The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I might be there Saturday. Still looking at my wallet. I know I could buy a ticket. The tricky part would be not buying the first nice Twi plush to catch my eye.....
I'm 3,500 miles away with very little in the way of income at the moment, and I'm having to keep spending to a minimum just so I can go to MCM again in October. So right now it's a "maybe"...

Wait, hold on... I mean no. I'm definitely not going. Damn!

This probably isn't surprising, but the thought of going this year never crossed my mind. I do remain hopeful that there will be at least one chance for me to go to such conventions over in the States one day.

EDIT: I did think about going to BUCK this August, but I decided to go to London Comic Con twice this year instead. I could always go to BUCK next year if eX or anyone else over here decides to go, unless I miraculously save enough sterling to cross the Atlantic by then.
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:lol: 2nd comment on 385444.
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Oh and Valter, I'm going to finish the drawing in the morning, it just needs a few more details and then it'll be one step below POS status.

And "360 no sleep" has had me laughing all day. 👍
Seeing Twilight lying at that angle is seriously messing with my head. Still cute as ever though Valter.


Ew, gamer pics based on season 1 promo images.... and Cadance.

I'd still have the Celly one.


I can forgive the minor niggles here and there, but whoa...
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The new Luna Micro comic (?) looks absolutely fantastic. Pretty funny from the bits uploaded before they were spoilered, and one of the jokes is... surprisingly adult.

Like, it all but spells out a joke about wet dreams on one page.
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Well, browsing through Home Hardware today, I found the Funrise plushies. So I bought the Twilight Sparkle one. It'll go well with the 42 shirt. Also, I'm finally getting around to watching EG, cause I found an HD upload on YT. Yes, I'm slow, but I would have otherwise waited for the home media release. At least it's something to do while I wait for Season 4.
Okay, time to do my usual unnessecary commentary whatever, Equestria Girls edition!

Wait, does anyone even bother to look at these? Oh well. First things first, spoiler dump as usual:
The mane 6 step through a mirror or something. Then human happened.
Lunchlady Smith
The villain is... Sunset Shimmer!
5/12/13: Oh my god, look at all these screencaps! Filtering time.
Okay, I saw the trailer. And Sunset Shimmer sounds familiar. Cadence?
Maybe "Brad" is Shining Armor?

There's probably more, but whatever.

And after I do this, I can finally unfilter some tags.

Here it is, the Crystal Empire!
I like trains.
Oh right, Twilight has wings.
Well, at least I know what the flying gif from the Hot Topic promo is from.
It's Cadence!
Isn't the orange guy Brad? Or Flash Sentry whatever. I'm calling him Brad.
No, Twi, a big crown thingy and wings make you a good leader.
Wingboner trouble.
Oh right, there's a theme song.
And why isn't the main theme Equestria Girls?
Rainbow apples.
Oh, it's Twilight's singing voice as Sunset Shimmer.
Well, time to pop open this can of carbonated water.
Olden Pony silhouette?
Wait. Yellow.
Yeah, it's the double S.
Why do I think of Trixie when I look at her?
Into the portal. Or mirror.
Well, no wonder it's an Element of Harmony. It brings harm.
Or right, Twi is a princess.
On the third day, gateway closes blah blah blah. Reminds me of the whole longest day on the thousanth year thing.
Okay, that portal entrance sequence reminds me of the time travel sequence form Sonic CD. Maybe.
Okay, replace Twilight with Lyra and I'd love this even more.
"Legs, how do they work?"
No horn. No wings. What do?
There go Tiara and Spoon.
There's Brad, aka Not Shining Armor.
Photo Finish!
Wrong bathroom. Can't help but think of Twiface.
Come on Twilight, show her off!
Oh wow, it's loading.
I remember this scene.
Principal Celestia and Luna. That works.
Why do I even bother to type while I watch?
Hey, it's the cat with the bow.
Why does Celestia sound different?
It's always Sunset Shimmer.
I wonder, will Sunset Shimmer turn good at the end? Also, will the mane 6 do the elemental rainbow thing?
First Pinkie had to idea, now it's Twilight.
And... the video caught up with the loading.
Okay, refresh, go back to 19:57.
Is it working?
Okay, it is.
Lunchlady Smith. And a burger.
Brad and... Blue Brad.
No pony here.
Fluttershy. Spoon. Left handed? I can relate.
Of course, Pinkie.
Not used to hands.
The other double S.
Under what wing?
Vending machines, how do they work?
TRIXIE! No pinecones.
What if Twilight has a nut allergy?
And then she stepped into... The Twilight Zone.
Computers, how do they work? Also, Cheerilee again.
Oh god, I wonder how this will work.
Wait, so YouTube is canon?
Twilight is gonna do an internet.
Book bed.
Well, Rarity is still Rarity.
Disguised Sparkle looks... I don't know who.
We all know who that SOMEONE is.
Does Twilight even know how to play soccer?
Mrs. Cake.
It's Brad.
Oh no, it's her ex. That's no good.
IDEA! How do I captitalize capitals?
Song time.
Vinyl's eyes are still magenta.
The SSSS squad is not amused.
Not sure if S1 or S2 Luna.
Sunset Shimmer spiked the punch.
Or it was Photoshopped. With scissors.
I wonder, where are Shining Armor and Cadence?
Oh right, the portal. Forgot that was a thing.
Come on Twilight, it's fine to stay for a little while.
And now it's Twilight's turn to react to Pinkie explaining the whole thing.
Well, that was a mundane reaction.
Music fixes everything.
Well, after this song, I know how Sunset Shimmer will feel.
Well, at least she's not amused.
Rainbow Dash never dresses in style.
Brad drives a limo?
And the winner is... Not Sunset Shimmer.
Big crown thingy or Spike? Choices, choices.
Trixie is STILL at the vending machine?
SS Hammer.
Nice work Sunset.
It's... Devil Shimmer. Sure.
It's Episode 2 all over again.
Honesty. Kindness. Laughter. Generosity. Loyalty. Magic!
Wings! Horns!
Mane 6 to Sunset Shimmer: IT'S NO USE! TAKE THIS!
And then they pull a Nightmare Moon on Sunset Shimmer.
Forever alone.
Scootaloo can't fly.
What are hands? Ask Lyra. Or Princess Platinum.
Yeah, orange pony is Brad.
There was a song titled Equestria Girls? I didn't hear THAT one, that's for sure.
Well, that was good movie. Also, I'm still calling him Brad.
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