Something clicked just now: Many of the significant events at the beginning and/or end of each season have happened to either someone from Canterlot or in Canterlot. When you think about it:
Season 1 Beginning: Twilight is introduced to her new friends and as it turns out, they also represent the very elements she reads about and end result, they defeat the first villain of the series, Nightmare moon (I see what you did there, writers.) with the newly discovered power of said elements.
Season 2 Beginning: Celestia informs them of the return of Discord and when he gets them to turn against each other, its Twilight who goes around and relieves them of Discord's influence and afterwards, they are back together using the elements to turn him back to stone.
Seasn 2 Ending: Twilight's brother Shining Armor gets married to Cadence (that is after he almost weds Queen Chrysle- I mean Chrysalis who disguised as her the entire time and after she gets blasted out of Canterlot thanks to the combined powers of Cadence and Shining Armor).
Season 3 Beginning: Who do we find protecting the Crystal Empire? Newlyweds Cadence and Shining Armor. While Twilight was not able to get the Crystal heart down, she tells Spike to. Then we're treated to the most hilarious use of a wife ever seen in television and afterwards, Cadence sets the crystal Heart in motion and King Sumbrah is defeated and interestingly both at the beginning and end, we keep hearing about this "test".
So in short (not counting the rumors I wasn't previously aware of and the spoiler-esh nature because I do agree it could've at least been saved as a suprise ending), as mad as people may be and with a interestingly shorter season, can it be concluded that this was what was in store to begin with?
And then Twilight really was God.
The one time that board meeting actually went well