The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
What really grind my gears in this game is rolling starts, there becoming really stupid in daily races, we have at least 3 to 4 safety cars in the game, why they cant they lead us 2/3rds before the start line and then pit and all the GT3 racecars then start the race.

Sometimes I have had instances in sport daily races where rear of the pack of racers have disconnected or lagged and gotten stuck, and the 6 cars leading the pack have left and started to go round and lapping the zombied cars stuck on the corner of the last turn of said track.

PD could add more Safety cars animations instead of just using the lazy yellow flag to warn us of a this and other incidents. This should in thoery help us slow down rammers as a limit of speed could be imposed in the race, like real racing helping the flow of traffic and collisions.

Some may argue that this is more of SIM based feature, but if it could really help daily sport mode races in general with and as the majority of them have rolling starts.
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It annoys me that I keep seeing bug/glitches during my daily races, I had this crazy bizarre thing happen to me, I chose the RCZ for TM Reverse, after waiting for the matchmaking and the rolling start, next thing I know I'm driving in a Black Lamborghini as the leader. This has never ever happened to me before in any racing game. That was so lame and weird.
HOW TO RUIN A VIDEO GAME - RANT - Episode One (It's a long one)

I have played all GT versions except No.3 and thoroughly enjoyed doing so, up to GT7 that is. Since GT6 I have spend most of my time in GT playing together with a small group of friends in the lobbies. I am not a fast player perhaps just a little faster than average.
Firstly the game was released at least a year before it should have been, only half finished and full of bugs. An unprincipled thing to do.

The in game rewards as a whole are mostly insulting. Often a prize for a 6-star ticket is only worth the same as that for the lowest prize for a 3-star ticket and as everyone knows they are 'fixed'.

Adding lots of new cars to the game does not improve it at all, purely cosmetic. No one is going to get a new car that is faster than anyone else's cars. With over 500 cars already in the game and most of them never used they are not needed and add nothing of any substance to the game and are quickly forgotten when the next lot of new cars appear.

Lots and lots of 'offline' races added, 90% of which are so easy there's no satisfaction at all from winning. Mostly the same goes for the 5 weekly races. In a lot of these races you start in last place and quickly see that you are 25 or 30 secs behind the lead car. This is nothing like a real race simulator more like playiing catchup. The addition of Sophy is good but it must be a dumbed down version because I can win those races on professional level.

I see people referring to GT's career mode. There is nothing like a true career mode in GT7 or in any other GT version before it. Just look at other racing games like Project Cars, it's just one example to see where it's done properly.

Great graphics but after playing for a week or so you no longer notice them. Great graphics (ray tracing or anything else) do not make a great game, playability is far more important.

In GT Sport lobbies there was a track vote, you could exclude players based on their D & S ratings, an option to start a race with a reverse grid, look at a room before joining and be able to see if a race was already in progress, see when a player was in the process of typing a message, road cars were grouped and when the host left, room ownership was transferrred to another player.

All these great features and others are completely missing from GT7. Why?. A lot of the time most lobby rooms have only one or two players in them and it seems to me far fewer people now play in the lobbies.

Yes I know that road cars can be effectively grouped by setting a PP limit and possibly BOP in a lobby but the fact is that most people cannot be bothered to take the time to tune a car to a limit.

One night earlier this week at around midnight there were only 13 rooms in the lobby and seven of them only had one player in them. Three weeks ago the lag problem (which Polyphony and Sony took at least 9 months to fix originally) began to rear it's ugly head again and has gotten much worse since, last night it was truly appalling, I was racing in the lobby with only myself and 6 friends in the room (all of us from the european region), we all have pretty fast internet the slowest being 60 Mb download and 30 Mb upload and we all have fast ping the worst being 18 ms. So to the people who say this problem is caused by people with slow internet ...ABSOLUTE RUBBISH.

Now I often join a room, wait for up to maybe 10 mins until the race ends and then the host shuts down the room and along with all the other players I am thrown out having wasted my time. Obviously Polyphony doesn't care about the lobby players and the game is a lot worse for it.

And I have discovered that when using BOP together with a PP limit that there are some cars that despite meeting all room settings including being below the PP limit will not be allowed to enter, a message appears saying that the car does not meet the PP limit when in fact it definitely does. The Celica GT-FOUR (ST205) '94 for instance when fitted with racing hard tyres and no other changes at all has a PP of 524.70. The PP has to be set to at least 530.0 otherwise the car cannot be entered. A small thing maybe but still an annoying problem. Another bug.

The 'offline' time trials no longer include an option for BOP so can't test cars with BOP on without opening a room in the lobby.

Why did they change the physics again when few were complaining? What was the point of changing them to make the cars supposedly handle more like real world cars when it makes the game less fun? After all THIS IS A GAME and despite the title nothing like a true simulator.

