The search for MORE PS2 Tracks Continues PS2 to PSP Track Project

  • Thread starter SiNiST3R
Yes, you need custom firmware to use CWCheat. CWCheat is a plugin, which is like an extra accessory that the custom firmware can load upon startup. This particular plugin allows you to essentially modify the code of the game as it's running.
I am sorry and feel kinda stupid for asking this, but what is cwcheat? Do i have to mod my psp to use it?

Don't worry, ive been using these programs for a few years and still don't know or understand half of it.

Anyway, cwcheat (and other programs like it) are software that you install onto your psp. They basically edit the game's code to change different values or attributes in a game. In other (harsher) words, they let you hack the game's code to cheat.

To answer your second question, yes, you do need to "mod" your psp in order to use it. Your psp must be running a CFW (custom firmware) which is an operating system that lets you use programs like cwcheat, as well as other things not allowed by sony's official firmware. Now you cannot just update your psp to a CFW, you do have to hack your psp. The most common (and by far the easiest) way to do this is to make/buy a "Pandora's battery" and use a "Magic Memory Stick" to install the custom firmware. Then you can add cwcheat along with may other programs to your psp.

There are countless tutorials explaining how to install CFW on your psp along with installing CWCheat. I personally used TheUltimatePandoraPack as it shows you how to make a pandora battery as well as giving you a link to a magic mem stick autoloader (its worth it).

I can't seem to find a reliable download for TheUltimatePandoraPack. can anyone reccomend a free file hosting site (file size 42 mb) i could use? and i'll post the link here.
Here is the full track list.the numbers are tracks DEC values.
View attachment gtpsptracks.txt

these are new tracks : (working ones. we already have codes)
14-hongkong_ps2 F
23-route5_ps2 F
48-smnorth_ps2 F
50-rome_ps2 F
52-route11_ps2 F
59-paris_rally_ps2 F
62-complex string_ps2 F
63-circle60_ps2 F
135-gymkhana_Ps2 F
138-tahiti dirt ps2 F
142-redrockvalley F
144-pikespeak_ps2 F
145-grindevald_ps2 F
Here is the full track list.the numbers are tracks DEC values.
View attachment 70368

these are new tracks : (working ones. we already have codes)
14-hongkong_ps2 F
23-route5_ps2 F
48-smnorth_ps2 F
50-rome_ps2 F
52-route11_ps2 F
59-paris_rally_ps2 F
62-complex string_ps2 F
63-circle60_ps2 F
135-gymkhana_Ps2 F
138-tahiti dirt ps2 F
142-redrockvalley F
144-pikespeak_ps2 F
145-grindevald_ps2 F

U serious about Pikes Peak? :drool:
These names show up in game track list but i m not sure they are actually in game.may be they deleted 3d files or even didnt put them.but why are these in the game?there must be someway to play or at least test them.i m trying debug cam to see tracks.but nothing yet.some of them loads but screen goes black when you enter race . :(
Great Work Bro!!!

Do you mind if I add these to the OP

As to searching for codes. what we are doing is editing existing codes by changing the second strings HEX value through editing the DEC value.

You can do this at the select code menu, instead of hitting X to select the code, you hit Square to edit the code.

Searching for codes (like cash, ammo, etc) is allot more complex (Ive got it done though) But takes Allot of work, and allot of sniffing through dumps. Unfortunately you need to access what your after in order to access the codes through dumps so dumps wont help us find track beyond finding the initial track codes that we are already messing with ;)
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hardtofind, have you used the debug camera to check out the carousel at The Ring? Its quite a site (I also checked out the castle)
Here some progress report.
(black screen) : track loads but when you click race button screen goes blank (not working)
(loading forever) : track loads but in race menu it keeps saying loading . (not working also)
what a progress ha :D
14-hongkong_ps2 F (black sceen)
23-route5_ps2 F (loading forever)
48-smnorth_ps2 F working
50-rome_ps2 F (black sceen)
52-route11_ps2 F (loading forever)
59-paris_rally_ps2 F (loading forever)
62-complex string_ps2 F (black sceen)
63-circle60_ps2 F working
135-gymkhana_Ps2 F working
138-tahiti dirt ps2 F (loading forever)
142-redrockvalley F (loading forever)
144-pikespeak_ps2 F (loading forever)
145-grindevald_ps2 F (loading forever)

