The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

I admire her. Its concept are close to my own character besides Derpy.

Twilight is obviously Hermione. So is AJ... Ron?


Or, wait. It's a flashback. Twilight is... James, and AJ is Sirius. There. That's better. Wait, no. That doesn't make sense because RD would be James...

We'll just say AJ is Harry.
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Might go to a brony meetup today, cause I have the chance. I've always wanted to go to one, but I've never really had the chance or it hasn't crossed my mind.
So I went to a meetup for the first time today. It was a thing. The hard part was finding the group within a sea of people, because food court at a big mall. Once I found the group, we talked about the show a bit and at some point, we played Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. I lost both games I played. I got close on the second one. We were playing to 8 points, and I was tied for first with 7 points. The other guy got the necessary 8 points. Also, I got a paper cut at some point. I think I was reaching for my phone when I cut my finger on a train ticket that was in my pocket. About 3 hours after I got there, I went home, but not before getting a burger.

Also, when I got there, I told some guy something I noticed from Rainbow Rocks: Without the video, Sunset Shimmer singing is indistinguishable from Twilight. He had a "Can't unsee" reaction.

I don't know. All I know is that it's not by Immatoonlink.
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