The Racers & Chasers Club

  • Thread starter jwesson1
I’ll try and join lobbies whenever I can, I work all week except for Saturday and Sunday but usually I have stuff going on those days especially in the summer. Hopefully we can keep the club going.
I'm definitely willing to stick around and help in any way that I can. I like this club much like an annoying brother; some days it really annoys you but at the end of the day you still like it.
@EnkiTehWuff - Please remember that if people wish to join our Lobby (Convoy) they must first :

@CVPI93 @JR98 @Gotbeefboy564 @Lameonade @Smurfybug @AudiMan2011 @Firehound427 @cartrucks @SonicCharmeleon @Devildude24

If you thinking about hosting a Lobby (Convoy) Please make a post using the following template as found below & fill out the details using 'bold' text :

Please LIKE this post if you'll be able to join a lobby taking place :



Host -
Lobby Type -
Car Class -
Location -

Many thanks

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Lobby is going to be February 3rd 1pm EST class will be A class and area will be determined when everyone arrives. Also we may do some of that chasing gamemode too. Can’t remember the name. Anyway. See everyone on Sunday.

Please LIKE this post if you'll be able to join a lobby taking place :

DATE AND TIME : Sunday, February 3rd, 1PM EST


Host - HuskySlushii
Lobby Type - open patrol
Car Class - A class
Location - Ambleside (if low amount of people)/ Edinburgh south (if more than expected)
New Map we'll be trying for today's lobby. Excuse the hard-to-read text, not much I coulda done about that.
Thanks @jwesson1 for trying to enforce the rules in last nights lobby. Unfortunately I feel there are a LOT of things that need addressing

We need to seriously cut back on off topic chat, especially during pursuits

Cops need to stop being so aggressive. It really felt like last night everyone was treating priority 2 like it was priority 1.

STOP trying to head on hit racers

STOP CROSS COUNTRYING (I mentioned this like 10 times but of course no one took notice)

Be more cautious, way too many cops were taken out due to head ons from other cops

Also @SonicCharmeleon its not a Race to see who can get to a traffic stop first. I know for a fact when I was following @CVPI93 to a TRAFFIC STOP you jumped out of a field in your Land Cruiser and literally rammed my cop car out of the road and forced me to spin into a ditch. The fact that you kept on going without even saying anything honestly tells me it was deliberate.
I agree. Last night was a mess. Thank you to @jwesson1 for hosting, and I know you tried your best at enforcing the rules, but last night it was obvious that nobody was listening.

The off-topic banter was ridiculous, and the immaturity was in full-force as well. It was so bad that I left early.

We clearly stated that cross-countrying and the beach were off limits, yet the first chase was ENTIRELY on the beach. Then there was the aggressiveness of the police.

Lastly, we agreed on 80s cars and up could be used as police cars, yet I was chased by a friggin' Hudson Hornet that clearly was NOT from the 80s, and also had offensive text on the sides.
@SonicCharmeleon - REPRIMANDED

Reason Given :

After receiving complainants from other members about you doing ''head on collisions'' when it wasn't a priority 1 pursuit & that you wrecked many fellow officers vehicles when attempting said collisions.

Please understand this isn't a personal attack on yourself by me or other members its just that some rules need tougher enforcement applying to them to stop certain behaviour happening within the clubs lobbies.

Dear TR&CC Members,

Please be aware that reprimands will be handed out if your found to be :
  • Constantly using offensive language or are swearing over the chat,

  • If you are hogging the chat with off topic conversations when a pursuit or traffic stop is taking place,

  • If you're doing head on collisions when a pursuit isn't priority 1 or if your not in either a heavy rhino or S.W.A.T vehicle,

  • If you are found NOT to be using simulation damage during a club lobby (Expect when using certain Police vehicles),

  • If your just following the racer around the designated playing area (Map) constantly when they haven't committed any offences.

  • If you have offensive or political language on your vehicle during the lobby,

Some changes / ideas that members came up with in yesterday's / last night's (03/02/2019) lobby :
  • Don't use any vehicles that are older than 1980 (50s / 60s / 70s) as Police units unless its in a themed lobby,

  • Heavy Rhino units must have the off-road package (Bullbar / fender flares / lightbar) fitted to them otherwise they'll be classed as Light Rhino unit,

  • Police dispatch / HQ will be either the current convoy leader at the time or the lobby host,

  • Police dispatch / Lead Police unit are the only ones who can categorise what priority a pursuit is or if the pursuit priority needs to be recategorised to a higher level,

  • Don't use 2-seater cars as Police units unless its an enforcer / interceptor unit,

If anyone has any thoughts or further ideas / changes they like to put forward then please feel free to do so.

Many Thanks

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So, I basically took the map @CVPI93 created and made a flat street map version in an effort to increase legibility. I kept the street names and added stuff like speed zones/traps, danger signs, and drift zones that were in the area. I've also included the rail line and some landmarks along the coastline.

Feedback is appreciated! :cheers:

So, I basically took the map @CVPI93 created and made a flat street map version in an effort to increase legibility. I kept the street names and added stuff like speed zones/traps, danger signs, and drift zones that were in the area. I've also included the rail line and some landmarks along the coastline.

Feedback is appreciated! :cheers:

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I need to get in contact with you then! Because there’s other maps that need to be done that I have come up with!
@CVPI93 @JR98 @EnkiTehWuff @SonicCharmeleon @AudiMan2011 @cartrucks @Gotbeefboy564 @Devildude24 @Firehound427 @Smurfybug

QUESTION 1 - Are you guys happy to carry on using the clubs current POLICE livery / design or Would you like to start using the UK POLICE (Battenburg style) livery that you can find on the FH4 storefront by searching terms such as : UK POLICE / SCOTTISH POLICE / POLICE SCOTLAND / ETC.

QUESTION 2 - Is there any improvements would like to see happen to the clubs current POLICE livery / design?
One change I'd make is possibly swapping the red/blue/yellow for the regular UK police colours (the green/blue) but keeping the same design so its not too much work.