The Ricer Fly By

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Anyone ever get this? You know where the guy besides you drops back and then shoots past you at high speeds then slows right down? This happened to me on the way home from my girlfriends house tonight. Any way I was going down I-75 and this little honda was next to me, I was crusing at 80ish windows down and music blasting, you know a good time out for a drive. Any ways the civic was keeping next to me so I look over at him like I do when someone is next to me. Then he just dropped back and a few seconds later he shot past me. It sounded like an angry blender. But I controlled my self and didn't drop the hammer. I just laughed and went back on to crusing along on this beautiful night.

Anyone else ever get the ricer fly by? I never did this when I was into imports at all.
All the time. Doesn't matter what car I'm in, either.

When the T/A was running, and I used to race, kids would fly by after I already stopped racing. As soon as they'd get about 2 cars ahead I'd go WOT again, and put some more buses on 'em.:lol: Or I'd go WOT + spray right when they got to my door, and they'd be a speck in the mirror once again.

I also used to get people who wanted to race me, but for some reason they wouldn't. I'd try to get next to them, but before I could they'd hit it so I'd just give it about 1/2 throttle to keep up with their speed machines.:rolleyes:

I've done the "domestic" flyby, and hazard lights thing before. This kid in a white Integra GSR kept racing me even though I was killing him, and he'd fly by after I beat him, and he'd throw his hazard lights on. We kept racing, and I'd fly by him, and throw mine on, and he'd do it again, and... we did that like 8 times... each.:lol: He was cool, though. 'Twas a good night that night.

I hate seeing hazards more than I hate seeing flyby's.
The hazard lights, when you double park or something, they do that to signal that they want to race. BTW this never happened to me before, mainly because I can't drive legally.
Hazard lights are the blinking signal lights when your car breaks down so people know to avoid you.

I have had one ricer fly buy, he almost ran into a car pulling out into the lane but we didnt race. We mostly have rev comps here at stop lights. Who is more intimidating and who sounds better or a race but it the race stops when you reach the speed limit...
Man, just imagine driving around in an e30 m3. I think it has probably the most aggresive styling for a non exotic street car.

I have some fun with them sometimes though. If its a stoplight, if the dumbasses are going lethal speeds on the freeway I dont encourage them more.
We were cruising up the motorway on the way up to our holiday bach in my dads MAzda B2000 (Feel the power..), when this guy in a peice of **** Civic pulled up besides as and downchanged, revved hard and was slowly, slowly pulling ahead. We were at 100km/h, and this hunk of **** was straining to get past 110. :rolleyes: When will they learn?
Non- exotic. . . Aggresive styling. . . Street car. . .

Yup, yup, and Yup! :)


  • nonexotic.jpg
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Yep, that qualifies too. But is that car more aggressive looking than this?


Maybe, but everyone knows that is a muscle car and came stock that way.

The wheels are not stock, but the front splitter and wing flap are stock on the Evo III. All body moldings are stock on all M3s.

If you like that pic, the site its hosted on has tons of e30 m3 pics, nicely thumbed. I have found a lot of backgrounds for my desktop there.

And oh yea, for a similar topic in another forum, check this thread out. Its pretty funny.
Just had one last week.

I was headed up I-70 into the Rocky Mountains when a guy in a Toyota Carolla "S" (it was a red S , so that's like 10 extra HP just for that sticker right? :rolleyes: )
Anyway, Let me tell you about high altitude driving. I live at 8150 feet above sea level, and where this all took place was on Vail Pass which is about 10,000+ feet above sea level. A car usually has about 25% less HP due to the lack of oxygen at 8150 so you can guess how much less it is at 10,000 feet. But this guy still want's to have a go at me.
First spotted him in my rear view mirror and he was gaining on me. (I'm doing about 80mph at this time.) I don't usually let people pass me but I had other passengers in the car so I layed off. He passes me, slows down and get's behind me again. Then I see him make his down shift and punch it. Just at that point a Ryder truck moves from the slow late and into the passing lane to make a move around an even slower moving 18 wheeler. The guy in the Carolla get's on the brakes hard and winds up about a car length ahead of me. So, I pull in right behind him. Not too close, but close enough so that he knows I'm pushin him a litte bit. The Ryder truck finally completes his pass and get's into the slow lane and the Carolla floors it. But since we are headed up a steep hill, (7% upgrade.) his car just has nothing left. Now, I'm even closer to his rear bumper and not really letting off. Now he's forced to get into the slow lane where I just blaze by him with ease.
I had a pretty full load in my car at the time too. 2 other passengers and their luggage. It was funny cus everyone in my car was just staring at this guy with a look of "what the hell were you thinkin" as we passed him up the hill.

So, the moral of the story is that never drive a 4 cylinder engine at 10,000 feet while going up hill and think your gonna beat anyone. It's never gonna happen. EVER! :)
I use to get that occasionaly in the Chevelle but not too much anymore. I think my car is too farmiliar around here. I still get in when I'm driving my wifes T/A but it's not too much trouble catching them and blowing by them.
Feh. He beat your ass fair and square, and you know it SR780. ;)

I've never done the fly-by (or had it done). I did have some kid in a Grand Prix GTP try to race me on the the rain. :dunce:
Originally posted by advanR
Yep, that qualifies too. But is that car more aggressive looking than this?


