the members know who they are as well. Some may share your sentiments but you didn't have to bring this thread down with you; although discussing this privately with Ameer may have helped, remember that he doesn't have complete control of us either.

It may just be me, but I believe you and @KM964 were being very antagonizing. I feel your frustration and the need to vent it, but Ameer was just trying to cool down the situation and to PM you to discuss your perspective privately.
I know I'm not qualified to say this as I wasn't there for the past few sessions, but whatever happened in those sessions, remember that its just a game @CVPI93. I know what members you are referring to and I'm sure the members know who they are as well. Some may share your sentiments but you didn't have to bring this thread down with you; although discussing this privately with Ameer may have helped, remember that he doesn't have complete control of us either.

It may just be me, but I believe you and @KM964 were being very antagonizing. I feel your frustration and the need to vent it, but Ameer was just trying to cool down the situation and to PM you to discuss your perspective privately.
I'm mostly OK with @CVPI93 posting his comments in the thread (everyone's allowed to express their opinions/concerns in my book as long as it doesn't cause a complete breakdown) and I've talked to him in private also about KM964's posts. At first I though him and KM964 were doing a little teamwork to get the thread sabotaged, but according to both of them, they are not really working together interestingly enough.

Anyone is allowed to leave like I said, all I want is for them to leave without any attempt at sabotaging things.