The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
All my wat.

I am the night!

First time I saw that I thought it was just a brown bag over her face.:lol:





Glad he coloured it, really getting good with the hair.
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Yes John, you are correct! Pinkie is best pony, isn't she!

Pinkie Pie does have a great complextion, I must say. Having tons of energy does give way to great FRIENDSHIP.

Fluttershy lacks brashness and toughness, but she more than makes up for it being well-natured and respectful.

Thanks JohnBM01. Took the way I am right out of me.:D I agree with you. Though fluttershy doesn't have the toughness that most other ponies have(unless you make her mad, and she gives you... THE STARE), her liking animals to take care of and having a gentle outlook on what happens around her and her being respectful, even when she's faced with ideas or certain situations from other ponies(or herself) that she does not want to participate in, is highly respected by me(and by other people, too I hope).:) Me being well-natured and very respectful to others is something that I can honestly relate to Fluttershy very well by. This is one of the few reasons why I choose Fluttershy in my opinion as best pony and also why I have her as my avatar.:D

P.S.- I've been offline for a couple of days and needed to catch up on everything that was posted.:)

Edit: Sorry for the long, descriptive post. Wanted to make sure that I didn't miss anything. (Hopefully I didn't.)
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Nah. That's Pinkamina in your profile pic bro.


Great. Looks like Fluttershy to me for some reason. Well looks like its back to the playbooks for me.:banghead:

Edit: I found my old picture on my flashdrive, but going find a whole new one if I can.
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Are you...Spiderman?

Also, that anthro is adorable, Valter. :3

First time I saw that I thought it was just a brown bag over her face.:lol:

Even after reading this and going back to look, it still took me a minute:lol:

Also, this is pretty great, and feelsy:
And now for comments on MLP EqG, with time stamps.

00:00 Lez do dis!

00:11 Hold up, daylight AND night time!?

00:38 Nervous-cited!

00:39 Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

00:44 Since when did Pinkie have Morphball?

00:49 Transform!

1:04 Out of context for the win!

1:18 Twilight flew afterf her coronation, but she can't now? WTF!

1:32 Crystal guards, awesome.

2:52-3:08 Wingboners, they keep Twilight up at night.

3:10 Remixed intro time!

4:05 'Dat logo.

4:39 Now we really get into this.

5:47 !

5:52 Alert Phase.

6:28 WTF just happened!?

7:27 Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, part deux.

7:28 Luna is not impressed.

8:39 AJ is questioning Pinkie's logic, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!

9:29 Woah, 'dat wormhole.

9:59 Twiscream, I wonder how many takes that was...

10:04-10:18 Twilight is freaking the **** out!

10:54 Why couldn't the high school I went to look like that?

10:58 Silly Twilight, thats not how humans (normally) walk!

11:09 BUSTED!

11:34 BAM! (I actually laughed at that.)

11:41 *le gasp*

11:55 Check it out! Spitfire is this movie after all! (Mascot of the Canterlot Wondercolts.)

12:13 !

12:18 Diamond Tiara punches Twilight in the face, that ain't gonna fly.

12:44 2nd best song in the movie plays.


12:58 "Dat ass."

13:11 Almost didn't recognize Cheerilee.

13:14 Back in high school, if somebody left their locker open, we would close it and put the lock on backwards. Because thats you did when you have more hormones than sense.

13:17 DJ PON3!

13:21 Photo Finish!

13:22 Scootaloo!

13:25 And the rest of the CMC!

13:36 Is that Soarin?

13:38 !

14:12 Fluttershy! And Sunset Shimmer (aka "generic bitch").

14:31 What a bitch...

14:33 A new challenger appears!

14:40 Round 1, Fight!

15:19 Smooth...


15:47 MUST! HAVE! Milkbones...

16:03 Smooth...

17:17 Is it just me, or is Angel somehow cuter?

17:25 Wait, where did the bird go?

17:41 Human Celly doesn't quite look right somehow...

18:54 Principal Celestia's door is always open, except when she closes it.

19:40 Fluttershy will help an animal that can't help itself, that doesn't mean she won't eat one...

20:00 Dang, she can clean stuff.

20:32 Rock out with your **** out!

21:20 Pinkie Pie!

22:27 Pinkie doesn't give one damn about how you hold a pen!

22:52 AppleJack!

