The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
More PKX? Humans? Hmm...


Nope. I don't dispute its legitimacy one bit.
Who, Ponykiller? Yeah, I save all of his art that I like, simply because I've no guarantee that I'll be able to find it in his dA gallery again.

But then he only enables low-resolution downloads on some pieces. Which really pisses me off.
It's not that he takes some of his stuff off. (But that's a separate piss off.)

It's his attitude, if he would stop being a whiny little bitch then everything would be fine.
Some artists just can't take legitimate praise seriously, or choose to ignore it and pan their own works. PKX's attitude has improved since he last nuked his DA gallery, as well as being more open about other projects he's working on.

Calling him a "whiny bitch" isn't going to help anything. Especially when I don't recall him doing anything of the sort, unless "deleting all of their art without reason" is considered a form of whining now. I only hope he continues to improve in regards to reading opinions on his art and taking praise seriously.
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Some artists just can't take legitimate praise seriously,

Considering that his stuff is really good, he has no right to complain and call it crap.

He's the only big artist I've seen that can't take a compliment on something that is obviously stellar work. It's a smack in the face to all the normal talented people, (Read: "none".) when he complains about his work, and then takes it down on top of that when people are just trying to enjoy it.

How dare he do such a thing! This is an outrage, he shouldn't be able to criticise himself and change his mind on what he posts online for free!!!11!!!!1!!1!!!

If you were paying for the work and it was delivered to your house then a week later he came and took it down that would be another story, but as it is he should be allowed to remove work he finds sub par... Without you guys complaining about it. /rant

Edit: I think his work is very good but I don't think you deserve to complain if he removes it. It is his after all.
Considering that his stuff is really good, he has no right to complain and call it crap.

Actually, he has the right to say whatever he wants about his art, since he created it. He also has the right to remove or limit who can see it, since it's his art.

The reasons for doing so may be stupid. Heck, we all know that by now. The majority of people who see it as being anything other than total 🤬 completely disagree with his actions. Self-deprecation can lead to great artists hating their own work after so long, but PKX is still going even after he got rid of his DA uploads in the past. And he's certainly not the only artist in the fandom who doesn't appear to care very much about their output. Best thing to do it appreciate their work, as we have done, Even if they don't do so themselves. I just wonder how much enjoyment he really gets from doing it.

He's the only big artist I've seen that can't take a compliment on something that is obviously stellar work. It's a smack in the face to all the normal talented people, (Read: "none".) when he complains about his work, and then takes it down on top of that when people are just trying to enjoy it.

It's his problem. I have only a slight understanding of what it might be like to hate your own creative pieces, but some people take compliments as nothing more than people trying to act nice, even when the compliments are genuine. Obviously he sees his art from a completely different POV compared to everyone else.
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Yeah, he has every right to criticize his own work, even if people disagree. And I think over the past couple years we've had some artist outright quit drawing altogether because they hated their own works even though it was loved by others, right? Musicians as well as drawing artists have been talking 🤬 about their own output for a long time.

Yes, there are those out there who will insult themselves just to fish for support and comments, but I highly doubt Pkx is one of those people.

EDIT: Also,

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*Looks in Fridge, then back at book* I'm gonna need more Red Bull.
As someone who's removed tracks from his YouTube channel (notice now the distinct lack of Crystal Ponies and Babs Seed), I have to say that I understand the need to remove creative works that you don't feel represent the current quality of your work. I get that, I really do.

But what if I then uploaded improved versions of those songs but didn't give a download link, so you could only listen in low-quality? That would piss a lot of people off.

And what if I uploaded edits of those songs that I say are "improved", but are actually worse than the originals? That would piss people off too.

What else would piss people off is if I wallowed in my own narcissistic self-pity, and ranted about how I "can't make music", when it's damned obvious that there are plenty of people out there who couldn't even string a simple melody together if their life depended on it.

The irritating thing about PKX is that he does the equivalent of all of that. And I'm not saying that he doesn't have a "right" to do so - rather that he shouldn't be surprised that people think that he's a complete tosspot when he does.
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Yeah, he has every right to criticize his own work, even if people disagree. And I think over the past couple years we've had some artist outright quit drawing altogether because they hated their own works even though it was loved by others, right?

I've seen other artists quit through spite after people stating that they disliked their new art direction, as it were. So they deleted all their art and literally told everyone to piss off. PKX may not have the clearest reasons for deleting everything at times, but at least he doesn't do it in such a malicious manner.

Anyway, I want to move away from that for now, because:

FiM is returning to UK TV.
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Some already know that I won Kajitani's contest. Still can't believe that from 109 people my pic was chosen to be the best... I made it just for fun and worked quite fast.
Although... this is not the first time, when my quick pics are better than those I spend a lot of time on. ^_^'

Just a reminder in case somepony wants to see it again:


Sky Sparkle

And HERE is the journal with all pictures that entered the contest! Go fav 'em all!

I also received two prize pics. ^_^'


That's by Wolfdare.

-"I was terrorised by nightmares... terrorised by you.
Now... I am a nightmare... Your worst nightmare, Dust.
Who's laughing now! Show yourself! c'mon, lets play..."

I saw that she likes creepy stuff, so I asked for something creepy. I think she went a little bit over the top. I still like it though. xD

And now this one...


It's from SoulKillur

It's just cute!

I really like what she did. Clean, sharp, love the colors. I like the pose too and her interesting art style.

I like how she played with Sky's body colors (wings, fur). This made her more alive I think. As if she's hovering in a beautiful place during the night, where there's a lot of different light sources.

I'm glad she decided to give her her signature jacket too.

I think it's a detailed picture of my Star Sky, because she haven't forgotten anything. Even the jacket's cuffs (?) have the correct dark greenish color!
*Looks at unit-one's Sky Sparkle picture.*:bowdown: *Looks at picture for a long long time.* *Gos to sleep.* Wakes up* *Thinks for a bit.*
:drool::embarrassed: That... Is... Awesome!
That non-pony art shows you're not at all bad a drawing humans, and handsome Fy trying to seduce everyone? : O

Then we come to the last ske-

Maybe one thing that has intrigued me on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is that the series was created by the same person behind "Powerpuff Girls"- Lauren Faust. My brother and I enjoyed Powerpuff Girls. I certainly got hooked to "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Both may be girly shows, but to get even us guys into either or both shows, something was certainly done right to make both cartoon series appealing to BOTH girls and guys.

I mentioned Applejack as my favorite of the six main ponies. I must admit- I also like Twilight Sparkle. She's about the best all-around figure of the six main characters. Twilight Sparkle does have her awkward moments, and she is pretty silly in some of them. I actually like all the main ponies in some sort of way. Among the others I haven't mentioned... I like Rainbow Dash for being confident and determined. Pinkie Pie can be totally silly and sometimes annoyingly happy, but she'll make even the dullest times colorful. Fluttershy lacks brashness and toughness, but she more than makes up for it being well-natured and respectful. And finally, I can relate with Rarity on the grounds of being a perfectionist- almost as if doing something the absolute best way within ability is the ONLY way to get the best possible results.

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" remains the biggest guilty pleasure for me this Summer.