The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Omamder5
I don't think i've ever seen a sun angle like that before :D

^^ I guess its from the update, like they put flares and stuff in the photomode i think? And it also has to do with editing though... i couldnt get rid of all the lightings from the original image :guilty: :)
^^ I guess its from the update, like they put flares and stuff in the photomode i think? And it also has to do with editing though... i couldnt get rid of all the lightings from the original image :guilty: :)

Ahh seems i wasn't the only one that noticed it, alot of light-bleeding going on in photomode.



Personnaly I think people use the new effects in all the wrong ways.
It's just too much, some pics are way off target here.
Uhhhhhmaaaaazzzzing! :D:tup:

Thanks ^^ I don't know if it's qualified as a real looking picture, but i at least tried to make it look as real as possible.

Red Piramyd lol what the h*ll..... why put that 8-bit looking game in the Realistic Photo Thread? xD
Okay guys. This is a realistic photo thread. The majority of the pics here are nowhere near photo realistic. I'm no pro. In fact, I'm far from it. But one factor to taking shots that are realistic, is the camera position. I dont want to point fingers but I need an example


Before I go on, I need to make sure that Im not in no way trying to disrespect the owner of this photo. Im simply providing constructive criticism for not only the person who took this shot, but for others. Sit back and think about this. How would one obtain this picture?

In other words, think about the photographer himself. He would have to stand in the middle of the road, in some awkward angle to take this photo. While a vehicle passes him by at close range at a very fast speed. That or riding in the back of a pick up truck and have all kinds of harnesses attached to him to get this shot. In other words, its not realistic. You guys see what im saying? If you take a awesome looking shot, be sure to recognize the position of the "camera man"

That is all.
Thanks ^^ I don't know if it's qualified as a real looking picture, but i at least tried to make it look as real as possible.

Red Piramyd lol what the h*ll..... why put that 8-bit looking game in the Realistic Photo Thread? xD

Looks like he is going for tunnel surveilance camera to me....looks good.
What about a camera pole and remote trigger ? ( like - )

Look in car mags and you will see heaps of pics as per the example (which I think looks real). :)


There was another post like that not too long ago. Seriously, to all the people questioning the realistic qualities of some of the photos here, please do get your facts straight before commenting -- camera rigs for cars have been around for quite some time, allowing photographers to get pretty extreme angles of cars in motion.

(Actually, even if there was a camera man standing in the middle of the road and is daring enough for the car to come that close, he still wouldn't be able to take that picture, because then it would be the car itself that would be in a blur, not the actual surroundings. Hence, the poor guy would have to be running as fast as the car to get the shot. Now that's unrealistic.)
Realism to me is more about the lighting, reflections, shadows, motion etc.

The thread is limited if it is about simulating the photos a trackside photographer would take.

If a pic makes you think "WOW" then it is pretty close to being real in my books.
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