But i m hopefull about those black screens.tracks seems to be loading.i want to cross reference with other versions.if you have EU or Japanese versions try them.they may work :D

(circle60_ps2 in drift mode cause black screen that means we still have i m going to try all these tracks in all modes.lots of work. )
(if i could find any track modifiers)
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This is really interesting. Never thought that something like that can be done for the psp. Its almost like programming on the end user part for this game. Now, if only I know how to do this editing. Waiting for more good info here. :)

i m on the right track.while experimenting i found 5 different track address(driving chalenges have 5 track address).in menus some of the address get -1 value.i m combining these with new codes.
here is the result.
Loading successful but instead of the given track we get deep forest (or random i couldnt figure out) but the intended tracks map shows.i mean you race in the deep forest but track map shows (hong kong or complex string) yes i managed to load at least new tracks maps :D

here are the new codes(highly experimental )

0X0080F440 0X0000003E (DEC value 62 complex string)
0X0080F450 0XFFFFFFFF (DEC value -1)
0X016E4CC0 0X0000003E (DEC value 62 complex string)

warning :you have to use external camera .sometimes crashes but try couple of times
the red ones dont have in game track map
the blue ones have in game track map

14-hongkong_ps2 F (black sceen) map
23-route5_ps2 F (loading forever) map
48-smnorth_ps2 F working
50-rome_ps2 F (black sceen) map
52-route11_ps2 F (loading forever) map
59-paris_rally_ps2 F (loading forever) map
62-complex string_ps2 F (black sceen) map

63-circle60_ps2 F working
135-gymkhana_Ps2 F working
138-tahiti dirt ps2 F (loading forever) nomap
142-redrockvalley F (loading forever) nomap
144-pikespeak_ps2 F (loading forever) nomap
145-grindevald_ps2 F (loading forever) nomap

i m on the right track.while experimenting i found 5 different track address(driving chalenges have 5 track address).in menus some of the address get -1 value.i m combining these with new codes.
here is the result.
Loading successful but instead of the given track we get deep forest (or random i couldnt figure out) but the intended tracks map shows.i mean you race in the deep forest but track map shows (hong kong or complex string) yes i managed to load at least new tracks maps :D

here are the new codes(highly experimental )

0X0080F440 0X0000003E (DEC value 62 complex string)
0X0080F450 0XFFFFFFFF (DEC value -1)
0X016E4CC0 0X0000003E (DEC value 62 complex string)

warning :you have to use external camera .sometimes crashes but try couple of times
the red ones dont have in game track map
the blue ones have in game track map

14-hongkong_ps2 F (black sceen) map
23-route5_ps2 F (loading forever) map
48-smnorth_ps2 F working
50-rome_ps2 F (black sceen) map
52-route11_ps2 F (loading forever) map
59-paris_rally_ps2 F (loading forever) map
62-complex string_ps2 F (black sceen) map

63-circle60_ps2 F working
135-gymkhana_Ps2 F working
138-tahiti dirt ps2 F (loading forever) nomap
142-redrockvalley F (loading forever) nomap
144-pikespeak_ps2 F (loading forever) nomap
145-grindevald_ps2 F (loading forever) nomap
Maybe one day we will be able to play on complex string, i love that track so much. I really hope so.
I believe what your saying but this doesn't add up red rock valley was only on PS1.

Anyway keep up the amazing work this is the most exciting news ever about GTPSP 👍

it could have easly been in GT 3 and 4 also, only like this one, not enabled
Red Rock Valley?! That was one of my favorites from GT2, this could possibly be a sign that they're bringing the whole lot back for GT5? In which case I really do hope Rome Night and R11 make the cut.

