The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
But at the end of the day, EqG has had less of a negative impact on both the franchise and us fans compared to almost any other drama BS that's befallen the fandom over the past couple of years.

For some maybe, but not really for me and a few others I know. FWIW, EqG has made me more worried about the future of the show than anything else so far. If they thought this was a good idea, what else will they think of? One can only "trust the writers" for so long. Obviously if you liked it then you probably aren't as worried as I am, but you get the idea.
See, although I disagree, I can at least understand just being concerned about the direction of the show and worrying that it might lose it's appeal to you personally.

But the way Shouden was claiming that it was "Destroying the franchise" as if he already know for a fact that EqG is some kind of clear signal that the show is going to devolve into some kind of mindless crap is just way over the top. I may be wrong, it very well may become that. I'm not telling anyone to trust the writers, because writers sometimes do things that I don't like. But I'm not about to agree with someone saying they "might as well bring the biggest hammer" when no one knows for sure that that's going to happen.

Also, this applies to a few people, lets knock off the insults. Both implied and otherwise.

Personally, I had enough of this conversation back when the movie was first announced, so I'm done. I was just bored. I'll be over here with my shipping:

For some maybe, but not really for me and a few others I know. FWIW, EqG has made me more worried about the future of the show than anything else so far. If they thought this was a good idea, what else will they think of? One can only "trust the writers" for so long. Obviously if you liked it then you probably aren't as worried as I am, but you get the idea.

It's not so much the writers I'm worried about. Most of the time it's the decision makers they work for over at Hasbro that have been the route of many fan complaints. We've been over them in the past, and some people have been worrying about the future of the series ever since Derpygate was ringing in everyone's ears.

The only thing I'm worried about is them restricting the writer's potential, or forcing them to make the most out of what little time they're given to work with (Magical Mystery Cure?). So once the series comes to its inevitable conclusion, I hope it goes out on the high that it deserves.

Anyway, my attempt to move away from this:

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Personally I worry more about the show itself.

At this point, after season 3, I just rather see an EG spinoff rather than a new pony season, that accounting an hypothetical EG spinoff with the same cast and crew.
That's an angle I hadn't heard before. I can't say I would mind an EqG spinoff, could actually be pretty intersting. But with a 26 episode season around the corner I'm still excited for new pony.
The only continuation of EqG I'm aware of was sold by IDW at Comic Con this summer, with only 1,000 copies printed.

But it amounts to nothing more than 'Sunset Shimmer: Origins'.
I remember reading that the reason why season three was half the length of seasons one and two was because they were planning to make shorter, more frequent seasons (half the number of episodes, double the number of seasons per year) - but the fact that season four is going to be 26 episodes long as opposed to the 13 that was implied last year, I feel that the Hasbro head-honchos and DHX themselves see that the show has more of a future remaining than they originally thought.

I expect season four to have full explanations and continuations of story arcs involving Discord, Nightmare Moon and Alicorn Twilight - and from the animatics, I anticipate that DHX won't disappoint. Clearly, they have some more storylines left to explore - and the expansion of season four's length means that they have enough faith in the show to pull it all off properly.

Honestly, I'd expected that Twilight would eventually become an alicorn since I started seriously watching the show, so it didn't exactly take me by surprise when it happened; I'd pretty much already accepted it as canon before that episode, and while I'd have liked it to be explored further in a two-part story, we've an entire series to see exactly the effects that it'll have on Twilight's relationships with the other characters, and plenty of time to reveal the reasoning behind Celestia's decision to promote Twilight (and the origins of Starswirl's unfinished spell, et cetera, et cetera).

As there's still much of the FIM universe left to explore, I eagerly await the next season of the show. Maybe we'll get a proper poni movie out of it too? Who knows.

But prophesying doom and gloom is pointless at this stage. It literally accomplishes nothing.
Reminds my of Owl City.
Not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not exactly my type of music.

It's very well done though, sounds professional.

(I still like Aviators better.)


So this was on TLT's FB page a few days ago:
Hey friends, thank you for the comments and likes you've given over the post where I talked about the future, and what does it mean for my pony music works,

As I said, I am NOT leaving the fandom, and I don't intend on stopping watching the show or to stop following the fandom's creations and I'm still planning on going to a few brony conventions next year, HOWEVER,

I won't be able to do any more songs or remixes that are direct about MLP, which is sad cause it means I won't be able to do a song about this or that new episode or favorite pony,

But I am still able to subtly reference or create songs about MLP, like Good Girl for example, where the song IS about one of the characters from the show, but it's not direct at the character unless you are a brony who knows what pony did I reference.

Reason being is that because I am under contracts with various companies, it means I am obligated to NOT tread into copyright material such as MLP, which belongs to Hasbro.

It's a problem that sadly can't be resolved by doing whatever I want, because otherwise I'll end up in big trouble, and I am trying to do what's best for you my brony fans and my own future as a musician.

I love you all, and I hope that explains things enough, cause I love everyone and everypony, if it wasn't for the fandom, I wouldn't have come that far thank you!

So he's not making any more pony, but at least it's for a good reason. And it's not like he's completely separating himself from the Brony fandom, so I don't see any reason he shouldn't be able to be featured at Cons and stuff.

Anyway, some heavy dubstep:

Yep. It was worth waiting until the start of October for this JJ-overload.












Most of the others are NSFW as you'd expect. But it's one of his best sets.
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I actually think a lot of that set looks below his usual quality level. Like the ones that he draws when he's really tired, except it's like that for almost all of them.
They've still got that classic Joseco charm, though.

... Also, whenever I see art with humanised versions of the CMC, I almost always imagine them as their VAs - and that makes that pic all the funnier. XD
I actually think a lot of that set looks below his usual quality level. Like the ones that he draws when he's really tired, except it's like that for almost all of them.

Some were done quite late. Usually at the same time he was working on Molly updates, going between one and the other.

It's not so much the quality of them that I like (most still look pretty good and the faces are really well done, but I won't post those here). The ideas however are some of the best I've seen, with only a few exceptions.
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