Cars now understeer terribly and do not behave consistently.The Gr.3 porche 911 for instance was a great car to drive, fast and predictable now it's awful. This is not just me, all my friends and many others report the same issues and some have given up playing the game because of them. Some will say I need to change my driving technique but why should I have to do that ? It's like moving the goal posts halfway through a game of football.

In Sport with BOP my friends and I could lap Panorama in a Gr.4 car at around 2min 10 secs. When GT7 was released the lap time slowed to around 2 min 12 secs, after the 1.49 update best we can do now is around 2 min 14 secs - overall roughly 4 secs slower. This goes for other tracks too. How is this an improvement?

The track limits are a joke, no consistentcy at all. On one bend you only need to barely touch the kerb to get a penalty, on others you can put two wheels well over the kerb, gain time and get no penalty at all. And wall riding is not penalized, at least not at Tokyo and the High Speed Ring.

The same goes for the penalty system. In the daily races a lot of clean players work hard to get a good driver rating but then are repeatedly rammed by dirty drivers or idiots and often the player who has done nothing wrong gets the penalty, then sees his/her rating drop like a stone and gives up. It's one of the reasons why you see many lobby players with very low DR & SR ratings who are as fast as A or even A+ rated players. Ratings in this game are completely misleading and meaningless. Giving penalties to all players involved in collisions would be better than this rubbish, then at least the offender would be punished.

Some other online racing games ban players for repeated 'dirty' driving, Polyphony do absolutely nothing to stop them continually and deliberately ruining the game for others. A lot of people will know some whose on-track behaviour is truly appalling and it has been going on for years and nothing at all is done.

Why does a room host have to leave a race or wait until the race is over in order to kick a dirty player?

I realize that coding a good penalty system for car to car collisions is really difficult but the level of programming incompetance from a company that has been making this one series of games for over twenty years is astonishing.

In daily races you can finish a race literally having cleanly overtaken 7 or 8 cars or more and amazingly watch your driver rating go down. Yes I know the reason for this. It happens when the overtaken players have lower ratings than you. In real world racing if a driver overtakes other cars he does not get points deducted because the drivers he passed were rookies. This is just ridiculous, to gain nothing and instead be actually penalized. Incredibly badly thought out.

New Eiger track, great fun to drive but only if yours is the only car on the track. It is so narrow and twisty that lots of races there consist of an endless series of collisions. There are also too many fantasy tracks and should be far more real world tracks (preferably not F1 tracks which with some exceptions are mostly boring). Probably too tight to pay the licence fees.

Polyphony must know about all these problems but just can't be bothered to fix them. There are even two other things mentioned in the official known issues that apparently have not been fixed after two solid years. Polyphony Digital just like Microsoft is an arrogant company that just does not listen to it's customers.

Now for all the improvements in GT7 over Sport. - Graphics. (Full Stop) but only if you have a 4K TV and a PS5.

This game could and should have been an improvement on Sport, instead it is far less fun and is a giant leap backwards. This whole game seems to be more about style than content. A real shame.

I fully realize that probably all these points (and more that I haven't mentioned) have been raised Millions of times before (some people seem to wildly exaggerate in this forum) but putting them together shows just how poor this game is.
RANT OVER (for now).
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I was racing in the lobby with only myself and 6 friends in the room (all of us from the european region), we all have pretty fast internet the slowest being 60 Mb download and 30 Mb upload and we all have fast ping the worst being 18 ms. So to the people who say this problem is caused by people with slow internet ...ABSOLUTE RUBBISH.
Why do people always focus on internet "speed"? It's irrelevant and it's "width". Your internet pipe runs at nearly the speed of light, the bandwidth (note: bandwidth) is how much data can be crammed down it sideways at once. Think of a 70mph limit road: everything moves at 70mph no matter how many lanes there are (let's ignore the superluminal Audis), but more lanes equals more cars at the same speed. That's what your bandwidth is.

It's not important how wide your connection is, except that the wider it is that more people can run stuff up the pipe at the same time. If you've got two people in the house trying to stream 4K Netflix at once, that's 40Mbps of your 60Mbps gone in a flash - like two lanes of a motorway being filled with cars, leaving only the outside lane free for you. But then again GT7 doesn't need that much bandwidth, but more room is better in case someone decides to pull out.

Ping is important, but stability is more importanter. Measuring 18ms unloaded is fine, but if your ping rockets up to 70ms under load and has 40ms jitter, you're just fooling yourself.

And then there's the people who connect over Wifi, which can have packet loss when someone turns on a microwave or a vacuum cleaner, or they leave the DNS assignment as dynamic so when their kid goes onto TikTok the router has to have a good long think about what's connected to it. And it only takes one person to be like this (usually the person who thinks "my internet is fast so it's not me" and has done sod all else) to mangle a P2P lobby - which is only as strong as the weakest link.

