Viper Zero
The UN did find WMD. Read your history books.
18 Apr 1991 Iraq provides initial declaration required under resolution 687 (1991), declares some chemical weapons and materials and 53 Al-Hussein and Scud type long-range ballistic missiles.
Iraq declares it has no biological weapons programme.
23-28 Jun 1991 UNSCOM/IAEA inspectors try to intercept Iraqi vehicles
carrying nuclear related equipment (Calutrons). Iraqi personnel fire warning shots in the air to prevent the inspectors from approaching the vehicles. The equipment is later seized and destroyed under international supervision.
2 Aug 1991 Iraq declares to the first biological inspection team
that it had conducted "biological research activities for defensive military purposes".
19 Mar 1992 Iraq declares the existence of previously undeclared ballistic missiles (89),
chemical weapons and associated material. Iraq reveals that most of these undeclared items were unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991, in violation of resolution 687 (1991).
6-29 Jul 1992
Iraq refuses an inspection team access to the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture. UNSCOM had reliable information that the site contained archives related to proscribed activities.
1 Jul 1995 As a result of UNSCOM's investigations and in the light of irrefutable evidence,
Iraq admits for the first time the existence of an offensive biological weapons programme but denies weaponization.
Aug 1995 Iraq provides the third Full, Final and Complete Disclosure for its prohibited biological weapons programme.
Nov 1995 Iraq provides second Full, Final and Complete Disclosure of its prohibited missile programme.
13 Jun 1996 Despite the adoption of resolution 1060 (1996),
Iraq again denies access to another inspection team.
22 Jun 1996 Iraq provides the fourth Full, Final and Complete Disclosure of its prohibited biological weapons programme.
13 Jan 1998 The Executive Chairman reports to the Council that during the first day of an inspection, Iraq announced that it was
withdrawing its cooperation with the inspection team on the pretext that the team had too many individuals of US or UK nationality (S/1998/27 of 13 January 1998).
20-27 Mar 1998 The Commission and Iraq conduct a further technical evaluation meeting (TEM) in Vienna dealing with all aspects of Iraqs biological weapons programme.
15 Dec 1998 The Special Commission reports to the Security-General concerning UNSCOMs activities and the status of Iraqs cooperation with the Commission in the period since 14 November 1998.
The Executive Chairman concludes that Iraq did not provide the full cooperation it had promised on 14 November 1998 (S/1998/1172)
Those entries are from The
UN's own website under departments UNSCOM. See how Iraq had lied about the existence of WMD and then revised their position on numerous occasions.
The US invaded Iraq. Officially, no WMDs were found. Pay attention to the news.
Where are they then? If you know what happened to the tons of chemical and biological agents maybe you could let UNMOVIC know.