My tongue is dry from hanging out!!!

Proby, your knack for breaking into vehicles is legendary! 1-9 are my faves!!! The total package is true to life. 1st shot, Brilliance!

👍👍👍 Did you SEE what you've done? I did.
Emula, take me to your leader! They just sit there, mocking me. AWESOME!!!
EUGEEEEEEEENE!!! Motor-Riffic!!! The sky down to the road...Highly realistic, so natural and fun. That angle is Hell on Earth!!! Hard to deny this photo is not real. YAY!!!
I Love an original 'Kudinov'. Always well dressed vehicles from you my friend.
SmFan, you just CANNOT pull pictures out of your pocket from the 80s' and post them here. Sorry.

DocArmor, AKA Tony Starks, AKA GTRacer98, AKA L.L.AKA Kool Ciro, AKA Iron Man, AKA 'The Youngest In Charge, Those photos are like time trials from past & present. Accurate representations both! GT500 + breakneck speed = MoMos' admiration. Excellent hunting!

End12gt4...🤬!!! That 🤬 is sooooo 🤬 realistic. You put on one Hell of a show. I salute your photography skills!!!

H. Keslijinen...Hell Yes! Captured perfectly. Like I'm there. NASCAR.

👍 Make More!
The Navigation on the dash shot boosted the set, Lj12, Is that the virtual road? excellent save! Well done Sir!👍👍👍
Confidence crushing shots Nomex 72! You have made it known that driving is not always pretty & shiny. Your tones capture the underside of realism. Gritty, harsh, imperfectly-perfect. Intentional, or not, those shots drip realism. 2nd Vantage shot is the Bees Knees!

Great set!
G.T. Ace, You are so on point with this shot. It is REALLY coming down the road towards me. I better move. Scary Real! I love your work Man!