The Simpsons VS Family Guy

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
Since most of us agree that the Simpsons has lost it, when did the series jump the shark in your opinion?

I think its hard to pin-down one specific moment overall, as it has been a pretty slow regression for the show in general. There have been a lot of ups and downs in the past few seasons (more downs), and I think the episode that confirmed my suspicions against The Simpsons was the previous Tree House of Horror. It was neither funny, nor all that entertaining... And the political twisting that has started with the show isn't that interesting, nor really all that funny.

First of all, American Dad is super, super lame. Also, don't group Harvey Birdman and Aqua Teen Hunger Force in with Family Guy just because they're in the same timeslot on Adult Swim - the former two are good underrated shows, and completely different than Family Guy (read: weird).

Speaking of underrated... how great was Futurama? And I hear it's coming back in 2008?

1) I've never really cared much for American Dad. They try too hard to make it political, and it doesn't seem too funny too often.

2) Who grouped [AS] shows with Family Guy? Did I do it (I don't remember). I'm a big fan of almost every show on [AS] (I <3 Tim & Eric Show: Great Job!, among others of course), but Family Guy is always tacked-on as an added bonus.

...And I don't think Family Guy is "weird" (or is it the other way around?). I personally like the "manatee jokes," because even though they are pointless, they are funny nonetheless.

3) Futurama is supposed to be back on Comedy Central either late this year or early next. The rather high ratings on [AS] convinced them to do it again (remember, they revamped the show on Fox a few years ago...), much to the delight of the folks at Entertainment Weekly.

...I've only been a quazi-fan of Futurama. There are some episodes that are great (The eight-lead clover one), and some that are just plain stupid (the one with the bee and whatever). I dunno. You'd think after the show had failed twice that they would have figured out it is a no-go...
Family guy is great at referencing every aspect of pop culture that I grew up around. It's brilliant that way. i can't be bothered to watch simpsons anymore. I have had enough of hearing 'doh' to last the rest of my life.
Which animated television series do you prefer to watch,
The Simpsons or Family Guy


Me personally, I prefer to watch Family Guy, because I find it to be funnier than The Simpsons and I love the pop culture references and the many "Cutaway" gags that Family Guy has.

BTW: I am 15 years old. :)

For those who have never heard of either television shows please . . .
CLICK HERE, to learn about Family Guy.
CLICK HERE, to learn about The Simpsons.

Please vote/post your opinion on which T.V. show you like better (Family Guy or The Simpsons) in this thread.

Thanks in advance for voting/posting.
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Simpsons wins for me. It is however, VERY close.

This should be in the Movies & TV forum by the way.

Damn those guys are fast! Or did you move it yourself?

I can watch Simpsons episodes over and over again. Family Guy can get annoying sometimes, and if I see the same episode too often, it completely turns me off for a while.
The Simpsons every time.
Family Guy is just way too repetitive for my liking.
From seasons 10 and on, The Simpsons started sucking a lot. And very fast, if I may add. I can't stand watch The Simpsons at the moment, it's so unfunny it hurts my belly. So unfunny I become stupider after watching just a scene.

Family Guy is stupid, but it's a lot better than the current Simpsons.
The older Simpsons episodes are absolutely hilarious, almost unbeatable! Newer ones, not so much :/ Don't get me wrong, Family Guy is funny, but classic Simpsons episodes are beast :)

Howeverrr, I prefer Futurama overall haha ;)
The Simpsons has lost its former glory. Today, it's all about inserting guest stars wherever possible with no regard whatsoever towards a decent plot.
I watch Simpsons more because its on more often (6pm on channel 4 everynight), however I prefer family guy even though its not on very often.
Family Guy is good, its for a more mature audience... Thats my opinion

I think most Americans will say Family Guy and everyone else will say the Simpsons...
The Simpsons has lost its lustre recently, but I still prefer it overall to Family Guy. Both can be laugh out loud hilarious at times, but some of the classic Simpson's episodes are pretty incredible.
Agree with the posts above. Earlier Simpsons were the best. The writers for current Simpsons are just not funny IMO. Even the animation is not as good as the older seasons. Family Guy is not super funny but still better than what Simpsons us putting out. I like how Family Guy uses CG in the new seasons.
I love both, but Family Guy is on top. I've watchd more Family Guy then Simpsons so it's just a given for me. They're both good by all means, but I love Family Guy.
Family Guy, for the simple reason that I never found The Simpsons to be that good of a show anyway.
Older Simpsons were superb without even the need to go controversial. I prefer to watch new family guy episodes to new Simpsons though.

In the end The Simpsons will be remembered more though.
I don't care for either one,sorry.

Interesting thread though.Is this going to be an ongoing idea,tv show -vs- tv show,or movie -vs- movie ?
Family Guy is good, its for a more mature audience... Thats my opinion

Ummm... What?
You are entitled to you opinion of course but that statement is rubbish.
Just because it has swearing and adult-y themes doesn't mean it's for more mature people.
Simpsons, for the simple fact that there were a lot of "copied" jokes and even whole plots in Family Guy. I find both funny though, both shows were better in the past, but I have to say that the newer Simpson episodes are getting better again (note, we in Germany are a bit behind and I won't watch stuff illegally on the internet).

Also, The Simpsons exist for a much longer time than all the other shows, so it's not surprising that it also has more "bad" episodes overall. I would even say it invented the whole genre of cartoon shows like this.
Not counting the last 2 seasons of either one, I vote family guy.

Lately it seems like both shows have completely run out of good jokes.

Futurama on the other hand, the most recent series was hilarious and I really hope they make another one.
FAMILY GUY is just an unimaginitive and vulgar rip-off of THE SIMPSONS. The worst episode of THE SIMPSONS is better than the best episode of FAMILY GUY by a whole order of magnitude.
Calm down Interludes, it's just a question about cartoons.:lol:

Anyways, Family Guy is much better.👍
FAMILY GUY is just an unimaginitive and vulgar rip-off of THE SIMPSONS. The worst episode of THE SIMPSONS is better than the best episode of FAMILY GUY by a whole order of magnitude.

Agree 100%. I'll admit, I used to love Family Guy in Junior High. But I've grown up since then, and I see the show for what it really is, a bunch of nonsense that only a 13 year old would enjoy. But the older Simpsons episodes keep me laughing to this day. Even the Simpsons episodes of recent will get a decent chuckle out of me (though, not nearly as much as older episodes). I'll just make this easy, The Simpsons hands down if just for seasons 3-11, and Family Guy loses for it's 23 minutes of sheer stupidity. And the Simpsons win for Bart Vs. Australia alone.

Oh, and I think this pretty much sums up Seth Macfarlane shows.
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