P.S. keep up the good work, I hope you find a way of making these tracks playable.
Here some pics​
i cant take screenshots of in game maps.tracks dont load with remotejoy enabled. :(


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Complex string ,route 11 and rome maps.track is deep forest.sorry for quality


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  • r11map.jpg
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  • romemap.jpg
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So just to be sure I understand you, you have gotten Deep Forest to load up under the names of some other tracks, but you haven't gotten those other tracks to load yet right?
yes.track names and maps are correct but the track you race on is deep forest.sometimes trial mountain and sometimes tokyo.i couldnt figure out yet all the paremeters.
Woah this is quite interesting. If the maps show up in the game that means that they are tucked away in there somewhere possibly. :)
Btw "hardtofind" and "sinister" have you both nticed that only tracks of the ps2 games load? Well they don't load forever. I highly doubt that the ps1 tracks are in the game. I think you should cocentrate on the ps2 tracks like route 5 or complex string. All of the tracks from ps1 games just dont load at all. They obviously aren't IN the game. but the names are.
Ive been busy on some other stuff. Im going to get back into the search later tonight.

Hardtofind, great work leading the way!!!!
This seems very much like PD used a lot of GT2 resources (basically built onto) in making GT3/4 and then used a lot of those resources (again built onto) to make GTPSP and we are finding the left overs and housekeeping issues.

As an aside it's interesting to think how this played into the making of GT5... and how much of it was really scrapped. It would be cool when GT5 comes out if people could dig around in it and find leftovers like this :)
GT5p/GT5 doesn't use the same engine as previous GT editions have used.

They used to use texture mapping, but don't in GT5p/GT5 its a new system PD is using allowing them to get more depth of details.

GT PSP was a sort of Port of GT4 (Not exact) So The engine they were using carried over with enhancements and improvements. Its not the same track that was in the previous GT titles.

I wouldn't expect GT5p/GT5 to have any left overs from the previous titles as its completely new.

Not one of the tracks is a carry over, for example High Speed Ring is there, but the track has evolved into a much higher quality presentation.

For some flash Backs "POP" in GT1 or GT2 into your PSP and check out the High Speed Ring, and how different it is from the Current HSR in GT5p.
I know PD have said they scrapped everything for GT5 but I can't believe they totally scrapped all the tracks and rebuilt them from scratch... I think some people were saying they spotted inconsistencies in some map shots that matched up with older verions (for instance something the wrong color since in real life it has changed since the original version of the track came out).

Also I thought GT3 was a supposedly a complete ground up build?
Does this mean that the foundations of GT PSP lie in that GT 2000 game that was headed for PS2, before GT3?
What's Gymkhana?
I always wondered why the Special Stage tracks weren't there...maybe they are!
I know PD have said they scrapped everything for GT5 but I can't believe they totally scrapped all the tracks and rebuilt them from scratch... I think some people were saying they spotted inconsistencies in some map shots that matched up with older verions (for instance something the wrong color since in real life it has changed since the original version of the track came out).

Also I thought GT3 was a supposedly a complete ground up build?

Not just the track maps But the Car models also.

Keep in mind they still can use the same core data that they used to build the previous GT games (for instance the Ring) they laser mapped the track then used that data to build the track. They don't have to get new data to build the tracks from scratch. Also tracks details are constantly changing, from race to race, its hard for them to choose what to integrate and whats just not important enough, as it may just be changed again shortly.

The same goes for the cars, they can still use collected data they already have but use it to build the car models in a new different way.

In GT5p there is a little video on the development of the game that gives some details on the new techniques over the old, etc.


I'm running GT2 and see if I cant get anything from it.

I have GT2 running on my PSP with CWCheat loaded and running, I'm sniffing for some track codes...
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I believe what your saying but this doesn't add up red rock valley was only on PS1.

The Tracks are not the PS1 editions from GT1 or GT2 but the remade tracks from GT3. Weather or not they made an appearance in GT3 actually doesn't matter because most probably they were hidden in the code. All the versions we have found so far have had PS2 in there name display, & the working tracks are very different from the GT1 & GT2 counterparts.