After playing Madden Ultimate Team for a little bit, it would be nice if Forza would offer an outside way to check on auctions and such. Either through a website like in the Forza 2 days, or through an app.
It'd also be nice if we can get actually accurate timing when listings are lower then 60 seconds, because I have lost many an auction to people who seemingly put in a bid at the last possible second.
I can't count the number of times I've bid on an auction that said "ending soon", only for it to say the auction was over immediately after, and I had... lost?
I dislike what Forza (both of them) have done to the auction house in general. I PREFERRED it when people actually sold their liveries and vinyls directly, and a really good painter could "charge" more than a less skilled one. I liked when the auctions were actual auctions with no hard cap based on the dev's fake valuation of the car in-game.
Things that are bad about the current AH (not exhaustive):
- Not being able to save search parameters - or even just "save" your LAST search.
- Not having a visible countdown for auctions.
- Not adding more time when a bid is placed.
- The sheer sluggishness involved in doing ANYTHING.
- The meaningless categories - such as the quick link for "rare" car auctions, that just lists barn finds and FE car auctions, instead of actual unicorns.
- No button to quickly re-list something that didn't sell.
- No button to quickly claim anything you've won (or reclaim any credits from lost auctions)
- Not being able to set auto-bidding with a max cap, like on eBay.
- Not being able to get alerts for when certain cars go up for auction.
- No app or browser-based access to the AH
I'm sure others can add more. It's clear the AH wasn't really improved at all between FH3 and 4.