The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Yep. The franchise been lying in ruins ever since that damn movie reared its head. It's the reason why we're not getting another season of FiM, or why most people are still downright hating EqG in the same way they hated the idea of such a movie coming to fruition when it was first announced.

Oh, wait...


The only thing they destroyed was the chance to make a decent line of EqG merchandise. The movie may have been so-so with plenty of room for improvement in terms of plot execution, but the animation and designs were far from terrible. Not to mention it did well financially during its rounds in US cinemas, as well as DVD sales.

I can understand the criticism since most fans felt the same way all those months ago. But most people who have watched it no longer do as such, including myself. And assuming you haven't made any effort to watch the very thing you're criticising, I would at least suggest giving it more than just a passing glance.
You know, when turning beloved characters into something they're..well...not, one might as well go this route: make 'em sexy. Seriously, though, I love how Hasboro keeps feeling the need to destroy the MLP FIM franchise. I have no idea what possessed them to create a movie that turn the ponies into teenage girls.

Do you like, ever even try to give something a chance or actually think before going off? Seems like you just jump the gun at everything (just like the whole "GRC are destroying themselves because they chickened out of running a race in the rain" deal). Seriously dude, just chill out and think man.
You know, when turning beloved characters into something they're..well...not, one might as well go this route: make 'em sexy. Seriously, though, I love how Hasboro keeps feeling the need to destroy the MLP FIM franchise. I have no idea what possessed them to create a movie that turn the ponies into teenage girls.


At least watch the show before you start criticizing MLP, seriously.

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I have no idea what possessed them to create a movie that turn the ponies into teenage girls.

Money. Pretty high school girls doing dancing routines sells with target markets as the DVD sales will tell you.

Disclosure: haven't seen it, and really really really don't want to. Also mentioned earlier I'd never talk about it in this thread again. Oops.


You know, when turning beloved characters into something they're..well...not, one might as well go this route: make 'em sexy. Seriously, though, I love how Hasboro keeps feeling the need to destroy the MLP FIM franchise. I have no idea what possessed them to create a movie that turn the ponies into teenage girls.

Really? They were making a humanized version of a children's cartoon, and you wonder why they made them highschoolers instead of large breasted curvacious women in skimpy clothing? Are you serious?

I can understand the criticism since most fans felt the same way all those months ago. But most people who have watched it no longer do as such, including myself. And assuming you haven't made any effort to watch the very thing you're criticising, I would at least suggest giving it more than just a passing glance.

And even then, most of the people who didn't like it see it as "Well, I wasn't a fan of it, but hey, there are some episodes I don't like either, so whatever".
Dash! X3




3D model[IMG]


That first one is amazing, though.
Do you like, ever even try to give something a chance or actually think before going off? Seems like you just jump the gun at everything (just like the whole "GRC are destroying themselves because they chickened out of running a race in the rain" deal). Seriously dude, just chill out and think man.

1. I'm entitled to my opinion. I would really appreciate it if people would stop telling me NOT to have an certain opinion about things. I will admit I overracted to the GRC thing. (It's hard to race cars on a lake.)

2. I've SEEN MLP. But I stopped watching after the "end" of the third season where they decided to stuff 1 hour and a half worth of story into...what...15 minutes minus all the singing.

3. I'm actually a pretty chill person, normally.

4. I know it's a kids show. I know it isn't "acceptable" to turn them into big breasted furries...but...they already went as far as turning them into human girls, so...I was simply making the point that it seems like there were trying to bring a fan-fiction to life to generate more money, and if you're going to go so far as to make them into human girls, you might as well slap DDD's on 'em.

Anyway, I just felt the need to express how...stupid it that direction seemed to me, that's it.
1. I'm entitled to my opinion. I would really appreciate it if people would stop telling me NOT to have an certain opinion about things..

Where in my post did I say you weren't entitled to a opinion? I simply suggested for you to think things through before you posted.
1. I'm entitled to my opinion. I would really appreciate it if people would stop telling me NOT to have an certain opinion about things. I will admit I overracted to the GRC thing. (It's hard to race cars on a lake.)

2. I've SEEN MLP. But I stopped watching after the "end" of the third season where they decided to stuff 1 hour and a half worth of story into...what...15 minutes minus all the singing.
Congratulations. But you still apparently haven't seen Equestria Girls, which is the very thing you're criticizing. We're not saying you're not allowed to have an opinion, but I'm going to continue pointing out that it's a totally baseless one.

and if you're going to go so far as to make them into human girls, you might as well slap DDD's on 'em.

