Oh right, it's Saturday. And you know what that means! Season 4! At least there are some people who can count past 3.
And it's a 2 parter. Time to watch. As soon as I paste it in VLC to avoid comment reading.
Commentary time:
Green screen.
Oh right, Twilight has wings.
Summer Sun Celebration again?
It's a unicorn! It's a pegasus! It's Twilicorn out of control!
Raise this sun, raise this sun! 1, 2, 3, 4!
The Elements of Harmony stained glass is outdated! She doesn't have wings!
That train isn't very radical.
Oh no. Black hair thing.
The sun and moon side by side? STRANGE, ISN'T IT?
Twilight is on her own? It's a test.
Eeyup. Nope.
So you can put out a horn like a candle?
Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, she already is wearing a big crown thingy.
Him again?
The nightmares have returned.
To be continued. Immediately.
The past? Was Twilight transported back in time? Or just sent to a flashback?
Nightmare Moon doesn't like bananas.
Red and white 3-D glasses? Are those even a thing anymore?
The Fluttershy of Harmony.
Rainbow kick!
The keys are the elements. I know it.