As someone who's removed tracks from his YouTube channel (notice now the distinct lack of Crystal Ponies and Babs Seed), I have to say that I understand the need to remove creative works that you don't feel represent the current quality of your work. I get that, I really do.
But what if I then uploaded improved versions of those songs but didn't give a download link, so you could only listen in low-quality? That would piss a lot of people off.
And what if I uploaded edits of those songs that I say are "improved", but are actually worse than the originals? That would piss people off too.
What else would piss people off is if I wallowed in my own narcissistic self-pity, and ranted about how I "can't make music", when it's damned obvious that there are plenty of people out there who couldn't even string a simple melody together if their life depended on it.
The irritating thing about PKX is that he does the equivalent of all of that. And I'm not saying that he doesn't have a "right" to do so - rather that he shouldn't be surprised that people think that he's a complete tosspot when he does.