The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Batponies are so cool.
Warning: May make you not sleep at night. :nervous:


I hope you all wished your dad a Happy Fathers Day!
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I was almost there, too. First time working a weekend all month and it happens to be that day. I've been to the house and got to pet Fluffle Puff, but I really wanted to be there for that weekend.

The owner actually refers to her as Flufflepuff ever since he found out about the pony. xD
DC meetup?

I think you mentioned meeting the dog once not long ago, without the pink coat, but I can't remember if you said the owner watched the show. Did the girl who went as Chrysalis know the dog would be there as Fluffle too? If not, then that's a great coincidence.
Yeah, the guy watches the show, but the first time Iw as there he didn't know about Flufflepuff. And she probably knew, she's been unofficially adopted as the group mascot. I mean, I doubt she went as Chrysalis for that reason only, but even so, it's a great coincidence that there's someone at the party with Chrysalis cosplay of that quality.
I've seen reviews for it have been mostly positive, while Bronies who've watched it already appear to rate it anywhere between average and great. Even if the film did surpass expectations (at least until the second trailer came out), the EqG toys are still creepy hunks of plastic that most likely won't sell as well as Hasbro anticipate.

Many fans didn't like the fact that Twilight had a love interest in this. But as soon as it was known that he won't return in S4, some fans are now upset over that since it's a "waste of a new character". One clairvoyant member on DB even saw it coming (Link) :lol:

And no, I haven't watched it yet. Being outside the US makes it even more difficult to do so. The only way I and most other people would be able to is if it ends up online.
Speaking of which, has anyone here seen that yet? From what I've heard from other sites, it's either teh gr8est thing evar or -

Speak of the devil, I went with a few friends today. We all agreed that it was great.

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And no, I haven't watched it yet. Being outside the US makes it even more difficult to do so. The only way I and most other people would be able to is if it ends up online.

Yeah, it's still a bit hard for me in Canada. I heard about a North Vancouver showing, but I don't know if that's close enough to be worth making my way to. Guess I'll have to wait for the film to make its way to the net, or until someone steals a theater copy.

Also, forgot to mention. I will be going to BronyCAN! The tickets have been ordered, and I will be going in August.
Speak of the devil, I went with a few friends today. We all agreed that it was great.

[OPINION ALERT]The idea of turning those characters into generic, super slim and super tacky teenage characters and going to high school to win the prom is about the least interesting thing I can think of. RD's post on the last page is what I'm talking about in a nutshell.

But if the people that worked on it were able to make it as great as you're saying it is, it really says a lot about the amount talent working on this show.

Even though I really don't have any interest in seeing it, it makes me more excited to see what those guys have in store in future episodes.

/Get off my lawn
[OPINION ALERT]The idea of turning those characters into generic, super slim and super tacky teenage characters and going to high school to win the prom is about the least interesting thing I can think of. RD's post on the last page is what I'm talking about in a nutshell.

I'm still really confused about why people seemed to think they couldn't pull off a high school setting when it's a much easier challenge than making the concept of My Little Pony as a whole as good as they did.

And I don't see them as generic or tacky characters. They're no more generic than the ponies in FiM, really, and they're literally the same character in a different body. The fact they gave them the varied skin color adds more value to it, imo. It avoids screwing with anyone's headcanon, and we're not going to see :censored:storms on humanized images as a result of this. As for being skinny, whatever, it's the art style. The FiM ponies look nothing like actual ponies, so why make the EqG humans look like actual humans? It's the art style, and one that looks much better in motion than it did in the promotional material.
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I'm still really confused about why people seemed to think they couldn't pull off a high school setting when it's a much easier challenge than making the concept of My Little Pony as a whole as good as they did.

To me, there was something different about FiM compared to any other show I've seen before, which is what made me like it so much. It wasn't a show about high school (I've never liked shows with this setting) and it didn't involve beauty contests. Shows like that are a dime a dozen these days, so to take something truly unique and try to make it like that doesn't sit right with me. I know the characters are all the same and I know the staff had visions to make it better than anything of its kind, but it's... hard to get used to and I don't know if I ever will. And no, it isn't because Spike is a dog :lol:

Like I said, I have no plans to see this so I'll just shut up about it now.

I'm still really confused about why people seemed to think they couldn't pull off a high school setting when it's a much easier challenge than making the concept of My Little Pony as a whole as good as they did.

I think its more of people hating the High School setting period as its become abit of a cliche' for many Kids shows live action or Animated (most not good from my abbreviated viewing) so the idea that a show that was not anything like most of the cliché kids shows adapting that setting is what got most people upset.

I haven't really sat down and watched many shows because I kinda got bored and tired of that myself, but I'm still willing to give this movie a chance once it comes to the internets for viewing.
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