I'm not sure I understand how you made this jump.

Does every woman in your area have massive breasts, or something? I get that you like anime, and all, but not every cartoon woman needs impossibly large, or even reasonably large, breasts. Especially if they're highschoolers.

I'm not even going to address the "bring a fanfiction to life" bit, either.
ITT: Strawmanning Shouden because he can't express himself very well even though his base point is pretty straightforward.



lol last panel Celly face.
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Congratulations. But you still apparently haven't seen Equestria Girls, which is the very thing you're criticizing. We're not saying you're not allowed to have an opinion, but I'm going to continue pointing out that it's a totally baseless one.

I'm not sure I understand how you made this jump.

Does every woman in your area have massive breasts, or something? I get that you like anime, and all, but not every cartoon woman needs impossibly large, or even reasonably large, breasts. Especially if they're highschoolers.

I'm not even going to address the "bring a fanfiction to life" bit, either.

You SAY you're allowing me to have my own opinion, but what you're implying is that I'm an idiot for having it? Really? Then I won't bother explaining everything to you. No, I haven't seen the movie, but I have no desire to considering it's obviously Hasboro's effort to try and milk more money of out something they're not so slowly killing. Which is also why I mentioned they should just make them have big tits, while they're at it. I mean, if they're REALLY after money, they might as well go the "Lola Bunny" route and give 'em tits if they're going make them into humans.

In terms you might understand: It seems like they're hell bent on destroying the franchise, they should just bring in the biggest hammer.

EDIT: As for highschoolers with big tits....have you SEEEEEEEEN anime. Because if you make that commit, you obviously haven't....or Teen Titans...or Ben Ten...or 6Teen...yeah. 99% of animated highschoolers have tits.
You SAY you're allowing me to have my own opinion, but what you're implying is that I'm an idiot for having it? .

A baseless opinion does NOT mean your an idiot for having one, it means you have no factual basis for it. Again, chill out and stop being so defensive all the time.
You SAY you're allowing me to have my own opinion, but what you're implying is that I'm an idiot for having it? Really? Then I won't bother explaining everything to you.
I'm not implying you're an idiot, I'm saying that your opinion that EqG is somehow a big step toward "destroying the franchise" is entirely unfounded, given that so far, and it's been out for a while now, it has yet to even put a dent in the fandom. And I'm guessing it probably didnt hurt their wallets much either, meaning they have even more reason to keep the franchise rolling strong. Even of the people that dislike it only a few still even bother talking about it.

In terms you might understand: It seems like they're hell bent on destroying the franchise, they should just bring in the biggest hammer.

See, this is what it looks like to imply someone's an idiot.

So far the fandom has suffered very little damage from EqG as a whole, and with the exception of a few episodes(including the premier and finale), season 3 was still strong for a 13 episode season. Personally, I'm gonna wait until Hasbro actually does something worth panicking about rather than worry about what they might do in the near future.

If the show is loasing it's interest to you, thats totally fine, I'm not about to tell someone they have to like something. But claiming it's "destroying the series" when there are very many people still in this fandom that would disagree is what's unfounded.
It seems like they're hell bent on destroying the franchise, they should just bring in the biggest hammer.

If they were hell bent on destroying the franchise, then they would have made sure that EqG didn't experience the relative success it actually did have this summer.

And yeah. It was a way of milking more money from the franchise. A franchise that's just as alive as it was when FiM began. And up until now, it's worked. They made a considerable profit from it and the fandom didn't implode because of it either. I know they make some questionable choices from time to time, and everyone was somewhat skeptical about Princess Twilicorn and EqG. But at the end of the day, EqG has had less of a negative impact on both the franchise and us fans compared to almost any other drama BS that's befallen the fandom over the past couple of years.

EDIT: As for highschoolers with big tits....have you SEEEEEEEEN anime. Because if you make that commit, you obviously haven't....or Teen Titans...or Ben Ten...or 6Teen...yeah. 99% of animated highschoolers have tits.

They substituted boobs for gams. Didn't you notice? I mean, they're twice as long as their bodies!
EDIT: As for highschoolers with big tits....have you SEEEEEEEEN anime. Because if you make that commit, you obviously haven't....or Teen Titans...or Ben Ten...or 6Teen...yeah. 99% of animated highschoolers have tits.

How come every time you sit at a computer you fail to think before typing?:odd:



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