The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So, while doing some character building I realized that the Ponies not only represent the elements of harmony, but, at their core, they represent the 7 Heavenly Virtues with a smidge of the 7 Deadly Sins mixed in for fun. ('cause it makes the characters more interesting and believable).

So, the 7 Virtues are:

Patience - Pinky Pie
Kindness - Fluttershy
Charity - Rarity
Chastity - Spike (To be honest, it'd be hard to pull this one off with another pony. Using a cute little dragon with a crush on Rarity is a great way to go.)
Humility - Twilight Sparkle
Diligence - Applejack
Temperance/self-restraint - Rainbow Dash

Of course, each of the characters has represented their opposites plenty of times. But I just thought it was interesting.
Pinkie is like a 9 year old with ADHD on a sugar rush, patience isn't even in the same galaxy.
And Spike is going for Rarity at every turn, so I don't see how chastity makes sense.

And Tom, that has got to be one of THE most adorable avatars that you've had.
>Rainbow Dash

>Self restraint



She's actually displayed impressive self-restraint several times like the first encounter with Princess Luna where she decided to sacrifice hanging with the dark Wonder Bolts to be with her friends. And the ENTIRE Wonderbolts episode was about self-restraint. Lighting Dust was Rainbow Dash without self-restraint. To be perfectly honest, Dash could easily run off with the Wonder Bolts and leave Ponyville forever, but her loyalty and temperance cause her to stay behind.

Pinkie is like a 9 year old with ADHD on a sugar rush, patience isn't even in the same galaxy.
And Spike is going for Rarity at every turn, so I don't see how chastity makes sense.

Pinky Pie hardly ever gets angry (though when she does, she displays Wrath rather well) even when times are tough, she's always calm, happy and patient. Look at the Gilda episode. Gilda was a jerk to Pinky, yet, Pinky stayed patient and persistent.

As for Spike, although he's often seen drooling over Rarity, he's never actually made a move on her. He's been seen doing things for her and he's been her brave knight a lot (shudders at the stupid rapid dog episode), but never a stalker, never pushy about it. Another word would be Chivalry. Which, Spike has expressed a lot.

Again, Chastity is hard to represent in a children's cartoon.

If you think about it, the Elements of Harmony are pretty much synonyms for 6 of the virtues. (leaving Chastity out, of course). Anyway, that's my only explanation.
She's actually displayed impressive self-restraint several times like the first encounter with Princess Luna where she decided to sacrifice hanging with the dark Wonder Bolts to be with her friends. And the ENTIRE Wonderbolts episode was about self-restraint. Lighting Dust was Rainbow Dash without self-restraint. To be perfectly honest, Dash could easily run off with the Wonder Bolts and leave Ponyville forever, but her loyalty and temperance cause her to stay behind.

Loyalt =/= Self restraint
Pinky Pie hardly ever gets angry (though when she does, she displays Wrath rather well) even when times are tough, she's always calm, happy and patient. Look at the Gilda episode. Gilda was a jerk to Pinky, yet, Pinky stayed patient and persistent.
She wasn't being patient, she was being totally oblivious.
stupid rapid dog episode


AJ is has WAY more self restraint and patience than Pinkie and RD combined.

Saying that Dash has self restraint because she held back a few times is like saying a Senna was a clean driver because he sometimes didn't force the issue when passing.

And when Spike is literally drooling so much that others notice, then yeah, that's not chastity.
Unicon 2013: show writers panel

Looking at some of the answers given, there are a few things of note, such as these three:

- The Season 3 finale was originally written in November 2011. Twilicorn was a while in coming, folks, and the writers knew they wanted to make it a musical fairly early on.

- Meghan would cross MLP over with Breaking Bad, Cindy would add Depeche Mode to the show's soundtrack.

- We might see Trixie again. Oh, Seth. You just had to ask.

Dammit, I want Cindy Morrow to have her way with the show's soundtrack so damn much. Plus the possibility of getting even more Trixie sounds interesting.

I wasn't sure how long ago the season 3 finale was initially written, but a gap well over a year long between then and the episode coming to pass doesn't really suggest that her becoming an Alicorn was a last minute change. Still, it was a move many find questionable regardless.
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I wasn't sure how long ago the season 3 finale was initially written, but a gap well over a year long between then and the episode coming to pass doesn't really suggest that her becoming an Alicorn was a last minute change. Still, it was a move many find questionable regardless.
Haha. I said something along these lines a while ago. I love being right. It doesn't often when I speculate. :D

But yeah, still questionable, but at least this kinda hints that this was before they were entirely familiar with the brony fandom, and all. Given if it was written in 2011 Hasbro had.probably been holding the Alicorn idea for a long time before that. So a fourth season may not have even been in the planning.


