The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard


Been a while since BritishStarr made something with pony.
So after waiting until after the movie was on the nets, procrastinating, missing the TV premier of it, downloading what turned out to be a one of those horrid Off-Screen Theater captures (annoying), I finally got around to watching Equestria Girls yesterday. While I had little to no expections, it turned pretty good. It sorta makes me further question the drama from when it was out, but at the same whatever. Interestingly, it felt more like a extended episode then a movie.

Bring on Season 4.

And Azure Flare, just ignore him. He's clearly another one of those kind of people so don't give him any acknowledgement for such an immature attitude.
*Extremely rare post*
Missed the first 15 minutes of the first part, and just missed the first 15 minutes again on the re-run :lol: But watched the remainder, which was good, but been out of the loop for quite a while, so that might just be me!

I don't know how the spoiler tags work anymore :dunce: so no thoughts yet.
I don't know how the spoiler tags work anymore :dunce: so no thoughts yet.

They haven't been implemented yet as far as I know. Which is balls. :/

Apart from the "Princess must be protected" issue, which I guess was only used to remind them that friendship conquers all if they stick together, it's refreshing to see a good season opener after two years. I expected the NMM backstory which showcased some of that exceptional lighting and animated, but I didn't see the other part coming when it went even further back.
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Contains Spoilers:
Well that was incredible. The set up for a minimum-6-episode story arch(Assuming there's a single episode dedicated to finding each key, could be more, could be less(hoping for more, obviously)) has me anticipating the next episode rather than just eagerly awaiting it like I have with previous seasons.

The implementation of Twilicorn was better and smoother than I could have hopped. With the exception of that one moment they asked her to return to Ponyville, which was really just a small spot on an otherwise fantastic episode. Also, her being slightly taller and having wings really only makes her that much more adorable. Also really enjoy knowing exactly what her Cutie Mark represents.
The subtle throwback references as far as the earlier episodes of Season 1, was great to see, the good mix of feels with comedy, and the phenomenal animation quality make this easily the best Season Premier, and possible competition for my favorite episode overall. If the rest of the season is even half that quality, I think we're due for some good times that should easily make up for the so-so third season.

And because I wanna wait a little longer to embed screenshots: 'Dat depth of field.
Oh right, it's Saturday. And you know what that means! Season 4! At least there are some people who can count past 3.
And it's a 2 parter. Time to watch. As soon as I paste it in VLC to avoid comment reading.

Commentary time:
Green screen.
Oh right, Twilight has wings.
Summer Sun Celebration again?
It's a unicorn! It's a pegasus! It's Twilicorn out of control!
Raise this sun, raise this sun! 1, 2, 3, 4!
The Elements of Harmony stained glass is outdated! She doesn't have wings!
That train isn't very radical.
Oh no. Black hair thing.
The sun and moon side by side? STRANGE, ISN'T IT?
Twilight is on her own? It's a test.
Eeyup. Nope.
So you can put out a horn like a candle?
Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, she already is wearing a big crown thingy.
Him again?
The nightmares have returned.
To be continued. Immediately.
The past? Was Twilight transported back in time? Or just sent to a flashback?
Nightmare Moon doesn't like bananas.
Red and white 3-D glasses? Are those even a thing anymore?
The Fluttershy of Harmony.
Rainbow kick!
The keys are the elements. I know it.

Well it was entertaining, still feels like it's too long to be an episode, and too short to be a movie. Guess it can't be helped.
Strong beginning and end, but the middle was just meh. The flashbacks were awesome though, especially the first one.


Yup, new season opener was pretty cool. Naveek, please don't post a play-by-play of the entire episode, that's about as spoilery as you can get.
While I want to keep any spoilers to a minimum, I can't resist this.


I missed this because of an ad. I also wish I could watch this through the eyes of a child, what with all the stuff that was in this. Y'know, the "tentacles" Discord in a French maid outfit, and of course the "not milk".
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guess what suckazzzzzzzzzz

Don't get too excited; it's a remix of an older track - in a more downtempo, gentle style. Synth brass has been replaced by piano, and arpeggiators have been replaced by string pads, et cetera.

Hopefully, you'll find some enjoyment in it! ^_^;