The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Damn, I remember watching that a LONG while back.
They did really good with the whole thing, almost show quality.

New spittfireart!





And then, a ton of old spittfireart.
Because, that's why.















Edit again:


YES, this is going to be epic.
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Derpibooru news

Because god knows why, half a day after the hosts for our secondary server had a failure, the hosts for our primary servers have suffered an apparent catastrophic network fault. Which kind of means we’re sat here twiddling our thumbs unable to do anything until they fix it.


*le gasp*
Season 4, November 23? Excellent. Now I have to reasons I'm excited for November 23 of this year. MLP Season 4, and Doctor Who 50th anniversary and the associated special. Coincidence? Okay, both shows air on Saturdays and November 23 is a Saturday, but I wonder if there's a connection. Probably not. Also, 2100 posts.
Downtime Update the fourth

Well, after some seriously late nights we’re starting to get back on top of things.

The good news is, it looks like we’ve only lost around 5,000 images. For a sense of scale, that’s roughly equivalent to five days of uploads. Quite a few of these may actually have been lost ages ago - we’re seeing most of those lost being back in 2012. One of our devs, jspenguin, has an archive which should let us actually fill in most of the gaps in any case, so we may not even lose as many as that.

We’ve finished extracting what we can from the failed disks on cadance, replaced it with a brand spanking new RAID1 array (which mirrors data to protect against faults) and a fresh ext4 filesystem, and now we’re moving data back from the (newly replaced and expanded) backup server where we’ve been storing everything and getting our stuff together.

This is now just a matter of waiting for a million files totalling a few hundred gigabytes to get shuffled back over to cadance. Once that’s done, we’ll recover what we can from jspenguin’s archive, delete what we really can’t save, perform a reindex, spin up the site’s internal components, test it all internally, make sure everything is happy and fault-free, then switch the site itself back on.

If you’re going to Bronycon don’t forget to check out the Derpibooru T-shirts below, and let us know if you’d be interested in more Derpibooru merchandise by replying to this post! If you just want to outright support us, we’ve added a donation button in the sidebar of this Tumblr. As ever - we don’t make money on Derpibooru, we spend all of our money on the servers!

We’ll continue to post updates as things progress here.


5,000 images? I hope some of them aren't any of my faves... And I don't mean the ones I can post here, I mean the ones that have my favorite tag.
5,000 images? I hope some of them aren't any of my faves... And I don't mean the ones I can post here, I mean the ones that have my favorite tag.

I hope that most of the lost images are barely pony related spam which wouldn't worth re-uploading, or they happen to have tags I filtered out. Most of them were lost in 2012 according to the update, so we may not even remember any of those images if they were shown to us.

Also, this the logical next step for the Sims series (and Doctor Whooves' eventful life):

Additional points for the bad blood between Amethyst Star and Dash. 👍
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This guy is the in my opinion best guitarist in the fandom.

And im leaving tomorrow to go to baltimore for bronycon.
And im leaving tomorrow to go to baltimore for bronycon.

Nice. My roommate is going up too, and he got a volunteer position to work in VIP relations or something. I'd go with him if I didn't have to move my sister across Atlanta and myself into a new apartment that weekend :(

Anyone else here going?