And then you have the well-established PS4/PS5 issue, wherein parties on the same console are fine but just one from the other side joining up makes it all fall apart.

But sure, it's all absolute rubbish.
Why do people always focus on internet "speed"? It's irrelevant and it's "width". Your internet pipe runs at nearly the speed of light, the bandwidth (note: bandwidth) is how much data can be crammed down it sideways at once. Think of a 70mph limit road: everything moves at 70mph no matter how many lanes there are (let's ignore the superluminal Audis), but more lanes equals more cars at the same speed. That's what your bandwidth is.

It's not important how wide your connection is, except that the wider it is that more people can run stuff up the pipe at the same time. If you've got two people in the house trying to stream 4K Netflix at once, that's 40Mbps of your 60Mbps gone in a flash - like two lanes of a motorway being filled with cars, leaving only the outside lane free for you. But then again GT7 doesn't need that much bandwidth, but more room is better in case someone decides to pull out.

Ping is important, but stability is more importanter. Measuring 18ms unloaded is fine, but if your ping rockets up to 70ms under load and has 40ms jitter, you're just fooling yourself.

And then there's the people who connect over Wifi, which can have packet loss when someone turns on a microwave or a vacuum cleaner, or they leave the DNS assignment as dynamic so when their kid goes onto TikTok the router has to have a good long think about what's connected to it. And it only takes one person to be like this (usually the person who thinks "my internet is fast so it's not me" and has done sod all else) to mangle a P2P lobby - which is only as strong as the weakest link.

And then you have the well-established PS4/PS5 issue, wherein parties on the same console are fine but just one from the other side joining up makes it all fall apart.

But sure, it's all absolute rubbish.
My apologies, I left out some important info. My friends and I are all on PS5's and we are all connected using ethernet cables (no Wifi). Although I cannot give figures for any of our bandwidths when going to the lobby Sony servers state that in each case "bandwidth Very High"

As this problem was present for at least 9 months originally then largely disappeared for the following six months and now has reappeared how does your explanation apply. Did the width suddenly change, did people stop using Wifi, was there no longer a mix of PS5's and 4's for six months?
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As this problem was present for at least 9 months originally then largely disappeared for the following six months and now has reappeared how does your explanation apply. Did the width suddenly change, did people stop using Wifi, was there no longer a mix of PS5's and 4's for six months?
You're conflating two things and making a post hoc ergo propter hoc error.

The lag issue was game-wide in its early life (online was rebuilt, and not entirely the same as GT Sport), but was gradually addressed. That doesn't mean that all subsequent connectivity issues are due to the same bug returning..

My explanation isn't mine; it's how things work. If you're experiencing connection issues in a lobby it's probably because you've got people who are on Wifi, or on PS4 in an otherwise PS5 lobby (or vice versa), or who have done nothing to optimise their connection because they think theirs is "fast" and they don't need to do anything beyond that.
It always annoyed me when I couldn't reach a gold-level time in the online time trials, but you know what. I'm giving up control. My mom has Stage 4 cancer and I need to just focus my mind on bronze, maybe silver, but like Tume told me, forget about gold. Family is more important than a racing game. I take it way too seriously. I'm not risking my life over a shiny medal, no...
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My complaint is about Sophy.
I've really enjoyed driving GT7 again since Sophy's arrival.

At my first race, I had a smile on my face... seeing cars overtake each other, making little mistakes, seeing a big American car overtake absolutely everyone because of its big engine and a big VROOOM... the race was ALIVE, FINALLY!!!

A gran turismo first! (I did them all apart from the 3rd) to see that the vehicles seemed to have a physics

quite similar to the player.

I've played mostly on PC and I've never seen such a lively AI (even compared to RF2, which I love).

And then the last lap happened...

And everything fell apart.

And then the similarities with the basic AI became apparent.

It becomes slower, doesn't fight any more, when you ovoertake it, the AI slows down noticeably, yet when I use the replay it clearly presses hard on the accelerator pedal, but it's as if a force is preventing it from going faster.... It's especially noticeable in Le Mans, where the car doesn't have the same speed between the first and last laps.

Which leads me to say that she's been nerfed a lot compared with what we had during the temporary beta, when she was incredible.

Why is that? To avoid frustrating players?

Why not have a difficulty mode similar to the beta called... I don't know, “Alien difficulty”? (like assetto corsa 1)

Which would be the ultimate gran turismo difficulty.

