The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
That was horrifically amusing.

If I could head back to Germany any time soon, you can be rest assured I'd be going there.

Of course, I've got Everfree NW in the summer, so I don't feel so left out.
I can't stop going back just to watch the end of that promo, yet it took me 2 days before I followed the description below as she suggested. If I wasn't trying hard to save up in general I'd throw some bits their way right now. I also assumed that GalaCon was Europe's largest Brony convention rather than BUCK. Wish I could go to at least one of those, but while BUCK is a more realistic choice, it's still not really a possibility for me unless I end up having enough money or if anyone I know decides to go too.

tl;dr; Jan still does the best show style animations, and I wish I could attend a Brony con this year.

But anyway...


This tumblr...
So now I'm bored and felt like finding an old pony song to listen to:

This needs more views. Especially with how old it is.
Hello! I'm not back yet, but I managed to find some free time tonight! (whohoo!)

Made a picture for WhiteDove. (I promised a month ago)



(P.S. is it me, or GTPlanet is very unstable lately?)
Hey Valter. I remember you wanted to give her something after your OC came close to winning that contest. 'Dat Rarity. :3

The site server hasn't been stable since ForzaPlanet merged with it a few days ago, but it should have become more stable by now. It isn't as bad as it was a couple of days ago but it still won't load properly.

And why won't you come visit us on Chatzy when you have some free time? D:
That looks nice, Valter. Rarity's eyes look really pretty in that. :3

Also, it's been a while since something like this was posted here, so:

That does look really nice, but aren't Rarity's eyelashes always visible?

I thought maybe having one lash partially visible below her right eye would make it look less vacant. With the rest being hidden behind her mane.


Release date: Whenever it's done.

I might end up being way off with this prediction, but I'm going to say that it'll be done in time for BronyCon, which was the case with Anthology 2.
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<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

>mfw it's just AJ's voice slowed down
Speaking of the >mfw term, stumbled on a thread on /mlp/ that was trying to fix the issues they had with the EQG character models. They did pretty good, and more edits are coming.
If you're bored, check out Lauren Faust's twitter activity from the past couple hours. She's been posting some cool little known facts about the show with Cindy Morrow.


>Apple Bloom was Appleseed, Big McIntosh was Big Apple and Sweet Apple Acres was Big Apple Orchard

>Rarity's Element of Harmony was originally Inspiration

>Twilight originally had dark blue hair with a light blue stripe

>Pinkie's sisters were'nt named as far as I know but we were considering Mince Meat Pie and Chicken Pot Pie. Gross.

>Bird in the Hoof was originally conceived as a tug-at-your-heartstrings style episode about losing a pet

>Luna Eclipsed had a scene with Rarity making a pink princess costume for Luna that was cut for time

- and a bunch of other stuff right over mmyah

edit: and from Cindy Morrow,

>Her [Daring Do's] name was "Bravely Blue" in my first outline (prescript)

>Gilda the Griffon was originally Grizelda
I love how Gilda's name was originally one Pronounciation and two letters away from being another Snoop dogg-inspired word :lol:
Fake recolour of Princess Skyla, which is almost as bad.

And without eyes, you can't get a look at what might be my new wallpaper:


Two very good reasons why I watched Atryl livestream this one. First being the fact that it looks amazing (not to mention somewhat different from his usual highly-detailed comic style), and second being the music. Which... are the primary reasons why I watch his streams anyway.
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I'm gonna have to watch more of his streams. The art was great and the HTTYD OST was awesome to go with it.

And I'm going to pretend Coffee's post doesn't exist. Even if it is fake, judging by the grammar it is, it's evil and all traces of it ever having existed need to be destroy in the fires of mount doom, and the whole planet needs to be crashed into the sun just to be sure.

EDIT: So I ended up finding this video somewhere else. Rather than just reposting it and saying how old it is, I dug up the post containing it.

Alright, I might just be immature as all hell, but I laughed so hard at this.

"Well I can see the food situation is 🤬 so we'll be on our way.":lol:

The video itself turned two years old 3 days ago. : O

And I might start posting in Navy again. I dunno, I kinda like it. And it seems like it would be easier to read.
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I figured I would announce that me and Tom as a couple is pretty much done, so I probably won't be back to the chat for awhile. I'll still be posting around GTP and in here, though, so don't worry about me.