Maybe, but everyone knows that is a muscle car and came stock that way.

The wheels are not stock, but the front splitter and wing flap are stock on the Evo III. All body moldings are stock on all M3s.

If you like that pic, the site its hosted on has tons of e30 m3 pics, nicely thumbed. I have found a lot of backgrounds for my desktop there.

And oh yea, for a similar topic in another forum, check this thread out. Its pretty funny.

A guy that lives a few houses down (goes to my school) has one of those (or something really simular). It looks a little like that but with no wing and RX7 style wheels. Plus the wheels are bigger but not too big, just right. Its really nice. I might try to take a picture as we drive by or something so you can see it...
Originally posted by advanR
I think it has probably the most aggresive styling for a non exotic street car.

I don't know about it having the most agressive styling for a non exotic street car, but damn it looks good.:drool:
Originally posted by TsLeng
there's so much camber on the M3's front tyres.
wonder how the tyres wear.

Stock the rear wheels have -2.5 degrees. That is kind of a lot. For the fronts Im not sure, but I know its a bunch less. I could take a picture of the last set of tires I had so you can see the wear. Its pretty bad.

My friend has an m3 also. Except he has h&r sports and 18s. I cant stand wheels over 16 on the m3, but he likes them. Anyway, when the car is lowered it adds even more negative camber. His tires are like 225/35-18. They are like rubber bands. When his last set failed, on the inside of the rear tires, you could see they were down to the steel belt. It looked like the whole tread was moved over too, pretty crazy.
Originally posted by Frustrated Palm
A guy that lives a few houses down (goes to my school) has one of those (or something really simular). It looks a little like that but with no wing and RX7 style wheels. Plus the wheels are bigger but not too big, just right. Its really nice. I might try to take a picture as we drive by or something so you can see it...

It is probably a regular e30. Like a 318 or 325. 325s are pretty quick. What do you mean by rx7 type wheels?

Id like to see a picture of it.
Don't see the hazard light thing out here in SoCal. The only time we put hazards on is at the end of the race to let the racers behind you know you'e slowing down and for the flagger to let the next cars go.
Whenever im winning a race and feel its time to shut it donw (usually around 80-90) i put on hazard lights to show that its over. If im losing, then of course, i dont.
I'm on a mission to do a drive by with the Blazer just for kicks. I just think it would be funny :lol:
Originally posted by boombexus
Just had one last week.

I was headed up I-70 into the Rocky Mountains when a guy in a Toyota Carolla "S" (it was a red S , so that's like 10 extra HP just for that sticker right? :rolleyes: )
Anyway, Let me tell you about high altitude driving. I live at 8150 feet above sea level, and where this all took place was on Vail Pass which is about 10,000+ feet above sea level. A car usually has about 25% less HP due to the lack of oxygen at 8150 so you can guess how much less it is at 10,000 feet. But this guy still want's to have a go at me.
First spotted him in my rear view mirror and he was gaining on me. (I'm doing about 80mph at this time.) I don't usually let people pass me but I had other passengers in the car so I layed off. He passes me, slows down and get's behind me again. Then I see him make his down shift and punch it. Just at that point a Ryder truck moves from the slow late and into the passing lane to make a move around an even slower moving 18 wheeler. The guy in the Carolla get's on the brakes hard and winds up about a car length ahead of me. So, I pull in right behind him. Not too close, but close enough so that he knows I'm pushin him a litte bit. The Ryder truck finally completes his pass and get's into the slow lane and the Carolla floors it. But since we are headed up a steep hill, (7% upgrade.) his car just has nothing left. Now, I'm even closer to his rear bumper and not really letting off. Now he's forced to get into the slow lane where I just blaze by him with ease.
I had a pretty full load in my car at the time too. 2 other passengers and their luggage. It was funny cus everyone in my car was just staring at this guy with a look of "what the hell were you thinkin" as we passed him up the hill.

So, the moral of the story is that never drive a 4 cylinder engine at 10,000 feet while going up hill and think your gonna beat anyone. It's never gonna happen. EVER! :)

Mountain driving can be a pain in the ass. Especially when people are aggressive. It's really not the place to do it.
I've only drove in the moutians once and that was going from Sacramento to Reno. It was scary as hell since you get going fast and the car is hard to control. I didn't care for it and its not a place to screw around.
The last time I raced was probably five years ago. Iwas driving a 91 Cherokee and the other guy was driving a Camaro. He was tailgating me and got next to me at the light. WHen the light turned green I just went, maybe a little faster that usual, but I could hear by the sound of the Camaro that he was punching it. So I laid on it a little more, and a little more, untill we were both going way too fast for the street, but it was late at night and nobody else was around, and I was alone. I was surprised that my crummy Jeep beat a Camaro. I could tell they guy was embarassed. He made a left at the next light and I yelled "wow that's a fast car!" :lol:
hey guys, check that link out I posted. I just had a guy today ask me the same thing. "Is that a widebody kit?". I just luaghed.