In its current state, there's a huge amount of wasted potential... as a solo player, I sincerely hope for an improvement in behavior and an end to rubber banding forever. (and endurance, rain with them...)
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As this problem was present for at least 9 months originally then largely disappeared for the following six months and now has reappeared how does your explanation apply. Did the width suddenly change, did people stop using Wifi, was there no longer a mix of PS5's and 4's for six months?
I think the problem is due to the game rather than any individual's connection. Lobbies where unplayable due to lag when I lived in Sweden and used an ethernet vable with fast internet speeds. They're equally unplayable when I'm in Kenya on slow wifi. And yet I can play any other online game without lag.

Edit: I can also play Daily Races without lag, it is only lobbies that have this issue
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I don't know what that means to be honest
Lobbies don't use the same networking protocols as Daily Races, and Daily Races are region-locked whereas Lobbies are not. Lobbies are much more affected by individuals with mince connections.
Edit: I can also play Daily Races without lag, it is only lobbies that have this issue
Must say that even decent quality Daily Races equal to racing with 100-300ms latency players in ACC, although in ACC you see more rubberbanding.

GT's netcode has always been really bad, especially when someone starts to slide/skid you see pretty awkward movements.
Oddly I've noticed that connection is usually better in asian/oceanic Lobbies, despite the fact they are basically around the world.
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Can't increase fuel tank capacity in the tuning workshop. When i tune a street car, it's a real weakness against genuine race cars during long races, e.g le mans 700pp.
Must say that even decent quality Daily Races equal to racing with 100-300ms latency players in ACC, although in ACC you see more rubberbanding.

GT's netcode has always been really bad, especially when someone starts to slide/skid you see pretty awkward movements.
GT Sport lobbies didn't lag like this though. They were usually pretty smooth
Getting the Citroën invite. 210 consecutive daily races completed. Saw the invite only 4 times. Got all the other invites several times but the Citroën one… 🤬

And the 20 mil $ cars… I have 2 20 mil cars I have to buy and 2 18 mil cars. It takes forever the grind the credits together. 😢
Some people just refuse to have one more app than is absolutely necessary for security and privacy reasons.
Joker - Not Sure if Serious GIF - GIF - Imgur

....but plays always online Playstation games? Theseus's of Internet Privacy has sailed around the world at least 10 times now. I kinda feel bad for people who think like this. They're just fooling themselves into believing they're in control of something.
Another one. When buying the RH compound for the Honda 2&4, the grooved Bridgestones remain. Only way to fit the look of the Michelin slicks is to change the tyres via Livery Editor. Still no Michelin stickers though.
I jumped on ACC just to see what the FFB felt like and man, the ability to use AT but still shift gears was amazing. I eventually want to go MT but right now I am transitioning to a wheel and a new view so enough new variables but i'd kill to kick down a gear in a lot of corners. So in ACC you are in AT but it allows you to kick down a gear and then resumes it's AT duties.

Every track has a corner or so when a downshift would REALLY help, the most notorious is the right hander before the straight leading to the hairpin at NGP, every car's AT hangs in too high a gear and it makes rotation so difficult, would kill to kick down manually.
I jumped on ACC just to see what the FFB felt like and man, the ability to use AT but still shift gears was amazing. I eventually want to go MT but right now I am transitioning to a wheel and a new view so enough new variables but i'd kill to kick down a gear in a lot of corners. So in ACC you are in AT but it allows you to kick down a gear and then resumes it's AT duties.

Every track has a corner or so when a downshift would REALLY help, the most notorious is the right hander before the straight leading to the hairpin at NGP, every car's AT hangs in too high a gear and it makes rotation so difficult, would kill to kick down manually.
I would love this feature! Would help me transition to manual.
The F1 games have it too.
Another small ick with GT7 as a game, is the poor wayfinding, when I finish a lobby race, the whole lobby Sport mode resets all the settings, so I have to dig through the menus to find the type of race and type of course I prefer, why can't we have shortcuts or preferences racing shortcuts to choose races quickly, save me waiting 10 agonising minutes, waiting for the lobby environment checking thingy spinny wheel to finish loading.

Also I do hate why there isn't a mini garage option, like quick select, sometimes the menu gets stuck if I have an incorrect vehicle with ie "dirt tyres" and there is no change car menu in Sport menu or multiplayer lobby for me to change my car, when I'm jumping between a time trial and a lobby race mode, I have to go all the way back to the garage and switch over vehicles.

Also why do some cars not have Rev-matching in the game or have I missed something?
When you get in a rally car and hop into a custom race at a dirt track, taking a lot of time to configure all the settings for the race, like the opponents, grid, time, weather, penalties, the lot. You're finally done and click Enter Race, and that's when the game tells you you don't have dirt tires equipped and can't continue. So you get kicked out of the custom race settings and lose all your settings. :grumpy:

Even GT4 had a thing where if you had dirt tires but didn't have them equipped, it would switch to them automatically when you enter a dirt race.
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