The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I have but one thing to say on the new episode:

Sweet, delicious shipping fuel. :D
EDIT: So JJ even had the actual ending to Molly's blog planned out. One that we might never see. :/

In better news, he just said there's a chance that Gamer Luna will be continued on his backup blog. One or two posts a week on there is better than nothing.


That's the one that he put up the first time it got taken down, right?

Derpy! : D

I see Dash is inept enough to chose the worst flyers to be on the team, there must've been better options.
At least Fluttershy's flying has gotten better.

Edit: So Applejack is still shoving her hoof in other ponies mouths, lol.




Best thing.
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Hm. Wonder how he's going to run it. Will their be occasional Molly?

Questions, questions.


"It will take more than that to defeat me, Sparkle!"
My favorite picture. :P

by Winterrrr

This is one of six of the main ponies with headphones. :D Only reason why I posted this only is because this was the only one that doesn't have a deranged white outline all over. :( Plus, no Applejack. :( If you still want me to post the others, I will. :)
I remember that set. Still really disappointed with how the Twilight turned out after the others were so nice.

And a clean-lined full-color Gamer Luna blog would be great, but I won't be surprised if he ended up putting more into the re-introductory post. I actually prefer slower updates at a higher quality over the usual rapid updates with rough lines and no color, but I'd be happy with either one from him.
:D Twilight looks a little... Iffy, if you know what I mean. :( I just like really good art that is done well. I'll look for a Gamer Luna. I would love to see this.:)

Flash Sentry is back?

Looks like there is a blue leak in Equestria, I need to fix that...

Discord may be reformed, but that doesn't stop him from being the ultimate troll.

Wrong turn at Albuquerque!

What in the ever loving **** is that thing!?

Wilhelm screamed!

Like I said, ultimate troll.

What ever the **** that thing was came back and sneezed on Discord.

And then he asked for a glass of water. It could've been worse, it could have been a chocolate milk of glass.
I barely had enough time to catch all those gags during Discord's reprise.

Harry Potter crossover to name but one.

I feel like this episode is better than I first thought. The first half felt slow but enjoyable, and didn't really pick up until Discord started singing. At which point things started to move at the speed of light and actually turned out pretty well after that. Good to see Cadance outside royal surroundings for once, and how much of an adrenaline junkie she is. overall, not bad.

Also, Fluttershy visiting those "Breezies" will be a key part in another episode, with the events taking place at the same time as Three's a Crowd. Similar to Just For Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play, only not back-to-back.

Spoilers as usual.
So apparently the Breezies are a previous gen thing. Okay.
Also, this premise seems familiar. Ticket Master?
Hooray for patio furniture.
There goes Pinkie. Or not.
Orange guard pone. Brad, is that you?
Him again?
Hanging in the balance? Fainting couch? I smell call back laden episode. Or not.
The lamppost's running away!
Eeyup. Nope. Maybe.
Feeling blue, Applejack?
Turn to Fluttershy.
Blue's Flus.
So, we don't get to see the Breezies. Oh well.
Okay, I'm just excited for next week's episode. You probably know why.