The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
*Checks DB*

Oh look, the EG spoilers (from what appears to be a screening of the movie) have arrived. Regardless of my opinion on it, I'd still rather avoid seeing those.

But I already know that Sunset Mother:censored:ing Shimmer becomes a little more.... demonic.
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While it does give us a better understanding as to why EG exists, I'm still waiting to see how they pull off the much-maligned high school drama before saying any more about it. Hopefully it won't suck.

Also, this is arguably better than the first trailer.

Spike Dog can talk. Bonus.
A talking dog is the weird thing about all this?

Seems appropriate :lol: Well I'm glad I now know why they're doing what they're doing with this story, but I... just don't know.

It was looking interesting until the "I have to win the prom to save Equestria" part.

So basically the only thing I hate about this anymore is that they're taking characters we all love and are throwing them into an overused high school setting and stuff.

^ If you still hate the idea of Equestria Girls and you haven't already read this article, you probably should.

Reading that kind of perspective on things has given me a little more optimism that it isn't going to totally crash and burn.

Its rather interesting. The other day, I saw a video on how Lego was teaming with Sony because, ironically, they are afraid of losing kids to Video games.

Abit unrelated I know, but its just interesting to see another example of that. It serves to show how powerful Gaming has gotten.
Actually that's a pretty decent trailer, way better than the last one.

And is great to know that Spike talks

I'll be looking forward to this, with caution (specially with :3)
Okay, the new trailer is much better, than what they showed us first time. Now it actually looks interesting.

Still don't know why Spike is a dog and not a pet dragon/ lizard. Also, the skin color. I think the normal human color would have been better.

Did I understood correctly, that the mirrored world is basically Equestria, but in human form? And Twilight and Spike are the only one who went there?
Did I understood correctly, that the mirrored world is basically Equestria, but in human form? And Twilight and Spike are the only one who went there?

Seems so. It's been known for a while that Twilight is the only one of the Mane6 characters to pass into the EG universe, while the other Mane6 characters she meets there simply "remind" her of them.

Also, something else I found out on DB:

The guard pony clearly shown in the second trailer is reputedly Brad in pony form. His alleged name is Flash Sentry, while he's apparently called Jock Fastflash in the EG universe (or Brad as we all call him). It's inevitable that we're going to see more shipping involving him and Twi, but at least we can go ahead and call it "Flashlight". :lol:
Huh, it was Addictia who created "Balefire" for Balloon Party, which was one of the better tracks on the album.

Judging by the comment he left, I'd say that such a lengthy reply on your part wasn't really needed to deal with the guy. Some parts of it however would have sufficed alone like the final two paragraphs. I was going to ask if he'd even heard of you or any of your tracks before responding to Odyssey, but it looks highly unlikely. Don't let other artists get to you though. Just make the music you want to make and build on that, as you have done up to now. 👍




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That moment when you wake up in the middle of the night...

when Fluttershy & Twilight are sleeping with you.... I need to lay off the cider.
I generally don't like brony music, especially the EDM section (Feels 2tryhard3becool4me), not to mention the dubstep variant for the fandom is either lacking variety in bass or 2cool4me. Also, eX which DAW do you use, I'm a beginner in EDM with Fruity Loops 10.
One thing that I almost completely bypassed until last night was the Rainbow and Rooted album (Balloon Party 2.0), apart from hearing about it being announced on EqD 4 months ago. Much like Balloon Party, I don't like the majority of the tracks apart from a handful.

This one I ended up hearing just before finding out that R&R was released yesterday:

And along with that, I'd choose this for my two favourites (out of 55 track):

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^ FL Studio 10.

Maybe we could swap notes sometime. :3

I might be taking notes from you, I'm still learning and trying to produce something. I can make talker and wobble bass, but I need some help in the middle part of a song