22:54 Eeyup.

23:25 Le awsomely drawn pictures.

24:00 Pinkie uses her hair to open a bottle, thats awesome.

24:01 Nnope.

24:45 Sunset Shimmer: "The **** did you say to me!?"

27:54 Trixie!

28:02 Peanut butter cracker time!

28:24 Lieberry!

28:36 LOL Snips and Snails.

28:38 'Dat wallpaper

28:53 Cheerilee faking it the whole time is my new headcanon.

28:59 The internet is magic, you just gotta be careful what you do. Or you might end up on a really messed-up porn site.

29:03 I've heard this song before...

29:08 RUN CMC

29:40 What the hell could they be up to...

29:59 If I carried a stack of books that tall, they would have already fallen over.

30:20 A photocopier, there is only one purpose these things truly serve... (I'll leave you to figure out what that is.)

32:14 Hold up, that dude looks just like me... (Different hairstlye though.)

32:37 Twilight: "I just woke up, and I ain't puttin' up with your ****!"

33:01 He sounds like me too...

33:15 Rarity!

33:22 It's rude to stare, but it's hard not to...

33:35 I bet I know what Spike sees...

34:17 Negative ads, these never end well... (Paid for by the Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal Campaign.)

34:38 Scrunchy face!

37:22 Dashie! (Remember, she's totally not a lesbian, so don't get any funny ideas!)

38:52 This reminds me of my youth....

39:55 Real smooth Twi...

40:24 Remember this time stamp.

41:16 !

41:19 LOL

41:29 Where can I get those?

42:44 Back in high school, this would've stopped before the song even started...

42:52 THE best song starts playing, I listen to it many, many times.

43:31 Derpy!

43:37 See Greg? I told ya!

43:58 'Dat Pinkie solo.

44:23 "Shake it baby."

46:12 Woah, and I thought Celestia didn't look right...

46:34 Sunset Shimmer: "I have the evidence in a folder so it looks all official and ****."

48:11 Flash is all bummed, I know that feeling...

49:14 WHAT!?

49:20 WHAT!?

49:45 'Dat Pinkie hunch (and huge smile).

49:47 'Dat sound effect.

50:04 Move bitch!

50:10 Spike in thought: "The #42 and and doing something that may come back to bite me in the ass."

50:35 AWESOME!

50:51 If she had a "party cannon", I bet she'd never leave the house without it...

51:06 YAY!

52:13 I get the feeling that he would rather be smoking a fatty....

54:23 Spike, I mustache you a question.

55:03 Twilight: "I'm sexy now!" (You knew this was coming didn't ya?)

55:05 Perfect screencap reaction.

55:24 'Merica Musculus Vroomicus

55:50 BAM!

56:00 CHIKUN.

56:05 "Shake it baby." (We all know she likes to...)

57:25 Trixie looks kinda like Elizabeth in that outfit.

58:09 Hold up, if Sunset swings that sledgehammer at the portal, wouldn't just go through?

58:57 Dash face! /)^3^(\

1:00.04 THIS IS ****ING CRAZY!

1:00:37 Sunset Satan, oh ****.

1:02:08 I'm pretty sure that having 15-18 year olds are NOT what you should make an army out of.


1:05:51 Forever alone.

1:06:16 A talking dog!?

1:07:30 Of all the things, I hope that this doesn't become one of them.

1:08:52 Bummer.

1:09:24 Hands?

1:09:44 I lost count how many times Twilight bumped into Flash.

1:10:28 'Dat Pinkie hunch (and smile).

1:12:55 Derpy!
Don't mind me, just assassinating ya'll

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Don't mind me, just assassinating ya'll


Images posted from that site don't show up on GTP. And the image seems to be broken when I go to the site to view it.

Also, I'm still awaiting delivery:



Yep. That shirt will arrive any hour now.
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:Images posted from that site don't show up on GTP. And the image seems to be broken when I go to the site to view it.

Really? I can see it myself. I'll go see if I can find a better link.
Don't mind me, just assassinating ya'll


Images posted from that site don't show up on GTP. And the image seems to be broken when I go to the site to view it.

The picture is coming up just fine for me, but the link is still faulty.

Edit: The image's URL or the picture it's self ain't showing up when I quote it.:indiff:
Kinda of off-topic, but this shouldn't be a problem when the site is updated.
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