The storage thread.

  • Thread starter sn00pie


  • FX With Euros.jpg
    FX With Euros.jpg
    6 KB · Views: 24


  • PDI_booths_19107_Full.jpg
    73.4 KB · Views: 323
  • best_toilet_ever.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 123
  • 212911-KonsoleGameboyAdvanceNESEdition.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 115
Sometimes, sometimes not. That lock would be a "not"… I just extracted some frames from an OS X animation (when you lock an account's preferences, it shows that closing lock) and threw it together as an animated GIF. I always make it a point to make my avatars from scratch though.
Crap I had to write...


On my computer
I play first person shooters

You can mame
In a videogame

If you eat chalk
You will find it hard to talk

The man in the old shoes
Sang the blues

The boy named John
Turned his computer on

The stereo had so much bass
It shook the entire place

A horse can eat hay
Every single day

You can buy a jar of honey
If you have a lot of money

The man named Dave
Lived in a giant cave

The man popped in the disk
While he was drinking his Brisk

Mister Miamoto
Took the photo

The man in the bar
Played the guitar
1 immutable – changeless, invariable, unalterable, unchanging, undeviating
alterable, changing, inconsistent, vacillatory, varying
2 impervious – impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, inaccessible
accessible, enterable, passable, penetrable, perforable, porous
3 implacable - grim, merciless, relentless, unappeasable, unpacifiable, unrelenting
appeasable, clement, compassionate, conciliatory, merciful, reconcilable
4 incongruous – discordant, discrepant, incompatible, inconsistent, inconstant, uncongenial
appropriate, compatible, congruous, consistent, fitting, suitable
5 indolent – lazy, otiose, slothful, unindustrious,
assiduous, busy, diligent, industrious, sedulous
6 infallible – flawless, impeccable, inerrable, inerrant, unerring
errable, errant, fallible, imperfect
7 infirm – decrepit, frail, inconstant, irresolute, vacillating,
hale, healthy, vigorous, resolute, steadfast unwavering
8 innocuous – innocent, inoffensive, unoffending
harmful, pernicious
9 insatiate – gluttonous, unappeasable, unquenchable, unsated, unsatisfied
gratified, quenched, sated, satisfied, sufficed
10 inscrutable – arcane, impenetrable, inexplicable, mysterious, unknowable
comprehensible, intelligible, penetrable, perceivable, perspicuous
11 insensate – callous, dispassionate, insensitive, unaffected, unfeeling, unmoved
compassionate, empathetic, responsive, sensitive, tender-hearted
12 irrelevant – extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inconsequent, unconnected, unrelated
applicable, germane, pertaining, pertinent, related
1 Calendar 9 pamphlet
2 Concede 10 precede
3 Conscious 11 proceed
4 Dictionary 12 recede
5 Exceed 13 secede
6 Guttural 14 succeed
7 Intercede 15 supersede
8 Loneliness

1 abash – to destroy the self-confidence or self-possession anyone; to make one feel inferior or ashamed
2 bigotry – obstinate and unenlightened attachments to one’s own religion, party, belief, or opinion
3 cajole – to get one’s way by deceptive flattery or specious promises
4 chagrin – embarrassment or humiliation caused by disappointment or failure
5 chaotic – utterly disordered or confused
6 embezzle – to fraudulently appropriate money entrusted to one’s care
7 flotsam – wreckage or goods found afloat after a ship has sunk
8 hypocritical – characterized by feigning to be what one is not
9 platitude – a dull and trite remark solemnly stated
10 rampant – growing or flourishing unchecked; unrestrained
11 reverie –abstract musing; daydreaming
12 rhetoric – the art of using effective and persuasive language; the rules guiding the effective use of language
- language characterized by artificial or ostentations expression

Photo, shutter
Snapping, capturing, digitizing
A camera captures memories.
Picture box

Internet, games
Gaming, surfing, learning
Learning how to use a computer will get you far in life.

Music, loud
Listening, relaxing, soothing
Speakers are used to play music.

Picture, tube
Watching, learning, entertaining
Television can entertain.

Beats, tones
Listening, grooving, relaxing
Listening to music is great.

Wheels, fuel
Speeding, moving, screeching
Cars can be fast.

There once was a man from Nantucket.
His house was as small as a bucket.
His name was Big Fred,
His Ferrari was red,
And his chickens’ name was Big Clucket.

There once was a camera named Jack.
He had buttons all over his back.
His owner took him to Acapulco,
And took lots of great photos,
And now he is receiving lots of flak.

There once was a bottle named Dasani.
He had a grandmother named Nani.
He took a really big diaper,
And soaked it in the river of Dnieper
And mailed to his big brother named Johnny.

There once was a car named Jerry.
He had a best friend named Harry.
I’m out of Ideez,
Someone help me please!
As long as your name isn’t Larry.
No, It's for school. :lol: My dad can't see my computer on the network and my floppy drive is broken so I have to copy/paste it somewhere on the net so I can print a copy.

M elodically
U nifying
S tates in the
I ndependant area of
C roatia.

C arrying people
A way from
R eally scary
S ituations.

S ending music
P honetically
E very time
A n anonymous
K angaroo jumps
E ver so slightly to the
R ivers edge.

L umens
I lluminate
G reat
H eat
T urn
1. acquaintance 9. necessary
2. battalion 10. recommend
3. canister 11. sacrilegious
4. deceive 12. their
5. familiar 13. there
6. hemorrhage 14. they’re
7. inadvertent 15. wholly
8. laid

1. beleaguer – to surround (as with troops) so as to prevent escape; to harass, to beset
2. bizarre – strikingly unconventional or peculiar as to taste, style or appearance
3. bulwark – a defensive wall or fortification; any safeguard or defense; to fortify with a bulwark; to protect
4. cabal – a small group of highly place people united for a secret and often sinister purpose; the plots of such a group
5. caricature – a picture or description in which the characteristic features of the original are exaggerated r distorted so as to produce an absurd effect
6. fiasco – a complete and often ridiculous failure
7. garnished – added to for decoration or interest
8. mien – the air, being, or manner of a person as showing the character or mood
9. mountebank – a roving hawker of quack medicines who mounted a bench and appealed to his audience by jokes, stories, and tricks,; any charlatan or trickster
10. rudiments – basic principles first learned about a subject
11. slovenly – careless or negligent in habits, dress, appearance, or work
12. whimsical – characterized by erratic behavior or unpredictability; odd, freakish