The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard


Look, it's Batmare and her hooves of justice!
'Dat Apple trip.

> People arguing about pinkie being AJ's 4th cousin
> Others saying it'll make ApplePie ship even better

And in the end, the results of the possible family relation were inconclusive. [/drama averted]

Until Apple Bloom did her own version of Twilightlicious and people started saying Blackgryph0n had an influence on it, since he's frequently collaborated with Michelle Creber in recent times. [/slight drama]

It's was an okay episode. Not on par with the last two, but better than Power Ponies and a lot better than Daring Don't. All these S4 episodes have the odd moment of hilarity, and this one delivered in that regard. Plus it feels like forever since I last heard Apples To The Core which I still think sounds like an inferior VIP mix of True, True Friend. Animation seemed odd during that scene too.



*Wonders if @Racedude will ever return*
So... watched the new episode. Spoilers below.
Cue Apple Pie jokes.
The way the episode was going, I wasn't surprised they'd start singing Apples to the Core, knowing of the song prior to Season 4.
Congratulations Apple Bloom, you're the new Tara Strong.
Not surprised about the ambiguity of Pinkie's relations. Saw the ending coming.
Oh, and Twilight still has wings.
So, after thinking about this for a long time and needing to catch up, I've decided to start watching MLP in full swing (I've found a website that should have all the episodes in each series. DailyMotion to be exact). I have decided to start watching from Season 2 onwards (I've watched Season 1 so much, I pretty well know what's going to happen every second) and since both 2&3 have at least 25 episodes, I think, I'll be watching for a while before I get to Season 4 and then I shall be caught fully. I'll be watching an episode a day. So to count up, at least 50 episodes in two seasons plus any new episodes from season 4 equals over two months of non-stop bronies paradise. Maybe three, I don't know. Goodbye fellow bronies, but not forever. See y'all's on the other side.

BTW, Season 2 has a lot of Flutter in the later episodes, so I'll be working my way up. #Fluttershy fan!!!
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Season 3 actually was a half season, because Hasbro wanted to go off and create some hype for Equestria Girls, and it just made the wait for season 4 excruciatingly long.
Ah, looks like it won't take me as long. Yay! Still season two has a lot of episodes. Can't remember the exact total. And you saying that season 3 has half? So 15-16 episodes?
It's not that I don't like it, it's different. Ya know.

Edit: Need an opinion. Doesn't anyone else think my avatar is a bit still on the colors? Or is it me?

Now I sound like Rarity. Everything has to be perfect. :lol:
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The latest episode's name is Pinkie Apple Pie?
...why does it sound like a certain type of fanfic?

Aaaniways, a year has passed and looks like it was a pretty poor year for my pictures. The summer time was just terrible. Can't believe that I haven't uploaded any pics or photos in June! D:


LINK <- Click here to get links to pics.


I made a couple of .gifs this month. (forgot to post them here) Some already seen them though.



And another one is HERE
So now with JJ pretty much gone, who is really left from the early days? I can think of a couple of authors (Nick Nack, Wanderer D) and a few artists (ss2sonic and Kloudmutt really being the main ones that come to mind), but JJ had always been the stalwart for literally as long as I've been interested in this stuff.

Where did all the time go?
After all this time, I have now completed my ponysona.


The blue is actually the same as my font color. The black and gold are a sort of tradition for me, dates back to when my OC pony (I'll bring her back at some point.) was black and gold.

The cutie mark wa supposed to look like the helmet I used in GT5, but I changed it, and now its just a generic white helmet.

And I do actually have green eyes, so that is the same.

Now, I have an idea for an awesome commision...
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So now with JJ pretty much gone, who is really left from the early days? I can think of a couple of authors (Nick Nack, Wanderer D) and a few artists (ss2sonic and Kloudmutt really being the main ones that come to mind), but JJ had always been the stalwart for literally as long as I've been interested in this stuff.

Madmax is the only other artist I can name without going back and looking at who was active 3 years ago. And Ed's still around of course, apart from when his roadtrip buddies keep abducting him whenever he has any free time. D:

Of course I'll miss JJ once S4 ends. He left Ask Molestia at an oddly fitting point with that last comic, even if leaving this soon wasn't quite what he'd planned thanks to tumblr's trigger-happy report & delete system (and those helping to bring it down all these months, possibly). People can take it upon themselves to continue where others left off as well. We've still got the art and fics, and while the old guard move on to new things, their legacy within the fandom will remain. Hopefully the next project they get involved in will be a fruitful endeavor, though I don't reckon it can ever match the same level as FiM.

Anyway, I only came on to post that along with my thought on the new episode, so....

Huh, female Wonderbolts from Cloudsdale can be real bitches. But other than that, this episode easily slots into the top 3 for this season. Very reminiscent of Wonderbolts Academy for reasons obvious, but more enjoyable in some ways. Like Fluttershy (or Flutterdry) again proving she's a more likeable character this season, even when she isn't doing all that much to drive the episode along.

Hell, they even brought Derpy back. Not in a speaking role (unless high-pitched screaming counts), but it felt better to see her here than it was 2 years ago. Jesus... it's been that long since Last Roundup?

And we've got another key for that mystery box, methinks.

tl;dr (spoiler)
It happened again. Spoilers as usual.

So I heard about a "surprise" or something in the new episode. Derpy?
Yes, it is. I don't care about finding out from EqD, I saw it coming. Also, the big white guy is back, whatever he is. Whatever.
It's just great to know that she's back.
Scary? Not really.
How does he fly with such tiny wings?
P is for Rainbow Dash? I guess it really is time to taste the painbow.
Flying through rings? Where have I seen that before?
Don't have much to say about this one. At least Derpy's back.

I do loves me some rock, but...

...I have trouble figuring out how this one is different.
Awh, I'll miss the cute Gamer Luna. She was my fav character on that Tumblr. The last comic was the one with the snowball, right?

Mysticalpha still draws a lot of stuff:

And some others, like Darkpen and others, but most of their stuff is OC art. There's still a lot of great artists out there. Did JJ quit drawing too?
Madmax is the only other artist I can name without going back and looking at who was active 3 years ago. And Ed's still around of course, apart from when his roadtrip buddies keep abducting him whenever he has any free time. D:

Wait... we forgot Valter!

Did JJ quit drawing too?

No, just putting an end to Ask Molestia before moving away from pony art once Season 4 finishes. I heard he's aiming to finish a comic series he started before FiM among other non-pony related stuff. Mostly other comics.

Wait... we forgot Valter!


How could anyone forget Valter?


EDIT: So JJ even had the actual ending to Molly's blog planned out. One that we might never see.

In other news, he says there's a chance that Gamer Luna will be continued on his backup blog.
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