The Ricer Fly By

  • Thread starter Joey D
Originally posted by Shinez
Denali's are pimp

See Shinez knows too......hey speaking of denali's...theres this rich guy I know...he has a ferrari, lambo, and a BMW 760Li....he also has a ducatti with only 1 mile on it that just sits in his office as a decoration...anyway he has a denali with $8,700.00 rims....sometimes he uses it off road :eek: I wish I had
$8,700.00 to blow on rims that are just going to get ruined...
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
See Shinez knows too......hey speaking of denali's...theres this rich guy I know...he has a ferrari, lambo, and a BMW 760Li....he also has a ducatti with only 1 mile on it that just sits in his office as a decoration...anyway he has a denali with $8,700.00 rims....sometimes he uses it off road :eek: I wish I had
$8,700.00 to blow on rims that are just going to get ruined...
sounds like a tosser, ask him if he knows the difference between oversteer and undsteer, bet he wont
Originally posted by Nightmage82
sounds like a tosser, ask him if he knows the difference between oversteer and undsteer, bet he wont

Hes pretty cool.....he let me take the ferrari 360 spyder to the prom...dont worry I brought it back in one peice...I even cleaned it out.....and filled the tank as a thank you :D
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Hes pretty cool.....he let me take the ferrari 360 spyder to the prom...dont worry I brought it back in one peice...I even cleaned it out.....and filled the tank as a thank you :D
wow that does sound pretty cool. nice one. im only jealous when people get excellent cars just because they can, and drive them at 25 mph all the time. i keep seeing cars that make me cry. i.e. 2003, 996 turbo with an AUTO box. the driver was just accelerating slowly, very loud but with the regular auto-box type shifting noise... :(
speaking of rich guys that dont know how to drive their expensive cars.......

I was up at Brainerd international for my second track day in my 88 m3 (195hp btw), and i was passing a few 911s all day. It was so sad. There are two in my mind that were 996 carrera 4s. Im pretty sure all the turbos killed me. there is a mile long straight at BIR, and in the right car, turn one is flat, turn two almost flat. Im not really bragging, these guys were hacks.

I cant wait for my roll bar. I can get a camera mounted in there and prove it to you guys, i should be even better by then also.
I just got the flyby from a crazy son of a ***** in an e36 m3. The ****er passed me and other cars and trucks onthe shoulder. He was probably hitting over 100 up the road a bit. I was wondering if he was drunk.
Originally posted by advanR
I just got the flyby from a crazy son of a ***** in an e36 m3. The ****er passed me and other cars and trucks onthe shoulder. He was probably hitting over 100 up the road a bit. I was wondering if he was drunk.
was he giving u the flyby or was he just cruising in the shoulder? :cool:
hehehe I've done the shoulder thing once...or twice.....there is this residential area that I drive through to get to my friends house and some guy and me were racing 60 through a 25 zone...and i had to use the bike lane to pass then sweve into the oncoming lane to pass a school bus.....this was like 3 years ago but i still remeber that guys yeah but dont be like me because i was young and stupid and immature...learn from my mistakes...shoulder driving is a bad idea....
I drove into oncomming traffic once, and the oncomming traffic swerved into the dirt, but the funny thing was..The oncomming traffic was like 600 yards away when he swerved away like I was right in his face...And I rode on the shoulder of the freeway once...Back when I was 16, I was racing a Mx6 and I refused to let him catch up because I was stuck behind traffic..So I took an alternate route....It was dumb...I know
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
well tomorow F&F 2 is released so its kinda like the quiet before the storm....
only just now? films are usually released much earlier in the us than here. we get it on the 20th of june i think, so not long to wait :D
I'm off to see 2F2F in about....10 if I don't post again...THAT'S WHERE I AM!!..WOOO OFF TO RIP OFF SOME RICE BOYS@!@!
The marine base here gets all movies about a week or two early. A few of my friends saw it last Saturday.

Well I just got back from the movie. So much rice I couldn't keep from laughing. Got some good pictures. I'll post em in the Dice Forums Frus. so you can see them.
where did hazard lights originate from. I drive a crap civic.. and WILL never use those stupid ass hazard lights to show that "ive won". this is done mostly by little asian kids that cant handle losing and will keep putting on the damn lights untill hes ahead and pretends to win so he can sleep at night.. mind that they did not have hazard lights on when i was maxing my piece at governor 110 and the stupid punk was sitting there in my mirror.. than i let him go past cuz it was over.. the guy does not have the balls it takes to race me.. than i turn off to go home.. and he turns on hazards!! HA! I didnt even see that gay stuff on fast and furious. Ya im talking to you silver ultima car, you got smoked on Allesandro St, Riverside, Ca approx. 10:45 PM,MAy 6, 2004. your hazard lights cant prevent that embarassment. Stock civic owned your overpriced import. Just wait till i get something decent.. yes i respect the american cars.. for i drive them,, although imports are the best traffic cars.. but have no contest on an open stretch. Please i urge anyone else that hates hazards to post.. break this foolish chain now.. will i guess it does provide us instant judgement of what kind of racer they are. *cough* show *cough*. Email me at to vent more about these wannabe racers, **** i mean what kind of moron uses hazards, my friend got hazarded on his street bike from a truck that he let ahead of him at the light after it took him 30 seconds to get to the light after friend was sitting there. "A win is a win" (laughs).

ps. the whole fact of this matter is he this "racer" stopped at 90 when i was at 110 than turned on hazards when i turned off home, dont let it bother you , they most likely didnt win and are trying to tell themselves, or fake out whoever is in their car, that they did. Friday, tonight ill be driving on 91 and throught allesandro, van buren, trautwein. I got a crappy civic with audiobahn sticker on back. Rev up and well go if u see me. late.

(IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO GET RID OF CAR GOVERNOR LET ME KNOW PLEASE ITS A BIG LET DOWN!! BESIDES THE CAR ITSELF!! stops at 110.. its friggin pointless.) i got the $$$ you got the stuff?