I shall post the draft order now.That'll be good. Any news on the driver lineup in GT next season?
1. ghskilla
I shall post the draft order now.
along with what the Daytona Graphic will look like
1. Unrealanthony
2. Cnd01
3. Shinshiki
4. Polarbear345
5. Freshseth83
6. Tissimo
7. Whiskeymaser
1. Stormpacer17
2. Damuemogirl
3. Tbwhhs
4. Mrmelancholy15
5. Ghskilla
6. GTP Paulmac2k9
7. Cowboys965
8. Flyinhawaiian77
9. Jethro King
10. F Filipe
11. Elitedreamer
12. Tacom
13. Jakobnascar88
14. Nizmodr3
Draft order
Daytona's picture:
Silverknight22How come I'm not there? I said I was gonna sign for season 3.
Tissimo in DP? He is scarry fast!!! Its already lookind like DP os going to be epic. 👍
GHS, could you do a graphic for Daytona and we can see who's is better?
CND, I could probably get us one.
cnd01Cool 👍 I want a real showstopper. Even if we suck, at least we will look like we are legit
ghskillaOkay. Daytona graphics will be done in about 1-2 hours.
ghskillaWhat do you want the dimensions to be?
You can't be cool, if you don't look cool
cnd01What kind of image are you thinking?
ghskillaDammit! I won't have enough time to do the graphics. If we were to do one, it'd be done in about 6 hours, because I need to do some practice testing on GT5. I like how the current graphic looks, just smooth out the green around the map and logos, add this:
And this:
I don't have that much time to create graphics. Sorry.
No one can "call" Cars until the draft!!!
anirishnirvanaCalling Evora! No one can stop me! Only difference is Storm becoming team mate
ghskillaI want Shin or tbw as a teammate...
What were this season's GT times in SSR5?
What times did they get with the Fezza? And what track? I thought we re-specced the Ferrari to be a second slower than it was? The Audi is as quick as the Ferrari in my tests.