The teasing is beginning !!

I just saw an ad on TV featuring Gran Turismo 5 along with Uncharted 2 :eek:

"the game is just the start" !

I'm trying to find and upload it right now ,without success .
We get these "the game is just the start" ads since the start of the Slim, also with Uncharted 2, but GT5?


Thats the German spot.
So what did you see from GT5 footage? anything new or eye worthy?

Anyone knows if there will be GT5 bundle with PS3 slim? And I want a LIMITED Edtion GT bundle plus PS3 with GT logo!
Do you saw that in france?

Here in Spain I did not see anything, but I remember tv spots of the GT Academy on the comercials of Formula 1 races.
That video is hilarious, how come the German language has no equivalent for "blu-ray high definition?"
Hearing those words in English in the middle of all the German cracked me up.
Well its called HD everywhere, HD means "high definition". ;)
The German translation would sound either stupid, or too long.
"schau Filme auf Blu-ray in hoher Auflösung" or "Hochaufgelöste Filme auf Blu-ray"... not mainstream cool enough. :lol:
Well its called HD everywhere, HD means "high definition". ;)
The German translation would sound either stupid, or too long.
"schau Filme auf Blu-ray in hoher Auflösung" or "Hochaufgelöste Filme auf Blu-ray"... not mainstream cool enough. :lol:

HAHA sounds like a President's speech, yes its that long!
Lol, well its more because of the "hoch aufgelöst", it just doesnt sound technically enough.
We use a lot of English words in our media and sometimes it sounds extremely stupid.
So German doesnt allow new words, like French? I noticed you still wrote "Blu-Ray." Also, I am now under the assumption every German knows English, at least some, correct?
I beleive it is part of their schooling(at least that's what I picked up in high school German).

Also, Blu-Ray is the brand name, normally those stay the same no matter what.
So German doesnt allow new words, like French? I noticed you still wrote "Blu-Ray." Also, I am now under the assumption every German knows English, at least some, correct?

That's true, I believe the statistics said, every third German knows English quite well.

I beleive it is part of their schooling(at least that's what I picked up in high school German).

Also, Blu-Ray is the brand name, normally those stay the same no matter what.

Also true, EVERYBODY, who attends school, no matter which one, has to learn at least a little bit of English.
Im a guy that grew up with few neighbors, one of which was a Nazi (he was a POW and never left, lol) and I could never understand his english, so I am a little surprised Germans use English words. I assumed people take English there like we take Spanish here, but I never would have guessed they just throw Engish words in just to sound better, and he said them so clear in the commercial.
Sorry for being off topic, I was really caught off guard.
Im a guy that grew up with few neighbors, one of which was a Nazi (he was a POW and never left, lol) and I could never understand his english, so I am a little surprised Germans use English words. I assumed people take English there like we take Spanish here, but I never would have guessed they just throw Engish words in just to sound better, and he said them so clear in the commercial.
Sorry for being off topic, I was really caught off guard.

Lol, that's ok I guess (for being off topic), some cultural education and fun is always good!:dopey: But hey, I have to say this, this cracks ME up. Why the hell does it have to be always "Nazi talk", if it comes to German(y)(s)? I just don't get it: Do the rest of the world believe still we like Hitler or sth.? I can tell you, 99% of Germans (at least) HATE him and all he has done, period, and just as a comparison, in Russia there are WAY more Nazis than in Germany, and yes they still exist lol.
Btw, I know you were talkig about your neighbour being a Nazi, but why, just why had this "Winerwürstchen" xD to be a Nazi. :ouch:
Edit: What is POW?
Well, i could imagine Ismoke really was talking about a Nazi. :D

I know, I'm just angry that he HAD to be one, 'cause that let the German people look..well..."nazilike", if you could say it like that.
Btw, if you made a joke-I obviously didn't get it. :embarrassed::lol:
Edit: What is POW?
Prisoner Of War. By the way, he wasn't just using the term the way some kids do and using "Nazi" synonymously with "German." I'm well aware how the German people woke up to how they were duped by Hitler, and are still asking forgiveness for the Holocaust.

Anyhow, seeing such a commercial in Europe is to be expected, seeing as how wildly racing games sell there. What is surprising is how early this is. Someone mentioned that Gran Turismo would have to be advertised before the game launched, and now, we're beginning to see them.

Can GT5 be far behind? 💡
These commercials might be associated with the European PS3 slim pack-in games. I recall there are three of them, but I can't recall what the third one was... LittleBigPlanet?
We use a lot of English words in our media and sometimes it sounds extremely stupid.

It's a phenomena becoming increasingly prevelant throughout the world. It even has a specific name, but it eludes me. I think it was as simple as "borrowed words" or something.

I guess it's just a part of globalisation, and an effect of satellite television and the maybe the internet.

Anyway, has nobody else seen the spot? It mean very interesting things indeed....

TBWA's latest PS3 campaign in the UK began on the 11th, it's possible a new variation of the spot could have been released exactly a week later (18th), although I'm sure at least someone would have seen it.
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LOL, He was a legit Nazi, help captive in a concentration camp in Maryland or Virginia. His name was Tony, and his wife was Rosie. Sadly, they were very nice people, I have to say. I was a young kid and he always called me little Indian (for native american):) I just couldnt understand what he would say when he talked.
It's a phenomena becoming increasingly prevelant throughout the world. It even has a specific name, but it eludes me. I think it was as simple as "borrowed words" or something.

I guess it's just a part of globalisation, and an effect of satellite television and the maybe the internet.

There are also a LOT of new technology that we have words for in English, but the rest of the world doesn't have native words for. So, other speakers adopt the English word even if a new native word is invented in place of the English word.

I can't remember which new item it was, but the French language made a new French word for it, but the locals adopted the English word first & just stuck with that instead.

Borrowed words are everywhere. Heck, English borrows tons of words from German & French. I recall a joke saying that a prostitute is more pure than the English language! mdr!

Anyway, I hope we start seeing those commercials more often.

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