The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So today I was playing Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder with someone at school (This has been going on for quite a while), and I ended up meeting three goals in a single turn. I think at the beginning, two of the goals were Budding Curiosity (Ship a pony with and a Rule 63 version of the same one together) and Fabulousity (Ship two Rarities together). Since I had both a Rule 63 card and a Rarity card at some point and there was a Rarity on the board, I was waiting for a chance to ship them, except the Rarity on the board was in a spot where there wasn't enough room. So I was waiting for a card that would let me swap positions, so I could meet both goals, but then the grid got broken up, sending the Rarity on the board into the discard pile. But later, things went exactly like I wanted. The Hot For Teacher goal (Ship Twilight and Celestia) got turned up, and Fabulousity and Budding Curiosity still hadn't been met. And soon enough, I picked up Celestia, still holding onto the Rule 63 and Rarity cards. So on my turn, I shipped Celestia with Twilight (Getting me the Hot For Teacher goal), and Celestia lets you search the discard piles for a card to play, so I picked up the other Rarity and played it along with the one I had and the Rule 63 card, getting me Fabulousity and Budding Curiosity in one play. And that's how I met all three available goals in one turn. I ended up winning with 8 points I think. In a two player game, you're supposed to play to 10, but we ran out of time. Just for the fun of it, I ended up meeting the Shipwrecker goal anyway once it got turned up. The objective for that one is to break up 12 ships in a single turn, so I played a bunch of swap cards that I had.

So yeah.
So I was playing Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder today and ended up winning with 11 points, just in time for the bell. I was getting goals left and right, and with not much time, the goal where you have to ship two changelings came up and I was at 8 points. The earth pony changeling card was on the board, and Chrysalis was lurking in the discard pile. Just before the bell goes off for me to actually go to class, I played a search card, got Chrysalis and played her with the other changeling, getting the goal.

Man, these TSSSF recaps are long.
Brony meetup recap, because these are a thing:

Got there before 1 PM and people were already there anyway. As I had brought along a deck, we had a game of Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. At some point the Cargo Ship goal was up, and I got it from shipping Smarty Pants and Tom. It wasn't until then that I noticed they're together on the art of the Cargo Ship goal card. That was a laugh. Also, someone had a PS Vita that the guy said he got essentially knew from Japan for only 150 dollars (It's listed at 200 at Walmart, same as a 3DS). I think he said that he was supposed to be getting a used one and someone screwed up and gave him a knew one. And it was a blue one, because the Japanese market Vita can be had in a bunch of colors that aren't black or white. Because Japan, the confirm/cancel key bindings are different from North America. The guy mentions this because someone else had a white NA market Vita at the meetup, and he was seeing the other person use it. At some point, a bunch of us piled downstairs to the mall (Metrotown is pretty big) and checked out the pony section at Toys R Us. I didn't get anything. 14 dollars for the Pony Mania Photo Finish seemed a bit much. Later, in the video game section, I questioned the existence of a Duck Dynasty video game. Why that exists, I don't know.
It was heavily implied in RR's post-credits scene. Not exactly a "shock horror!" rumour.
The only thing that would be a "shock horror" to me is if there wasn't a third EQ movie. Especially after finally introducing human Twilight Sparkle.

Later, in the video game section, I questioned the existence of a Duck Dynasty video game. Why that exists, I don't know.
Teach your children racism, homophobia and general intolerance for anyone who isn't a straight white Christian.

I'm thinking of shipping Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer based on RR. What would you call that? Sunshy? Fluttershimmer?
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