Now that would be a spin off I'd love to watch. Just swap Babs for Jesse, Spike as Walter Jr., Dashie for Skylar(her character in Breakong Bad reminds me of Dashie in The Ballad), Shining Armor for Hank(Its Walt/Twi' brother, and a member of law enforcement(DEA/Royal Guard). Trixie can be a recurring character, Saul the dirt bag lawyer. And aside from that its mostly mild characters. Cadance would obviously be in place of Hanks wife.

This all fits way better than I'd have thought....

EDIT: And with Dashie being Skylar, Gilda could be Ted Beneke.

: O
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She's actually displayed impressive self-restraint several times like the first encounter with Princess Luna where she decided to sacrifice hanging with the dark Wonder Bolts to be with her friends.

So Applejack has to physically restrain her to keep RD from doing something stupid every time she gets hot-headed because... they are both just into that?
Aw, thought that was a Veggie comic at first. But Veggie wouldn't have Twilight getting involuntary wing movements over Fluttershy like that.

So Applejack has to physically restrain her to keep RD from doing something stupid every time she gets hot-headed because... they are both just into that?

It's the primary reason why AJ has so much rope.
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Aw, thought that was a Veggie comic at first. But Veggie wouldn't have Twilight getting involuntary wing movements over Fluttershy like that.

Everyone gets involuntary wing movements over Fluttershy.

Even Applejack.
I wasn't sure how long ago the season 3 finale was initially written, but a gap well over a year long between then and the episode coming to pass doesn't really suggest that her becoming an Alicorn was a last minute change. Still, it was a move many find questionable regardless.

Wait a minute, 2011? When did this series start going?

Also after thinking about it, doesn't her cutie mark as well as her element sort've indicate that even before season 1 started that this was bound to happen anyway?
Everyone gets involuntary wing movements over Fluttershy.

Even Applejack.

Wait a minute, 2011? When did this series start going?

Also after thinking about it, doesn't her cutie mark as well as her element sort've indicate that even before season 1 started that this was bound to happen anyway?

Season 1 started in October 2010. So this was planned roughly a year into the series.

And we all knew she was Celestia's protégé even before The Cutie Mark Chronicles. But not many of us thought she'd get wings and princess status instead is just becoming an exceedingly powerful Unicorn, as well as become Celestia's most distinguished student.

Oh, and there's a new FiW episode:

Season 1 started in October 2010. So this was planned roughly a year into the series.

Ok, kinda really far back.

And we all knew she was Celestia's protégé even before The Cutie Mark Chronicles. But not many of us thought she'd get wings and princess status instead is just becoming an exceedingly powerful Unicorn, as well as become Celestia's most distinguished student.

Well I didn't either but when I took a really deep look, I couldn't help but notice:

1. Only her element is a crown while everyone else's is a necklace.
2. Her Cutie mark is a giant star surrounded by 5 smaller stars (ironically, the amount of friends she has).

Its interesting because when I started watching the series, I noticed this as well but thought none of it.
^ And twilight is the time of the evening that falls between day and night.

And her special talent is magic, which is like, one of the most fundamental things in Equestria.

I always had my suspicions that Twi would become an alicorn eventually - which is why I was less than surprised and less than concerned when it was revealed.
^ They've apparently struck some kind of deal with Hasbro, so that probably won't happen.

You mean like the deal Sega had with the SoR remake guys where Sega were formally informed long before it came out and Sega (the company so lax about this sort of thing that it has in three instances paid well known emulator makers/ROM hackers in the Sonic fanbase to develop ports of their games) did nothing then but had it pulled right after word started spreading around the internet of how good it was? The deal Fighting is Magic had where the show's creative staff gave it support and accolades and then it was shut down after it started getting widespread notoriety? Or even the formally-drafted legal arrangement that that group remaking Duke Nukem 3D had with Gearbox Software and Take2 Interactive before Gearbox shut it down anyway?

When it comes out and stays out, I'll believe it. Hasbro isn't Valve.

What has the world come to?!

Your avatar is very cute.

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You mean like the deal Sega had with the SoR remake guys where Sega were formally informed long before it came out and Sega (the company so lax about this sort of thing that it has in three instances paid well known emulator makers/ROM hackers in the Sonic fanbase to develop ports of their games) did nothing then but had it pulled right after word started spreading around the internet of how good it was? The deal Fighting is Magic had where the show's creative staff gave it support and accolades and then it was shut down after it started getting widespread notoriety? Or even the formally-drafted legal arrangement that that group remaking Duke Nukem 3D had with Gearbox Software and Take2 Interactive before Gearbox shut it down anyway?

When it comes out and stays out, I'll believe it. Hasbro isn't Valve.

Your avatar is very cute.


Thanks. :lol: