Charles Dailey
The night started out like any other night. Darin and Jack were working at their car garage when Jordan calls Darin on his cell phone and asks him to come up to the top of the mountain. Darin hangs up and tells Jack to get in his car. Darin jumps into his Skyline R34 GTR VSPEC II and Jack hops into his Nissan 240Z and they both tear out of their garage and roar up into the mountains. You can hear their monstrous engines echoing throughout the mountain valley. They accelerate away into the night and race up toward where Jordan is waiting for them. They tear around the corners at high speeds like it was nothing, sometimes drifting around the corner because they were going too fast to grip the entire way. Darins tires screech as he rounds the next corner. He doesnt lose traction because of his advanced all wheel drive system. Jack tries to go around the corner just as fast but because of his lightweight car with so much power and only rear wheel drive, he loses control and slides around 180 degrees. He comes within inches of hitting the guard rail. Darin slams on his brakes and whips his car around and drives back to Jack. Jack signals that he is ok and mashes the accelerator down. He swings his car around and accelerates off in front of Darin. Darin whips his car around also and takes off after Jack. He catches up to Jack before they finish rounding the next corner. Darin rushes past Jack up the final climb to the top of the mountain to meet Jordan. Darin brakes hard as he comes to the observation spot at the top of the mountain where Jordan is sitting in his 3000GT waiting on them. As soon as Darin pulls up next to Jordan, the black tinted windows of the Jordans car roll down and he says Lets race, brother.
Jordan punches it and dust is kicked up everywhere by his spinning tires. He leaves long, black lines on the pavement as he takes off down toward the bottom of the mountain. Darin slams his Skyline into reverse and spins it around. He puts it in first gear and takes off after Jordan. Jack has already turned around and started chasing Jordan because he saw him zoom past him. Darin soon catches up to Jack because Jack has the slowest car of the three. He honks his horn and gives a little wave and a smirk as he passes right by Jack after they exit the turn. Darin can see Jordans tail lights going around the corner, two turns ahead. Darin nears the first turn and notices the long, black marks left on the road because of Jordan drifting his car around the corner. He notices that the marks come within inches of the guard rail the only thing keeping the cars and their drivers from becoming real acquainted with the ground below. Darin pushes even hard and starts catching up to Jordan. He finally gets with in 10 feet of Jordan. They both zoom around the corner at great speeds, both nearly hitting the guard rail each time. This next corner was going to be different, though. Darin pushes even closer to Jordan and Jordan tries to show off by once again drifting around the corner. This time, his drift went a little wide. His rear end clipped the guard rail which sent him spinning around. Immediately, Darin slammed on his brakes to avoid being caught up in the accident. He watched in horror as he saw his friend Jordan spinning all over the road, smashing into the guard rails on either side of the road when finally, Jordan and his car went tumbling over the guard rail and down into the valley below. Jack has caught up with Darin and stops and asks him what had happened. Darin tells him that Jordan had been flung off the mountain side and that they need to go see him immediately. They both took off down the mountain pass. When they reached the bottom of the mountain, they could see a smoldering pile of metal on the side of the road with the fire truck, ambulance, and a few innocent by standers that witnessed the entire event nearby. They both immediately knew what had happened. Jordan had died and it was all because of a stupid little race.