The teasing is beginning !!

The English words in product names is something that happens all over the world, afaik.

His name was Tony, and his wife was Rosie. Sadly, they were very nice people, I have to say. I was a young kid and he always called me little Indian (for native american):)

Proof that nazi's are, in fact, quite harmless :P
It's a phenomena becoming increasingly prevelant throughout the world.

And, would you believe it, it even came to you. You're using Greek and Latin (even though incorrectly) without even knowing it.

It's phenomenon, phenomena is plural. And there is no prevelant, only prevalent.

Sorry, a little off-topic, like the whole story about how Germans use the term High Definition. What about English speaking people using words like Kindergarten, Weltschmerz or Zeitgeist? Same thing exactly the other way round...
Look at the wall again, next to the LBP poster.

Obviously it can be a new ad, and I prefer that, but this is the closest to what he says he has seen that I've found.
I know what you mean, ive seen this commercial before on the PS Blog.
But he said there was U2:AT in the ad too, plus the one you posted doesnt run in European TV.

So either, theres a different spot, or his post was BS....
Yeah, im getting excited, hope it wasnt just a hype thing.

The HKS Evo is shaping up to be GT5s theme car btw.

It has been getting alot of attention, but to see it on the cover? I don't know, it seems too busy, usually they have stock cars.

I thought it was gonna be the ZR1 but it went to GTPSP.
It has been getting alot of attention, but to see it on the cover? I don't know, it seems too busy, usually they have stock cars.

I thought it was gonna be the ZR1 but it went to GTPSP.

Since Kaz wants to appeal to the US market he should put the king, the myth, the living legend, the guy who cant buy a win... Dale Jr. and his "stock" car on the cover.
i think the game should have a lambo on the cover

Wise man! I'd choose a yellow or lime green Murciélago to do the job. And to do the job well.

However,the Ferrari F50 is the ideal choice. It's just too bad ass and demands respect. If you want to turn heads on the streets, choose any Lamborghini model or a Ferrari F50.
It has been getting alot of attention, but to see it on the cover? I don't know, it seems too busy, usually they have stock cars.

I thought it was gonna be the ZR1 but it went to GTPSP.

GT4 had the Ford GT LM Spec II on the cover.
Any Playstation ads I've seen have shown Prologue, on Dave, Sky1 and Sky Sports News. Quite big channels (by big I mean well watched).
lol @ this thread.

And G.T.Ace, GT4 had the regular Ford GT, not the GT LM Spec II:

Its alright, we all have memory fades. I know I've had my share this year, looking like this :confused:
The question is....

Is the thread starter full off sh**? Maybe it's just a mistake.

You shoudn't post sth. like this, consequences are fast to come, and if you're lucky, quite heavy. I know what I'm talking about, I once "lost my temper" and an infraction, which will never expire by the way(in my case), was the consequence and I'm not proud of it. :sly: